Search results

  1. buffyfan

    Stickers for Calendar

    Can anyone tell me where the stickers are located on the website? I used to be able to download them and print them and now i can't find them. any help would be much appreciated. thanks. theresa
  2. buffyfan

    question for runners

    I have a question for all you runners out there. I've only been running since April - 3 to 4 times a week. I ran 5 miles straight two weeks ago and the next day I had significant pain in my upper right leg/thigh (maybe hip flexor?) I stopped running for about a week or so but I was signed up...
  3. buffyfan

    Why am I so hungry?

    I need some tips/advice. I have added running into my cathe routine (I started back in April) and so far have not lost any weight. Kinda sucks because the running really kicks my butt so I feel like I should be losing weight!!!!! Anyway, I notice that I am always hungry. Unless I eat a big...
  4. buffyfan

    still can't get into workout manager

    I know lots of people are having problems and I did post this but on the wrong forum. anyway, when I tried to log into cathe after the forum changes it told me my password was incorrect. so I obtained a new password and then discovered that they had my old email address - i was still getting...
  5. buffyfan

    can't log into WM

    Help! I tried to log into the workout manager with my username and password and it is telling me that a "token" is missing. Does anyone know what that means??? Thanks!
  6. buffyfan

    Watches for Running

    Hey all. I need some help. I recently started running (it is so hard!!!!!) and am looking for a watch to use to count my mileage. I don't want to spend alot but I want something that actually works. I saw one on amazon that seemed like it would do the trick but the reviews weren't very good...
  7. buffyfan


    I have a question about the MP3 workouts you are planning. I think I read a while ago that you were planning on creating an MP3 workout for walkers/joggers/runners. Are you still planning on doing that? It would be great to have an MP3 workout with Cathe for when I start walking/jogging...
  8. buffyfan

    Which DVD to buy next?

    Okay. I have a question. I will be getting some christmas money and I am trying to decide what Cathe(s) to buy next. I am considering CTX, or the timesaver workouts or slow and heavy and pure strength. Which do you guys recommend I get first? I'm probably only going to have around $120 in...
  9. buffyfan

    Does anyone know when the new DVDs will be shipped?

    That's all I wanted to ask. I thought they were going to ship sometime this month for some reason. Just wondered if anyone knew anything. T.:-)
  10. buffyfan


    Hey I have a question that hopefully one of you great ladies can answer for me. I am thinking about doing some kind of body cleanse but do not know what to buy. like a colon cleanse or something. can anyone help me out with names of products that actually work? Thanks a ton for any input. T.
  11. buffyfan

    chin up bar

    I just purchased a chin up bar that you put in the doorway which I haven't tried yet so this question may be a little premature BUT, does anyone know where you can get a free standing chin up bar that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? If the one that I bought for the doorway works then great but...
  12. buffyfan

    Question to SNM about the sound issue

    I'm assuming other people have already addressed this issue, but when the replacement dvds are made are they going to fix the sound on the dvds also? On LIC and BM2 the music drowns out Cathe's voice through most of the workout. More on LIC than on BM2. I haven't had a chance to check the...
  13. buffyfan

    Bands used in videos

    I have a question for anyone who can answer. where can i buy the 6 foot dyna bands used in Cathe's videos? I have a few of her videos and am planning on getting lots more but I cannot find a band like the one she uses in her videos. Not to be picky but I really want a pink one!!!! If anyone...
  14. buffyfan

    New to Cathe - What tapes should I purchase first?

    I saw another post on here from someone who's new to Cathe and looking for suggestions for her specific needs so I decided to post my own questions. I do like to do step aerobics and I have a fanny lifter, barbell, free weights, stability ball, tubing, medicine balls and ankle weights. I have...