Hey all! This is fun seeing the different ages of everyone. I just turned 46 on the 3rd. It's good to see others that are right there with me!
See ya' soon,
I am right with you Meecher; I would NEVER have thought I would do something like this! I am not that nervous yet, but know I will be... I get so excited just when Cathe answers a question that I've posted, I can't imagine what I'll be like "hanging out" with her in PERSON!!! I'm mainly a...
Hi Holly!
It's pretty cool to find someone so close that's going. I'm in Overland Park all the time (great shopping!). Do you have your plane reservations yet? Are you going alone? I'd like to know more about what time on Friday things will start happening before I get my plane ticket...
Hi TerryMia! I guess we're pretty much on opposite sides of the state. I've often wondered if there were any other Catheites near me. I don't think my husband will flip out; he'll just think I'm crazy! Oh well, they just don't get it. (By the way, my name is Linda.) Hope to see ya' there!
I'm going, too. I haven't informed my husband yet. But I'm like you guys, I just couldn't wait to sign up!
TerryMia, I'm from Missouri. I live North of Kansas City. Where do you live?
RE: Kickmax drills
Hi Nicole!
Just wanted to let you know that Cathe answered my question in another post. (Someone else asked the same thing.) She said a couple times a week would be fine. That's what I had planned to try. Good luck in your conditioning efforts!
Hi Cathe!
I have trouble with my shoulders. They have always been my weak spot. What would you suggest to help me strengthen them? When I try to up my weights, my form suffers; and I know that's a no-no. Would increasing the number of shoulder workouts per week help? Would...
Hi Cathe!
All I have to say about the conditioning drills in Kickmax is they kicked my butt! Man, am I feeling them today. Now I know what you mean when you say in the video "boy, do we have work to do!" I haven't felt this "worked" in a while.
My question is, now that I know how...
Hi Cathe,
I'd love to see you do an "Ab Hits 2" DVD. I am currently pulling out ME,C&Ws,BC,KPC,SJP,SSs,PUB,etc. to do the ab segments alone. Wouldn't there be enough of the newer ab sections to put on a DVD? I'd buy it in a second! Linda
Thanks Cathe! I am so excited that YOU answered! I just said to a co-worker "I can't believe CATHE replied!". I've been doing your workouts almost exclusively for nearly 10 years (I own every one), and you are SUCH an inspiration! I never would have reached an advanced level of training...
Cathe or someone who knows, please resolve the walking lunges question about how to count them. Does 1 lunge consist of a step forward on one leg only or is it one leg AND the other? I've been watching the previous thread, but noone that has answered seems to know for sure. I want to start...
Hi Fitnut! I am intrigued by your rotation! I am another cardio fanatic - 6 times/wk. Right now, I think I'm overtraining; I'm always sore somewhere! Does cutting back the cardio give you more strength on weight-training days? Also, what does BFL stand for? What type of diet do you follow...
RE: Anyone keep looking at the Body Blast pics over and...
Yep, I'm guilty too...don't want to miss any new ones, either, if posted! Something about seeing what EXCELLENT shape they're in, helps me aspire to the same (if they can do it, so can I, right?). I'm so excited to see what's in store...
MIC, hands down! Not the whole thing, just the last of the floor aerobics section (knee-lifts, powerkicks, swimkicks). Tough! IMAX1 is also super hard - I'll never forget how accomplished I felt when I did the whole thing! Give it a try and good luck! Linda
Thanks for your response! I never really thought about seeing someone about it, but it would be nice to know for sure what the problem is and hopefully get rid of it. Thanks again!
Hello everyone!
I need some advice. I have been struggling with soreness/pain in my right shoulder for as long as I can remember. I won't let myself stop working it (to see if it will heal after a while). I never lift really heavy weights; I usually use the weight that Cathe uses...
Thanks, Cathe, for posting the July rotation. I was afraid that there wasn't going to be one this month. I hate to admit it, but I've become dependent on them! They really help me stay motivated and they sometimes push me harder than I would myself. Knowing that this is what YOU recommend is...
Hi Cathe!
I know it's important to be really disciplined and
eat "clean", but do you EVER cheat? Did you have any
of your son's birthday cake? I see you guys looking
so SPECTACULAR and wonder what it REALLY takes to get
physiques like that! Do you have any...
Hey there!
I'm SOOOOO excited about new tapes already!!!!
STYLIZED STEP and PUSH/PULL sound great. I agree that if
"Intro to Cathe" will be an advanced level workout (in spite
of a lot of breakdown), it should probably have a different