"kickbutt" drills


Hi Cathe!

All I have to say about the conditioning drills in Kickmax is they kicked my butt! Man, am I feeling them today. Now I know what you mean when you say in the video "boy, do we have work to do!" I haven't felt this "worked" in a while.

My question is, now that I know how effective those drills are, how often should they be done to really reap the benefits? Obviously, if you only do them once in a while, you won't get results. So, what would you recommend?

I'm loving this "burn" and I'm loving the new workouts! Thanks for your devotion and hard work (not that you ever appear to be working hard)! You never cease to amaze me; you are AWESOME!


Great question!!:D (I agree with EVERYTHING you posted!!) I'd be real curious to what the answer might be. I was thinking that I might use the leg drills as a add on a couple times a week.

RE: Kickmax drills

Hi Nicole!

Just wanted to let you know that Cathe answered my question in another post. (Someone else asked the same thing.) She said a couple times a week would be fine. That's what I had planned to try. Good luck in your conditioning efforts!


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