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  1. W

    Xers: Feels Like the Old Days... Tuesday

    Good morning chatty Cathe's. This morning was a 45 minute walk on the treadmill and BM2 abs. I must admit that even the BM2 abs were a little hard for me, so I must either stick with pilates or yoga abs until my back gets a little better. This is definately for the birds. But on the better side...
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    Xers Marinating Maraschinos Monday

    Hey, I was bored and instead of catching up on personals, I decided to search the web. I have no idea if any of you have seen this or come across it, but hey. It is Brenda in an interview. Gotta go and cook dinner. I hope everyone is having a...
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    Xers Marinating Maraschinos Monday

    WOWY!!!! I am so sore from BK Tone Yoga. Traci yes, do pull fix it. Glad I could help in any way}( . Today I am going to do a 45 minute walk on the treadmill. These love handles aren't getting any smaller and I definately have to do something about it. And then I will do some form of stomach...
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    Xer's Sunny Sunday!

    Hi there and good morning. Today was Bryan Kest Tone yoga. I have to admit that when I first did this workout I did not like it. Bryan kind of annoyed me. But doing it again today, I think I absolutely love this workout. Maybe because it is not as hard from doing Eion for weeks now. So maybe...
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    Xers...... Happy Dance Friday!!!!!!!

    Traci - No no my dear, I think that you need to get your mind out of the gutter and get back with Mr.Clooney}( . My girl is just being shall we say....a little creative, that's all. And wha??? I am suppose to blend my weeds? Where is this information coming from:+ ? Lea
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    Xers...... Happy Dance Friday!!!!!!!

    Traci - Oopsss....didn't mean to spoil}( :P . My girlie of a meez is trying to climb the dern wall, but silly thing forgot to take off her rollerskates!!! Blondes, or wanna be blondes, I tell ya. But because my meez is sized down, it does not show the full animation or else she would be climbing...
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    Xers...... Happy Dance Friday!!!!!!!

    Traci - You have been watching too much of "The View"!!!!! LOL.}( Lea
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    Xers...... Happy Dance Friday!!!!!!!

    Eion done. It was hard today as my body is not so limber. Traci - Have fun with your workout. I am still curious as to what you were going to explain to me??? Sandra - Wow jeeze, I didn't even realize you are on week 12. You go girl. Talk to you soon. IF not, have a great day. Lea
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    Xers...... Happy Dance Friday!!!!!!!

    Good morning. Thanks for starting us off again Tracy. Today is Magically Hips. Tracy - You mean my avatar doesn't look appetizing to you? LOL. Have a great day to you too. Debra - OOps, almost typed Debbie after reading yesterday's post. ROF!! Debbie Does Dallas, now that was a great...
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    Xers Chai Time Thursday

    Good afternoon and howdy to all of you!! I see everyone is busy chatting away today. No workout as I am sore from the chiro, but in a good way. I will definately start yoga tomorrow. Hello Eion. Purr }( . Wendy - ROFLMAO with everyone else around here. I am with the curious minds, do we...
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    Xers.....Windy Wednesday.....

    Good evening ladies. Most of you are probably asleep all ready. I was able to go to the chiropractor today and boy am I sore. My boys had to go with me and it was quite an experience for them. My chiro is also and accupuncturist, so there were needles coming out of my body with stuff burning on...
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    Xers......Totally Tuesday.................

    Nicole - ((((HUGS))) I hope things change for the better for you and very soon. I am very sorry that you are going through such a rough time. I am also sorry to hear about your aunt. Take care. Lea
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    Xers......Totally Tuesday.................

    Sandra - LOL. No, I don't force my stuff on the kids. They get the good ol Nesquick with good old fashioned milk:P . Lea
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    Xers......Totally Tuesday.................

    Good morning gang. No workout yesterday and probably not today. My back is just not doing so well. I think I will make an appointment with the chiro today. I worked a convention last weekend and made the silly mistake of wearing boots with heels. Not the smartest of choices and I am paying for...
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    Xers.....Super Bowl Sunday.......

    All I have to say is WOOHOO we WON!!!!! Lea
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    Xers.....Super Bowl Sunday.......

    Debra - I am glad that you are feeling better. Take it easy today. Sorry that DD was not on the news. do have to tell. Who is the local Giant guy?? Curious minds want to know. Lea
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    Xers.....Super Bowl Sunday.......

    Traci - Hey there. Yay! You were able to sleep in. Good for you. I have a question for you, are you going to wear the Hooters outfit along with making the hot wings;-)? Thanks for rooting for the Giants. It is really hard to come by these days with the Pats and their winning streakx( . So...
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    Xers.....Super Bowl Sunday.......

    Good morning ladies. Happy Sunday. Today I am soooo sore from Eion(don't you hate when that happens) that I am definately not doing a workout today. And it is the SuperBowl which my DH's team is in(and they are not the favorites, so it is nail biting time), so junk food will be in place...
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    Xers.....So nice to be Saturday.......

    Eion 80 minute sweatfest done. Boy did I not expect to sweat on that one. But what a great workout in the end. I thought that the stomach was going to kill me though. Guess I better work on that since swimsuit season is coming upon us in a whilex( . Nicole - I am glad you enjoyed your...
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    Xers.....So nice to be Saturday.......

    Good morning ladies. Wow, I have the entire house to myself and I can't even sleep in. Go figure. Today I plan on doing the 80 minute Eion. If not I will do Bryan Kest toning, or maybe do a nice walk. Who knows. Traci - you have me freaked out. 6 weeks until bathing suit season?? Oh no:o ...