Morning Xers,
Round 3/Phase 3/Week 10/Day 4
Workout: PY4H Magically Hips
I was a 1/2 hour late for work this morning, because apparently people don't know how to drive.

Black ice on the freeway, so I decided to take some back roads into work this morning. Too bad my choice was the wrong road. I turned around and headed south and then east, that was a much better choice. On the freeways the traffic was only going 20MPH. Way to slow for me.
Glad I was able to get my workout in, because I need to get the dog some food after work. I will also need to make a dessert for church. They rescheduled Ash Wednesday service for tomorrow, so I will need to be there for choir.
Traci, I had to LOL about the nookie night and Carrie Underwood. I received my Fitness mag in the mail yesterday. DH was looking at it this morning because LeAnn Rimes was on the cover. :7 :7 He was reading the article about her. :7 :7 Did you get the Fat Loss mag from Oxygen? They had a plyo workout in there that actually looked tempting to try.
Nicole, Very nice of the woman to call and appoligize. Sorry to hear that you DS is sick. I have the cherries in the freezer right now soaking in brandy. I will dip them on Wednesday. :9
Wendy, Yes I was very glad I missed HSM. I was dreading having to go. I hope that didn't start the bad karma. Only if you believe in that type of thing I guess.

Should be done with the X in about 3 weeks. Then I'm planning on doing a plus rotation.

Rice Krispy Treats are so nummy. :9 All this talk of food this morning is making me hungry again. And I already had breakfast. Glad your workout went well.
Debra, Are you going to be with the germ infested urchins on Thursday?

This could be dangerous, the germs seem to be at super germ status lately. Oh yes be very happy that you are gone from this area. I feel like I'm back living in northern WI. Have a great breakfast with CBL.
Tracy, Dang on being sick, and having to look at a messy kitchen. Not fun. I had a slight ear ache and sore throat yesterday. But this morning I felt fine. My nose has been running constantly though. Last night I actually slept with socks on my feet, and Cami kept my feet warm until DH came to bed.

DH said he had a hard time getting the dog off our bed.
Lea, Quit tempting me with those chocolates. :9 I actually love those boxes of chocolates. A surprise in every bite. :9
Jeanette, My DH's car ended up being $250 to repair. We will be bringing my car in tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers that there is nothing serious. I know how much transmission work is. My brother works on them all the time. To bad he lives up in Duluth, MN. x( He would be more than happy to help us out. I am looking forward to April too. I find it funny that DH is telling everyone that I am heading out for this retreat.

Maybe he is just happy to get rid of me.

The next weekend he is off to Vegas for a conference.
Sandra, Dang on the germs that have invaided your house also. Hope you are able to get through the workout with so little sleep.
TG, You also had the bad drive into work, dang on that. Love your workout today.
Have a great day!