Oh boy girls, it's been quite an emotional week! I am so worn out that come 8:00 I'm ready for bed. To top it off I woke up today with such a bad UTI that I could hardly walk. I have been getting them more frequently lately and I don't like it. I did not do yoga today so I may do doubles tomorrow or may not depending on how I feel.
Thank you all for the love and support. I have all of your sweet words playing in my head when I'm feeling down and out. I say, "Traci and Tracy wouldn't put up with this! and Wendy will give him a talking too!" Believe it or not, it helps
DH and I are at least on speaking terms but I need to have serious talks with him about how he handles certain situations. He always resorts to belittling me when he gets angry and after 10 years of it, it's starting to eat away at who I am. I know he loves me I just think he needs help communicating. I know most men are not on the same wavelength as women but there needs to be a middle ground. It's like a dog that's been hit too many times, it becomes skittish.(DH does not get physical so don't worry about that)! Ok, enough about me.
Wendy, You are a better woman than I! I would run screaming back to the airport

I can now see why you would not live there for two years

Is Phil just too glad to have you back home? Thanks for the support. I know you would give my DH your two cents if you were here

Even though your on the other side of the country, I know you have my back! Way to go on pushing play!!! See, it didn't kill you
Tracy, I'll have to try that 4DS premix in a few weeks when I'm done with the X. More classes you say? Does that mean you'll be gone again? 1500 hours is a lot! Will you get more money when it's over? Ok, I just read the answer to that question. sounds like it's worth it to me. It would be nice to be really needed

Not that you aren't now, but maybe you could work with people that appreciate you like you deserve
Debra, Are things better today with CBL? How was breakfast? Is he on the same page as you as far as the moving fast thing goes? Glad to hear DD had a fun time at the circus and even happier that you were able to stay away from the germ infested urchins

No yoga? Shocking! I didn't get mine in either so we're even

How is class going? Maybe it's the stress of having too much stuff going on that's making you uneasy about your relationship with CB. As if XDH has any room to talk!!! What a turd.
Sandra, Goodness, you, Debra and I all gave yoga a shove today! It must have been something in the water

What a nice neighbor you are! So thoughtful

Did you get much of your thesis done today? How is it having a nanny? Do the girls like her? I'm glad you had a fun workout today. I wish I could say the same. I guess there's always tomorrow!
Traci, You are too funny! Did you watch George in a movie recently and had romantic dreams about him

Does Wendell know about this

How many clients do you have now? Are they enjoying their workouts and seeing results? That must be gratifying for you. Glad you are sleeping well again and clients are keeping you busy but you musn't scare us all like that! Oh good, I'm not the only one who talks to them self while working out

I pretend someone is working out with me and challenging me to keep going. It works every time.
Latrese, Your still on track! Good for you
Jeanette, How nice of you to have dinner with your mom and dad every week. I do the same with mine on Sundays but lately it's been every other. Is it warm up there too? We are enjoying 70 degrees every day this week. I have been wearing flip flops and short sleeves. Ok, now I'm bragging

What are you going to Reno for? Anything special or just a regular trip? LOL, DH's do know when to stay quiet don't they? I can guarantee your legs are better than mine right now! Thanks for the {{{hugs}}}. I am in need of them this week for sure!
Laurie, My cousin has been talking about all the snow and I'm really having a hard time picturing it. It is so sunny and warm here the thought of snow is far from my mind. Yes, you can kick me now

She will be here next month and she said it will be payback

I'll have to check out the link for The Firm DVD. I actually have the Transfirmer and it's collecting dust under the bed. Once I found Cathe all else paled in comparison. Sounds like that supplier is a nice guy. That would be hard to suffer the loss of mobility like that.
Carol, Glad everyone is healthy! What yoga did you end up doing?
Lea, I hope you are feeling the love from the chiro tomorrow. I really need to go in for an adjustment too. How are the boys? Are they glad to get outside again after all of the rain? It is beautiful here this week so I am making sure that DS's get out as much as possible!
Kim, I sure hope you feel better soon! The doctor told me the flu has been lasting for a couple of weeks instead of days. I sure hope it's less for you and that your upa nd ready to face the day tomorrow.
Christiane, Did you get CS in yesterday? It is a tough one but good
Ok, I must turn in for the night! Glad I got in here to say hi before you all forgot about me
DS has a bball game tomorrow so I hope to get in and chat in the morning.
Bring it!!!