Xer's Sunny Sunday!


Can it be???? I am starting us off today?? Tracy must really be sick and of course, Traci is at the bay...Christiane is with her DD and that leaves me?? Goodness...I hope everyone is okay! Back in a bit with personals....



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

I lied when I said I would be back for personals....I really have to get going. CBL and I are spending the day in Chapel Hill and then going to the game tonight. Should be a fun time!

Tracy...Hope you are feeling better!

Nicole.....Please send me you email address...I would like to send you a personal note....but I think your profile is still disabled. My email is [email protected] {{{{{HUGS}}}} to you!

Hope everyone has a great day!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,

I'm not feeling as bad this morning as yesterday, so that's good. I have to do some yoga because I feel stiff and achey. Other than that, I'll probably just do a little cleaning and that's it.

Debra - Glad you were up to start us off. Have a nice day with CB.

Jeanette - Except for the stomach ache, it sounds like your ride was a good one. You are much tougher than I. I'll have to get more clothes to ride in 40 degree weather.

Classic/ Week 12/ Day 7/ Rest or XStretch

Hello! I wish it was a sunny Sunday here. We've got overcast skies and snow in the forecast until at least the end of the week. The temps aren't crazy cold, though, so it'll at least be manageable.

Debra....Have a good day with CBL! Your Meez cracks me up. It reminds me of the Bette Midler/Peggy Lee song I mentioned a while back: "Is That All There Is?", where she just wants to keep on dancing. Just break out the booze and have a ball, while the world goes one around her. Boogie Nights! Not THAT'S a very good movie! I find the weight work in SJP a little lacking, too. A really good combo is to add on weight work from Push Pull. She's seems to have made those two to work together. You asked for thoughts on Cathe's Feb rotation. It is very different than anything she's put out before. I think I see the logic of it. The 3 hard cardio days are to burn calories (reduce bodyfat), while the 3 weight days are to build muscle. The leg workout in there would also count as a calorie burner. And because you get such a long stretch between cardio sessions, and weight sessions, you won't get burnt out or bored with either. I think it's a really good rotation, but worry that I would miss cardio during the second half of the week. Of course, you never know unless you try. It's nice that CBL's daughter has a good relationship with her mother. With an older child like that, you at least won't get cast in the evil step-mother role.

Tracy....Oooooh, get better soon! So, you're near the end of the Phase 2 weight work already! That seemed to go by fast.

Nicole....Are you so sleepy from the stress, or are the new workouts taking a toll? Or both? I've done 3 of the Plus workouts and yes, am really happy with them. I'm going to wait until Laurie starts the Plus rotation with me in a few weeks before I get into the UB+ and TB+ workouts. I might experiment with them a bit before then, out of curiosity. TB+ the day after CS sounds like a tough couple of days. Not sure I'd want to try that :)

Jeanette....Oh, that must have felt wretched, when you had to lie down. What'd you think about the movie? We watched Hoodwinked with the kids last night. That is a fun, super good family movie. Then DH and I watched Good Luck Chuck. Booooooo. Not a good movie. Quite dumb, IMO. Yup, yesterday was my busy Saturday and when I got home I was just too tired to write. My goodness, the feast you brought to your parents of Friday sounded so yummy. I haven't started previewing ASC yet. Maybe today.

Wendy....Your DD has blond hair? Does she take after her dad, for her colouring? You asked about my legs. I think they look very good, except for a bit of jiggle on the back of the thighs. I doubt I'll see much improvement in that area until I get rid of some more bodyfat. With all the travelling you're doing, your own bed must seem foreign to you, especially with the new sheets. Have a good time this weekend. So LIC kicked your butt a little, did it? Heh heh. It's a fun one, though.

Kim....What a weeeeird experience to have in the grocery store! Is it possible you hallucinated the whole thing, given how sick you are? How are you feeling today? I hope you're back to 100% by now.

Traci....Just wondering if you plyo'd it up this weekend, as you were planning? I was a huuuuge fan of Rob Lowe as a teenager, from the movie he did with the then-brat-pack, St Elmo's Fire. Then he faded from my radar (went to jail!) until he reappeared in West Wing. I loved his character in that show. If I understand it correctly, daily cardio is only recommended for those who are trying to lose weight. If that is not your goal, then you only need about 30-60mins, 3 times a week, for the health benefits. I checked out Tony's Great Body Guaranteed workouts that you mentioned. You think they're still good? It's only $25 for the dvd; I was thinking I might order it along with the new 10 Min workouts. Regarding my rotation, I think my logic was that I would do one thorough leg workout per week, add on a session of floor work later in the week, and use intense cardio with lots of plyo-type moves as further leg work. I doubt I spent long enough with the rotation to see any real results. Nope, no breakfast in bed for me. Boo hoo. Do you watch The View every day? Why?

Have a great day!
Hi there and good morning. Today was Bryan Kest Tone yoga. I have to admit that when I first did this workout I did not like it. Bryan kind of annoyed me. But doing it again today, I think I absolutely love this workout. Maybe because it is not as hard from doing Eion for weeks now. So maybe sometime this week I will retry Shiva.

No hiking yesterday, we went and got the boys passports instead. I don't know if we are going to hiking today or not. Younger DS woke up coughing and a runny nose. It never ends with him. Guess I have to get on a strict diet of eating healthier with him.

Time to go and make breakfast. I hope you all have a pleasant Sunday. Hopefully tomorrow I can catch up with all of you.

Good sunny morning here,
I'm warming up my car, getting ready to go to the Sunday morning bike ride. If no one shows, I'll just come home. The girlfriend called and will be riding later in the day with her daughter.

Will be back later. Hope everyone has a great day.

Oh goodness, another selfish post from me.

DS started to complain about a sore ear last night about 8pm when we at my sister's place, at home by 9pm I gave him cold medicine and a hot pack. By 10 pm we were heading to the urgent care facility as he was screaming in pain. (this is my tough hockey player and he doesn't complain much and has been sick for over a week now). We put our name on a clipboard and sat in the waiting room for 20 mins, then the nurse called us up to triage and as soon as she saw the pain he was in she took him right away. The doctor could hear him moaning from down the hall and ordered tylenol with codeine before he entered the exam room. Then he came had a look and said both ears where extremely infected and no way was regular Tylenol going to hold that pain. Within minutes of getting the codeine his pain got under control. They gave him a double dose of antibiotics, another dose for the morning so we wouldn't have to stop and fill the prescription on the way home, 4 tylenol with codedine pills for pain for today and the antiobiotic prescription for a week. We were out of their in just over 75 minutes, almost pain free, and not one cent spent. I was so impressed with the staff! My poor little guy just can't seem to get better. He did play an awesome game Friday night, was the star of the game. DH was so proud, he heard the parents from the other team talking about what an awesome goalie we had.

Of course he's too sick (again) to do his paper route. I was awake at 7am because the dog fell out of the bed ;( . She really scared herself, her vision is going. So since I was up I decided I might as well delivered them, it was minus 46 degrees! We had a blizzard Friday night and lots of people haven't shovelled their walks and the sidewalks are one big snowdrift. I got a boot full of snow at one point which caused a wet sock now I think I have a patch of frostbite on the back of one ankle. The bright side is I think he gets paid an extra $1 for weather below -35 :+

Anyways he seems to be perking up a bit, my cold seems to be almost gone but I still have a deep chesty cough. I did manage to go PlyoX done yesterday and BB and ARX done after papers today. I have an extra day of work tomorrow so between tonight and tomorrow hopefully will get caught up on personals.

DH headed off to do errands and get the prescription filled. Later he has to go deal with some family issues. His mom phoned last week in tears, BIL who is 40 yrs old still lives at home with her and her husband. He is causing all kinds of problems and she is just too softhearted to kick him out. He's never left home, doesn't pay rent, doesn't help around the house, etc. She wants DH to talk with him and getting out of the house. DH said he would then with everyone sick all week he never got over there so needs done today.

For all those wondering about my grocery trip "friend" he was telling me that I was over stacking my cart and squashing my food and that I should always push 2 carts so that items can be spread out. Who the heck pushes two carts around the store. I just walked away from him, and he continue to yell after me, "I did my best, to warn you!" DH says I always meet the most interesting people in the grocery stores.

Hope you're all having a good weekend, Sandra is Edmonton got this cold snap again too?

Will plan to be back to catch up on personal later Kim
Hi Ladies!

Guess what! I'm posting on my new BlackBerry!!! I can't talk much since I'm all thumbs. LOL

Ballistic Hugs to all!!!
Back for personals, I went back and read the whole week's worth of post that took awhile!

Jeanette- I'm glad that you were able to get your Grandma some home assistance. Hopefully the oxygen will make her feel more energetic. That's so nice of you and DH to cook once a week for your parents .WTG on losing the 1 lb. I'm glad that you're getting in your occasional walk during work breaks. Sorry about the tummy ache while riding yesterday, I wonder if there is any way you can prevent it from happneing? Did you get to ride today?

Carol Glad to hear that your ankle is doing better!

Teddygirl Sounds like things are doing better with Ted, hope you're having a nice weekend

Laurie WOW you've had lots of snow! Did you enjoy HSM on ice? DD and I have tickets for Feb 24th She's very excited about it. Did you niece have a nice birthday yesterday?

Nicole I sure hope that you can find a way to work things out your DH. It doesn't sound like you're happy at all ((HUGS)) How is your Aunt doing, is she out of hospital? Have you finished with bb for the year? Do your kids sign up for a summer sport? It sure sounds like you are seeing good results from the new workouts! Are you on some antibiotics for the UTI?

Tracy I'm hope you didn't get sick! WTG on increasing wts/reps in B&B and getting back into the running. That's great that your DS is having good results from doing P90X! I would love to hear both about the certification you're taking, sounds very interesting!

Traci Hope you have a good weekend at the Bay! Hope you have recovered from not feeling well earlier in the week. Wow, you're doing great with the pyramid rotations, hopefully it'll bring you the results you want. Let us know what you learn in your new courses.

Lea -Are you enjoying the nice weather? I'm glad that the acupuncture/chiro is helping your back! The hospital staff had a education session on acupuncture recently, some of the physios are doing it at the hospital where I work, definitely becoming more mainstream. So how come you got the kids passports? Are you going on a trip?

Debra -I'm glad that you survivied the swimming with the kids. It's funny how I used to work at a pool and spend hours in the water, I never thought about the germs. Now that I'm older and go with my kids, I also think about the germs floating about. What a great job recapping for Wendy, I was so impressed! Good luck on your presentation tomorrow!

Sandra-SOunds like you got a good plan in place to get that thesis finished, what a huge job is must be. I think some time at beautiful Lake Louise will be a wonderful way to celebrate. Wow, you're so close to finishing your second round, what is your plan for afterwards?

Christiane How nice of you to leave a clean house for DH. Sorry you had such a rough greeting in the USA but enjoy your time with dd.

Wendy- Great to see you back. WTG on jumping back into the exercise! Enjoy catching up with the kiddos this weekend

Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is recharged and ready for the upcoming week. For me, I have a state holiday on Tuesday and I'm taking Friday off so only 3 days of work. Think that next Saturday I will go down to the valley to golf with some friends. DH will be at a camping get together with some friends in the same area so will drop by and see how he's doing too. I'm really looking forward to 70 plus degree weather that's predicted for that area. Better find my golf shoes, shorts and sunscreen. Had a good bike ride today. We did 28 miles. I was hoping for a shorter, less intense ride, but it so often depends on who shows up. There were 4 of us and it was a pretty good pace going out, with a nice tailwind. Coming back was slower with the headwind.

Nicole, DH and I enjoyed 3:10 to Yuma. I thought the acting was really good, though the ending was sad. Yep, riding a trainer in the garage gets tedious. The DVD's make it bearable. Not sure how warm it got here, but it was 35 degrees when we started riding. We're looking at highs in the low 50's here for the week, which will be really nice and hopefully melt all of this snow. We are at 4,200' so it stays much cooler. Sure hoping that you can get firm, but as unemotional as possible with your DH. Sometimes I think they don't think we are strong if we are crying, pleading, blah, blah.

Debra, how was the game today? Hope all went well. Do you have a presentation in the morning?

Tracy, hope you are feeling better today. I hate being sick but mostly because when I get a cold, it seems to go on and on and on. Actually, for riding in the 40 degree weather, all I wore was my bike shorts with tights over the top, wool socks, cycling shoes with toe warmer covers, long sleeved undershirt, jersey, ear band, helmet and long finger gloves (not heavy type). This morning's ride was colder and I wore just about the same except had a wool jersey over the undershirt. I was plenty warm. Guess I've just gotten used to it.

Sandra, hope your rest day was just that. DH and I enjoyed 3:10 to Yuma. Reminds me I need to put Fantastic Four in for us to watch. Oh, DH wants to watch it tomorrow night instead as he's watching something about sharks on the Discovery Channel. He actually watched the big golf tournament today on TV with me and another golf show too. I'm hoping he will get out with me to golf from time to time, or at least just come along with me for company. For those times, I just may rent a cart so he can drive and have something to do, plus it would be more pleasant. Kind of like when he agreed to ride mtn. bikes with me, and I'd load the ice chest with beer for afterwards. Sheesh! Did you get to preview Amy's Step Challenge yet? So are you doing a recovery week next week or are you finished?

Lea, so, so sorry about your DS being sick. I've heard that colostrum is good to boost immunities, but don't know it first hand. Karen Kay on my other check in keeps suggesting it. Why are you getting passports for the kiddos? Have a trip planned? Glad you enjoyed Bryan Kest today. I like his yoga.

Kim, that is so terrible about your DS's ear! He must have been so miserable. I am really glad that you didn't have to wait and wait. Our emergency room and urgent care facilities are terrible about making you wait. Boy, I have a new respect for paper carriers now. Bless you for filling in for your son. Hope your DH can get the point across to BIL. Why does he not have his own place? My brother finally moved out from Mom and Dad's and bought his own house a few years ago, but got one of those adustable mortgages and may be losing it. He pays child support of $500 per month and just cannot afford much. It really just about takes 2 incomes to survive, unless the income is really good. What a weirdo that guy was in the grocery store. I seem to attract that type too. I did get to ride today and it made me happy! Not sure why I got the bad gas around my chest area. I think it was from being such an intense ride and sucking so much air. I have had it happen once before, a couple years ago on a hill climb. I had eaten some oatmeal before departing on the ride so I chalked the stomach ache up to eating too soon before exertion. This wasn't the case yesterday though. Thanks for the heads up on the blog pictures. I'm this close to ordering...


Rest Day

Hey all,

Just wanted to pop on before bed and say howdy! I see most of you are still bundled up to the hilt. It was a gorgeous 77 degrees here today. Ok, don't kick me:p Hey, I pay for this weather big time!

I had a bad eating day, my first in a while. I will be back on it tomorrow as I feel gross and now remember why I don't eat junk. It started with a baby shower and ended at my mom's with Tootsie Rolls}(

An update on my aunt, thanks for asking Kim, she is at home for now. They will monitor her to see how the stints are working. She cannot be left alone so she is frustrated because she can't have alone time. If the stints don't work she will have to have a triple bypass. I know this would devastate her but it's better than being dead.

My UTI is much better. Thanks again Kim for reminding me to take my antibiotics:) Jeantette reminded me yesterday and you today. Where would I be without you girls:D

Off to beddy by. See you all tomorrow:*


Bring it!!!

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