It is still cold. We've been hanging out upstairs. The downstairs can't seem to warm up. The electric heaters don't seem to be doing the trick. Looks like we'll have to buy another furnace. Too bad we can't get gas hookup for our street.
OH! I can't add! It's not like I took a slew of engineering classes in college. It's only been 3 months of inactivity; not four. Whew! There is still hope.
Tracy: I hope everything is going well you're way!!! I miss seeing your posts in the AM.
Traci: I feel for your triceps! My focus areas this month are my hamstrings and glutes. I agree our society pretty much likes a tan look. I was never into getting darker or whiter though. Just too much work. However, I have started using sunscreen on my face and neck before heading outdoors these days. Well, enjoy your trip down to Honeymoon Lane this year. When do you plan on going? Hmmm... do you realize that your life is pretty much a beach? Oh, if I were wealthy, I would have a summer home in Texas. I do love Texas!!! Interesting thoughts on controversy. I think we have a good dose of it here in the States. I like that we are a questioning vs. submissive society. Compared to other countries, we can be downright rebellious right down to the family structure. What a great high you're on today! Eyebrows fashioned, 10 years lost, and trusting clients. You must be feeling like Rocky Balboa!;-) What a thoughtful Valentines Day present!!! Are you gathering up a ton of scrap booking supplies? It's amazing how much time and money can get caught up in a seemingly simple craft!!
Sandra-XX Are you going to have yourself a little Double X party? A double shot of greens in your smoothie maybe? Oh, I see you're celebrating with a
fun, not killer-intense workout. Well, rub it in why don't cha!

I seriously thought about doing Basic Step. But, after doing that for a month straight, I know it wouldn't hold my interest even if it was perfectly suited for my present physical condition. Mind you... I'll never sell it or give it away. In fact, I did have the crew autograph it at the RT. But, I don't think I could bring myself to do it in this lifetime.
Lea: How exciting to plan a cruise! Let me know if you'd like anymore itinerary ideas. I was considering planning a trip for the girls to see the Mayan ruins or to Istanbul. I hear the dollar is strong and squatting is a necessity in both areas.;-) Right now, I'm still settling back into home sweet home life. There really is no place like home! If I do happen to get that itch to explore again, we won't be gone long... 2 weeks max!!!
Teddygirl: I was thinking of pulling out S&H. But, that's not really endurance based, is it? ROTF retired. I wasn't expecting to read that!:7 Your weekend treats do sound yummy!:9 McDonalds has a chocolate pie and a pineapple pie instead of apple pie in Thailand. For some reason, it just didn't sound appetizing. The sun must have been messing with my thinking!
Jeanette: Don't get discouraged. I think changing things up might help shock your body. Isn't that what Cathe is always saying... to shake things up. Come to think of it, that's what I did this past year. I was NEVER consistent!

:7 In fact, I started the X because I was hitting a plateau, not losing any weight or gaining any endurance or strength. After the X, I was on the IL. Then it was a cardio and endurance sweat feast getting prepped for the RT. After the RT, I focused a lot on yoga. Then clean eating with zero activity. Let's do yoga together. I'll walk on my treadmill and you can walk outdoors. It'll be fun.

Now, if you end up gaining 5 pounds on this plan, disregard everything I've said. Okay.

:+ My MIL lives in Jersey. My sister and best family friend lives in State College. Oh! The massages... Well, for the equivalent of 8 to 10 dollars an hour, you can afford to be high maintenance!!!! I got a 2+ hour spa treatment, shower, sauna, full body exfoliating, full body mud oil rub (twice over), sauna, and shower for $16.00 the day before I left. OH! That was with TWO masseuses at once!!!!!!! That's four hands working in unison all over my body!!!!! Life is cheap in Thailand. They profit off materials and don't calculate their time for most services!!!
Debra: Isn't being the teacher's pet such a fun job!!!

I can't say that I ever had my name on the board... but, I was the curve buster quite a few times. Granted in the engineering program there weren't many curves to be seen.}(

:+ Glad you and CBL (thanks for the explanation) had a nice time re-celebrating his B-day! You must be every man's dream girl... killer calves (yes, I'm seething with jealousy) and into football. Heck, I was a cheerleader in highschool, and didn't even know what defense meant for the longest time!:7
Laurie: The germs seem to be spreading it's hate! Did I read that correctly... You're happy you missed HSM on ice? Why ever for? LOL Thankfully, you're a two vehicle family. We only have one car plus dh's work van. When my car breaks down, we have to get a rental or borrow some-one's 2nd vehicle. Not fun! So, when are you reaching the Triple X status. Gosh, that sounds so nasty! In a good way, I meant in a good way. :+
Nicole: Oh girl, they just need to get over themselves. You're right... That is so highschool! I say Go! Just go with your head held high and prepare yourself with soft, graceful words to put them in their place should the need arise. Now, about your dh... I think you are right again... Your dh does sound like a good man. I could be wrong. It sounds like he just needs to learn not to "kick the dog" so to speak. He probably doesn't even mean to be hurtful. Maybe, he does and feels terrible about it later after the emotions settle down. Once things are settle, a gentle reminder that love is an action, not a feeling might break the ice towards discussing this issue. I'm sure you both will be able to make it work. Marriage is a lifetime of making it work. You sound so much like Phil. He hates confrontation. He avoids it like the plague. We used to go round and round about him not being more assertive. Really, it wasn't until God came into my life that I was able to trust in him because of Him. I learned to be more submissive, and he learned to voice his concerns. It wasn't easy. It didn't happen overnight. We still struggle. But, it's so much better once it's out in the open. HUGS!!!!
Traci and Sandra: Okay, I am losing it. I thought for sure Traci did the Circuit City rotation. Maybe it was Trac
Okay, I've gotta go. Duties scream for attention. Have a great day!!! Hi to ALL I haven't chatted with today.
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!