Xers Marinating Maraschinos Monday

It is FREEZING here in PA!

Yesterday, in State College, we drove in a freaking whiteout!! Never before had I driven where I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of the car. It was horrible. I was so worried when we finally left for home at 7 PM. Thankfully, the swirling snow is easier to see through in the dark night backdrop. After we passed Seven Mountains (~25 mins later), it didn't look like any snow had fallen.

Over the weekend, I was bummed about my physical strength and endurance. For some unknown reason... perhaps, a feeling of impending death on the highways;-)... my outlook took a 180 degree turn. Instead of feeling like I've wasted last year's gains and dreading the weeks and months ahead, I'm excited to see what happens. Like Traci is usually tells me... No matter what I do should work.:) Sorry, it never fully registered.

All this to say that I didn't do anything this weekend. I was soooo busy!!! I know that's a pitiful excuse. I mean, look at Kim and Nicole and Tracy and all you other dedicated ladies. One day at a time...

While the girls are still dreaming of the new My Little Pet Shop toys, I'd like to do some yoga, wake up my body, and warm up my body before I start on personals. How's that for a paragraph long sentence?;)

I'll be back when I can have something positive to report.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!!
I feel so "marinated" this morning! :D Good lord you need to move....Its been nearly 80 degrees for days & this week we cool off to upper 60's...At least send me that sweet body-slamin' little princess til you warm up! :7 ~~~~ :-( Sorry to hear you went thru that "not so fun" physical assessment as life was flashing before your eyes...BUT I AM very happy that you came out the other side with a sense of control/plan. Also keep in mind that your body is young, healthy & strong so you do have some "memory" in there & it wont take your body as long to be back to "where you desire." What I do think is really cool tho is you experienced firsthand how wonderful a body can look without fancy/planned exercises if ones diet is of unprocessed foods. AMAZING! I so wish there was a pill to help us forget the taste of ALL processed foods/sweets etc.... I'd much prefer an easier workout schedule & just good clean eating but my brain just wants it all!}( ~ ~~~~I do hope you can get to the point of not comparing yourself to other fitness people... If you MUST compare to me... I'm no vision of perfection & I dont think I necessarily SHOULD be...;-) BUT SERIOUSLY- I think its unrealistic to compare as everyone has a different lifestyle, different goals, different ideas of what we are willing to do etc.... For me... I dont workout @ night mainly because I dont want to take my "married time" away .... If wendell were to die tomorrow I dont want to be saying..."Gosh my husbands last night on earth & I was locked up in my workout room..." - So if my workouts dont get done in the day for WHATEVER reason - thats OK by me. To me (not saying this is right)life is all about the experiences with people... The alone time is important (thats what exercise is to me) but on my death bed (weather I'm 45 or 95)I doubt I'll be measuring my bodyfat% ...ya know what I mean???? Having said that... There is a certain amount of discipline you muster up each day to fit in whats good for you and semi important for you .... For me thats M-F on bay weeks & maybe more (maybe not) on stay home alone weekends.... All that to say...push yourself to do what YOU want to do in order to get out of it what YOU want... stop comparing anything in life to someone else...honor & celebrate the wonderful human being you are....THEN your workouts will happen- whatever they may be:* :* :*

OK- That was some early morning post....*whew*- Need more coffee & shall return w/ less intense personals:7
I am happy to report that Baron felt good. We spent the morning doing Soul of Strength. My flexibility declined drastically. However, the stretching felt soooo good! I wasn't tough on myself like I was in the past. I just accepted where I was at in my life and let go. If that meant a lot of diluting poses with bent knees in order to achieve a straight spine, so be it. It is what it is. Honestly, I can't recall a more productive workout.

Traci: You are too sweet! Have I told you that I loved you lately?:* Thanks for the life pep talk! You sound like me back in the day. I think letting my strength, flexibility and stamina slip for 4 months took it's toll on my priorities and perspective. You do bring up a good point. One of the positives of jet lag is my new internal alarm clock. I love this time in the morning where Phil's at work and the girls are sleeping. I hope I can make it a habit to wake up early and workout. Enough about me. How was your weekend? Oh! I was able to check out your vacation pictures the other day. Y'all look so rested!... and tan!!! Speaking of which... Thais are so racist. They all want to be white. So, when my sister laid out in the sun with a tank and shorts everyday, they about fell over in disbelief. It was the funniest thing. I even met a 20-something saleslady at a beauty shop who had the nerve to tell me that she loved getting as white as she could, and wanted to marry the perfect "farang" (American): white, tall, and rich. I told her it was too late; he was already married to me.:eek: :7 ;) Except for the rich part...:+ It was a real turn off though to hear what she thought was important. She wasn't alone. Most of all the single women wanted the same as her. They equate white with money. Cuz, if you're dark that must mean you have a low paid, labor intensive job like a rice farmer. Anyhow.... It's not my burden to bear. Whatever, I just asked her if they carried any suntan lotion.}( :7 :7

Okay, I've gotta open up another window for personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Recovery Week: Day 1.

Good morning,

I think I'll do LIC, as produced, today. I just want to do a fun, not killer-intense workout. I was thinking my last "recovery week" would go something like this:

Tues Amy B Kickbox Extreme
Weds Butts 'n Guts
Thurs Drill Max
Fri Amy B Advanced Step Challenge I
Sat BodyMax2
Sun Rest

As you can see, it looks nothing like P90X, so I guess I'll just concede that I've finished Round 2 :)

Wendy....I'm glad you made it home through that snowstorm, and with renewed enthusaism about life! Even though you've been exercise-dormant for the past couple months, it's a small, teeny-tiny break when you look at the years ahead of you. I had to keep reminding myself of that when I was put on 9 weeks of bedrest during my last pregnancy. When I was finally given the okay to get out of bed again, I started again with your old friend, Basic Step. Within 2 weeks I was back to a respectable level, for a 20week pregnant lady. Those 9 weeks now seem quite insignificant, in terms of fitness losses. Like Traci said, your body is not starting from Square One again, despite how you might feel. Pick a goal that motivates you, and plan how you're going to get there.

Traci....Good morning! Nice to see you back, this Monday morning. I love your statement about not being concerned about your Bodyfat% on your deathbed. So true!! It reminds me of a statement that Patsy made about fashion models, in an old episode of Absolutely Fabulous: "They'll finally reach their goal weight, two weeks after they're dead." LOL!!!

Jeanette....No, I didn't get a chance to preview AB's ASCI yesterday. It was a full day of housework, ugh!!! And this morning has even more of the nasty stuff on my to-do list. Ugh!!!! A 3 day work week...nice!

Nicole....Did you take your antibiotics this morning? :)

Kim....Wow!!!! I feel so badly for your son! Is the pain under control now? No, we don't have the deep freeze you have, thank heavens! Stay warm! Stay warm!

Mmmmmm, the coffee's kicking in, so I'm going to head down to the basement for my workout.

WooHoo!!!!!!!! Sandras an XX'er!!!!!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FLEX BABY FLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) It was an active naturally weekend... took dogs to beach & ran & played all afternoon on saturday... water is already in the 80's here...LOVE this time of year.... Not many beach people in February;-)

Today is Back & Shoulders (my pyramids) + Slo Mo Triceps as produced...Triceps are my "extra" focus area thsi month....PLB Legs too.... Have an AM eyebrow taming session so will attemp to get at least legs done before I hit the shower....Today is first day I didnt wake up reaching for the IcyHot Creams}(

WooHoo on the mental accomplishment w/ Yoga today!!! Now you actually "get" the whole point of it!!! Learning acceptance & loving yourself right where you are with the practice...BRAVO!!!~~ Wow! on the cultural lesson in pale skin...Its odd tho- You mentioned their obsession with pale- hmmmmmm arent "we" obsessed with the tan- tone thing- the collective USA "we" - ??? Is it human nature to want/strive to be/have what is not your birthgiven traits??? hmmmmm LOL on my vactaion pics...Those were 2006! Last year I sent Wendell to Cabo with the fishing buddies...I get tired of going to same old same old but he & X-wife bought a time share that he got in the divorce... We pay 600.00 per year - its actually a great deal but we do sell it for face value every couple of years when we want to go to Floriday Keys or some such place. We are going THIS year.... we got married on the beaches there in 2001

Well welcome back to core he)):eek: Sounds like Saturday was a super good day for you!!! ~ Keeping all the healing thoughts for all aspects of your life/family. Stay well & stay strong

I'm so sorry you spent your weekend with germs! I am reading on in hopes you woke up with a miraculous "healing!":*

Look @ you hangin' with the "fast boys!"}( You go girl!!! YEAH!!!! You have WHMS!!!! Oh I cant wait to hear your take on it... was it 20 -25 years ago that thing was all the rage??? I saw something this weekend that showed the infamous diner clip- it was on Food Network! Wendell & I laughed til we cried @ just that 1 scene!!!~~ Oh DO take your clubs on your trip!!! SF is always warmer in winter than summer isnt it???? Only place on the earth I recall always freezing in July!:D Hope you have a fabulous day off on Tuesday! FUN!!! My sis (Kern County) is off a week from today for presidents day... she said its the last official holiday til may. ~~ Keeping your GM in my thoughts.... what a wonderful life you ar helping her have.

Well Lord Luv A Duck:p lookie who STARTED us yesterday!!! What is going on??? I'd better get cash from ATM & fill my gas tank- looks like we could be in for an outer space encounter!:* :* :* Hope Chapel Hill was a fun & relaxing day...gotta love those mini get-a-ways!

Well maybe you lacked sunshine because YOU are such a ray of ......ok ok its getting THICK in here today!:* IF your logic on Cathe's logic is accurate about the Feb rotation then I'd say it could be SUPER effective.... I personally could actually handle that one... but I dont likecardio so it would be like a REWARD by mid week just being done with it! :7 Rofl about Rob! We dont discuss his little era of indescretions do we now;-) On Tonys GBG...Thats a STEAL of a DVD price... I personally luv them but its no frills...ya gotta pick your own weight to make it worth the 10 minutes... matter of fact I sent my VHS's to Latrese I think - or someone in WW so I may go get that DVD... I have recorded The View everday for 10 years now.... Its the girl talk I like... I usually end up watching a full weeks worth on a stay @ home weekend bit generally its just the "talk" part... I dont care about all the fashion / interviews etc..... I LOVE the controversy it stirs in the conservative media here... }( }( }( But I also think controversy is critically important when it comes to politics so I may be alone in that thought.... Passivity is deadly in this country so I like all ends of the spectrum that gets blood boiling & takes the average joe out of there zombie like state of living. ~~ ^^^^^^5 on completing Round 2!!!!!~~~ ROF! Your Patsy statement.... How about: You know you're really fat when you've been dead for 2 weeks & you STILL have weight to lose! :eek: Go celebrate!!!!

Now I gotta try & fix my VHS "tone".... urrrrrrrrrrrr STOP mentioning all thsi stuff! I feel like I'm hoarding new workouts!:7 Glad your soreness went away & you are again able to focus on healing that back thru yoga therapy. :*

What a great surprise to see you coherent enough to post a long one!!! I too thought as Sandra did re: grocery store backet bandit: Too Much NyQuil!?}( Thanks for asking- I am feeling just ducky these days...It was a fairly rare (thank GOD!) super difficult ttom - even meds cant keep ya 100% level all the time... It has passed & I am a happy camper again! Lifting heavy in any fashion always yields results for me so I am estatic to be doing this rotation for a few weeks... I know you like lifting heavy as well- do you find the heavier you lift the leaner you get or does your body need the cardio for that? Thanks for blog blurb!!! I would NEVER see the updates if I didnt see a shout out. ;-) :7

Luv & Hugs to all- gotta get that leg workout done & then clean up to get my man-eyebrows removed! :*
I'd love to incorporate an additional workout everyday. But, I know me all to well... That's not going to happen. I'm going to alternate yoga days with muscle endurance days. Instead of devoting a day to cardio, I'm going to slip in a up to 30 minutes of cardio prior to doing yoga to warm up my body for yoga. That's the master plan for the near future.

It was quiet here over the weekend. I was able to catch up reading on my Blackberry. I can't type worth peanuts on it though.

Onto personals:) :) :)

Nicole: It is expensive living in sunny CA. The winters aren't so bad here. When everything is lined with fresh, wet snow, it's downright beautiful. The landscape looks so pure, clean and picturesque. Even still, I'd rather be visiting you today!:D Today is a new day. The day of junk is over. Nothing you can do to change that, now can you?:7 ;) Wow, I didn't know your aunt was going through medical problems. Hopefully, the stints will work and she recovers speedily. I don't think I've ever had a UTI. They don't sound pleasant one bit!!! Take your meds!!!!

Jeanette: Wow! It seems like golf season took a pause instead of a winter break. You must be itching to get out on the golf course again. Are you going to try to split your time between golf and bike rides once the weather levels out to continuous sunshine? I am jealous of your bike ride. I can't wait till I can dust off my bike and hit the trails. I still have to practice with the pedals Amy and dh sent me. Maybe, I'll practice at the gym. I still have that month free coupon floating around here somewhere. LOLOLOL on your dh's refreshment choice after a mountain bike ride. Are you sure he's not related to my dh? ;) I didn't realize you haven't preordered the STS workouts yet. I'm hoping the preorder prices don't go up in the next month. I can't justify spending more money on me anytime soon.

Kim: What a day you and your son had yesterday!!! How's he feeling today? It must have been heartbreaking to hear him suffer and not be able to take it away immediately! ^^5^^ on the hockey game. He would make any parent proud!:) Only a dollar more for -35?!?!?! I'm surprised the paperboys haven't banned together for a strike. Or does that not happen in Canada? Strikes seem to be popular here in PA. Currently, Jenn (fitnessmom) has her teens home from school due to a teacher's strike. Life's so not fair! That never happened when I went to school in Florida!:-( ;) Okay, I have six kids, and have NEVER pushed two grocery carts. I've pulled a triple stroller and pushed a grocery cart. I guess that's almost the same? Come to think of it... My sister had to use two carts once. However, I was with her and pushed the other one for her. I'll have to ask my dh's mom if she did when her three boys were teenagers. Apparently, she couldn't buy and cook food fast enough for her growing boys! I had a great time catching up with the kids this weekend. I even got a chance to talk to my eldest son on the cellphone. He ended up getting the same phone as me in a different color. I'm just thankful I don't have to pay his cellphone bill! LOL But, I do miss him being away in the Army. They grow so fast!!! Where are you now in your P90X rotation? How's it coming along?

Lea: I still haven't done the Bryan Kest MP3 yoga I downloaded back in November. Passports? Where are you going? To India for authentic, live yoga classes with a certified guru? I'm jealous. Have fun! I hear they have squat toilets and splash baths there too!}( ;)

Sandra: When I say your name aloud, I think of Sandra Dee on Grease. What do you think of John Travolta. Love him! He comes off as a real humble guy unlike Brad Pitt. Nope, Brad does nothing for me for the same reasons as Traci. Oh, I didn't know Tony resigned from P.S. I thought he took time off to battle his colon cancer recurrence. I hear he's in remission now. I'll have to see what my dream guy is up to these days. Dd doesn't have blond hair. She has brown hair with golden highlights. Her hair is very unusual. It stems from her ectodermal dysplasia (genetic condition that can affect the ectoderm: hair, teeth, skin, nails, sweat glands). Anyhow, it looks like someone took the finest crimping iron to it. In certain lighting, her hair glistens like gold. It's breathtakingly beautiful. It sure is her glory. Are you laughing at my battle with LIC? Go on, laugh it up. It's all fun and games until Miss. Wendy loses an eye from bicep band curls.:p :7 ;) Oh! Yes, it's Miss Wendy on my Thai id and passport. In order for the Thai government to acknowledge my marriage, dh and I have to go to Thailand and file our marriage together. I haven't investigated what I have to do for my children yet. Phil asked me what it was like being single and childless in the Land of Smiles. I told him it was too much work trying to fill my time. Good answer, huh?}(

Tracy: Hope you are feeling limber and well rested today! Take care!!!:* :* :*

Okay ladies, I need to warm up my coffee. I'll continue today's and Saturday's personals later.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
WOWY!!!! I am so sore from BK Tone Yoga. Traci yes, do pull fix it. Glad I could help in any way}( . Today I am going to do a 45 minute walk on the treadmill. These love handles aren't getting any smaller and I definately have to do something about it. And then I will do some form of stomach exercises, maybe from BM2. Now I have to try BK sweat. Hmmmmm....all these decisions.

For all those asking, we wanted to get the kids passports because we would like to go on a cruise this summer to Mexico and someday when younger DS gets a little older, we would like to travel to different countries. But thanks Wendy, India is a great idea, and I do love to squat:p !!

Ok gals, that coffee is calling me. Yes, I started back up again:9 . I will be back later to chat with all of you.

Slow & Heavy/week 4/day 1
Workout: rest day


Monday.......Monday's gotta love em………wish I was retired;(

I had a pretty good weekend my eatery was a little out of control mainly Saturday as I had my GS we visited Arby’s. I tried there new chocolate turnover, it was delic:p and I had a fish sandwich. Sunday Ted cooked steak, mash potatoes and cheese broccoli and it was good

Saturday, I did Imax 2 such a fun workout Sunday CC#5 and PUB. Today is my rest day. I'll check back later need to get election reports ready.
Good morning,

Okay, this is going to be a self-absorbed post as I make the most of my time this morning until I have to shower. Today was Pyramid Lower Body (yep, the whole thing). I've never done any of the whole pyramids, just the up, but wow, I felt like I finally got my legs fatigued. I will do my abs tonite.

Here's where I'm going to get self-absorbed: My weigh in today was not good. Up almost 3 pounds since last Monday's weigh in, though I've been sticking pretty well to the Weight Watchers Plan. I've been feeling really puffy the last few days, especially in my face, around my eyes, actually all over. And it is NOT TTOM. Sooooo, I'm thinking of cutting out most all of my cardio, except for my bike riding, which is usually here lately at least 2 days a week and fairly intense. Do you ladies think this is a good idea? I'd like to keep the daily walks (10-20 minutes) in as they are good for my mind, stretch my legs and are not intense. If too much cardio can make a person's metabolism slow down, then how does someone increase their athletic endurance and performance AND still lose fat? On the Team Estrogen (women's cycling site), I've noticed on a weight loss check in that so many, or should I say most of the ladies struggle so much just to lose a single pound. It's like our bodies have become more efficient with the food, just so that we are not reduced to bones, ligaments and tendons due to the long mileage on the bike. It just gets so frustrating!!! Maybe I need to increase my calories? I have had plenty of energy on this WW plan and feel really good otherwise. I don't always eat my activity points, so that would be an option too. I'd like to stay with this leg rotation, but on the cardio days I think I will do yoga instead. What do you all think?

I'm really trying to remain positive and realize that I've got a pretty darned good life, good kids, wonderful DH, etc. and I'm very healthy. Just trying to keep it all in perspective, but hey, I should be seeing more results for the time spent.

Okay, sorry for being such a whiner.

Morning Xers,

Round 3/Phase 3/Week 2/Day 3
Workout: B&B / Abs / 3m Run (done) / Karen Voight Pure & Simple Stretch Floor (done)

I didn't get any workout in this weekend. Bad karma started right after work. I get home, and the DD's and I get back in the van (because we are heading downtown to High School Musical on Ice). We stop and get something to eat. I'm suppose to be driving everyone, so we start going to my SIL's house. I press the gas petal, and the RPM's are going but the car is barely moving. OK did I lose the transmission!!!! I decide that I don't want to take this car to downtown Milwaukee. Call my SIL and she comes and picks us up. When we finally get to my MIL's (traffic is horrid), my youngest DD says that she doesn't feel well (stomach). OK lets head downtown, and see what happens. Lucky for us I had a plastic bag in my coat pocket, because of Cami. Buy the time we got to the Arena for the show, youngest DD was using the plastic bag. My SIL says take the car and DD home. So I call DH (who is in Chicago), and tell him he needs to come home right away. On my way home it starts snowing. :D DH calls me and tells me that the check engine light is glowing on his dashboard. x( He gets home just in time to jump into SIL vehicle to go get them from the show. So I didn't get to see HSM on Ice. :D

DD is feeling better, Dh is bringing his car in for service this morning, and tomorrow mine will be headed there too. x( We had such cold weather here this weekend, and the blowing snow was causing accidents all over the place. Saturday oldest DD and I went to my nieces B'day party, and then buy that time youngest DD had been ok with food for the whole day so we went to his parents house that night.

Sunday I didn't get home until 1pm, and then I took a nap and lazed around for the rest of the day. I'm a terrible person, because I just didn't have the energy to do any chatting on line yesterday. :( Sorry ladies.

Guess what ladies, we are suppose to get some more snow tonight!!! When will it end. :-(

Now on to personals:

Wendy, Sorry you had to endure the white out conditions. I was very luck that we didn't have to go through that. I seemed to have avoided all those nasty conditions, except for driving on glare ice. Glad that yoga felt so good for you today. Your body will have muscle memory, and your strength will soon be back. See Traci agrees with me.

Sandra, Congratulations on finishing the X again. Way to go on the XX, and now have some fun with Cathe. :D :D LOL yep your workout looks nothing X like. That is probably a good thing. :D

Traci, I love you too!!! Did I ever say that before. You have spoken the words that I have been feeling this weekend perfectly. I don't sweat the fact that I couldn't get a workout in. I enjoyed the time I did spend with my DD's even though the wind was blowing outside, we where watching The Devil Wears Prada. Cute movie! And that night we watch Stardust. Another good movie. I even managed to cook dinner for the family. :D

Lea, Sounds like a walk is good after BK Tone. :D I like all three of those BK workouts. I need to get my DD's their passports also. We are saving up for a trip to England/Scotland. I can't wait for that.

TG, LOL about the retirement! I see these people around here leaving, and I always wish it was me also. Too many years yet for me. :D

Jeanette, Hey I have joined the club on the whiner post today too. I think this was just the weekend for it, and we have to write it down and then "Forget about it" :D I will until we receive the bills to repair the cars. X my fingers that there is nothing major wrong with either of them.

Debra, I think you have a presentation today, so good luck on that one. :D

Nicole, You must have know exactly what I needed on Sunday. I was looking at your Saturday post, and it almost looks as if you knew what I was going to do. :D I purchased all the chocolate and cherries for the dessert, so I am going to makes these things. Hope they turn out OK.

Tracy, Sorry to hear about the sickness entered your house. One of those eurchins must have gotten loose from Debra! :D Yesterday I was having a runny nose problem, but today I feel fine. Go figure.

Kim, Fast healing fibes for you DS. That is not fun when your kids have ear problems. You just don't know how to help them. LOL about the grocery store.

Have to get to a meeting,

Hi...just popping on for a quick hello before I head back to bed!!! I had my presentation in class this morning which went well...and I also had the highest score on the test last week...My name was on the board again today! I LOVE being the teacher's pet!! We had a great time in Chapel Hill yesterday....spent the day shopping and drinking and eating until it was time for the game at 6...Then we were down for the whole first half and most of the second...and ended up winning in double over time!!!! What a great time!! It was also the first time CBL had been to a Carolina game, so he was really excited....The tickets were my bday present to him (a couple of months ago) so it was like his birthday all over again. We had a great time together.

I will have to come back later for personals as we got in pretty late last night and I had to be up and perky for class this morning. I am supposed to do legs today...We will see how I feel after my nappy-poo.

just one quick personal....

Sorry you are feeling so discouraged with your weight. I know how frustrating that can be. I know that for me, dropping off a lot of cardio and adding heavy weights is what worked on keeping my weight on an even keel and where I want it to be (within a pound or 2 anyway). Everyone is different of course, but that is certainly what made the difference for me. I do cardio twice a week...and either weights or yoga the rest of the time. I hit a plateau over a year ago doing 5-6 days a week of cardio plus one body part a day with weights...and since I have added more weight work and heavier weights, that made ALL the difference. I think it takes time for your body to adjust to a new way of working out....it took a couple of months, but then the weight came off and I have held pretty steady ever since. Just my 2 cents, of course...Do with it what you will! I know that you are healthy and strong, but I also know there are self-esteem issues around weight. It is easy to say "I feel good. I am healthy. I have great cardio vascular strength." But it is hard to see your body change in ways that you don't want. It is easy to get hung up on numbers on the scale...and I try not to weigh myself more than 3 times a week....but weighing also keeps my eating in check when I have over indulged. I guess I am done rambling for now. We all love you!! And you can vent to us any time!!

Okay...I promise to catch up with everyone else later today! Hope everyone is having a super Monday...wait, did I just say that??? Well, I at least hope everyone makes it through another Monday!!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Back again with feminine eyebrows!:7 Had the best natural high today....My rehab client called- she wore high heelsx( yesterday & her back is in pain- she called for stretching/ R.I.C.E. consult- thats a good thing because it means she's learning to trust me- VICTORY #1~ She said she & her 15 yr old DD saw me in grocery store yesterday... She said her DD said "OMG mom shes beautiful! She doesnt look old at all ;-)" (45 & her moms age bracket!) DD said- "MOM - if you stay with her you can look soooooo young! She looks 35!" ~ What a compliment coming from a young person....never mind they didnt come over to me (thank heavens I was in PRODUCE & not cookie isle!)so DD could see the wrinkles...but hey- I'll take a 10 year decline in my age ANY DAY! :7

Most likely (if diet is on target)you are experiencing the 2-week muscle magic.... AKA: heavier weights consistency = water retention in muscles... Thats OK!! Its a good temporary phenom..... I went thru it last week but today am a lean machine :7 I personally am an advocate for less is more in terms of cardio so I think w/ your riding thats plenty.... any additional would be IF you felt it nexessary for crosstraining.... With increased lifting your additional 100-200 cals should come from protein (IMO & w/out seeing a food diary) IF you want your muscles to be a source of burning fat you must go thru this stage... I'd personally do exactly what you have suggested. :7

:eek: You rock!:eek: Kudos on all the good Monday stuff!!!!

*spew* spat*spew*spat* THERE- all the evil karma is gone:* Oh I want to see Devil wears Prada!!! Will DH be bored stiff? Is there enough T&A to keep him amused in a girlie movie???;-) We watched the first 30 minutes of Grammys last night & once Carrie Underwood did her little "performance" I looked at DH & said- Dont you even THINK about nookie night- I know EXACTLY who you'll be thinking about:eek: ~~~Yes- We Xers gotta keep each other balanced & centered when it comes to body image dont we???? TG4X! (thank God for Xers):*

Why do your posts make me sing "Love is in the air"?}( I say ENJOY every second...You'll get your workouts in (& w/ a vengence!) + you'll eat healthy when it serves the grander scheme of life....no sweat- balance baby- balance!

If I was on email I'd have that "Talk to the hand" guy out right now...Love Handles....GIVE ME A BREAK! You are a twig:p Go potty & practice your squating! :*

LOVE the plan you made for yoga/endurance!!! Smart move woman!!! :*

Time to run & get some things done for Valentines Day.... I'm making 2 Memory Albums for Wendell... 1 is for his dog Kommar (died in 1998) that was "his sandy" and 1 is for Sandy... I had albums engraved with their names and now I am going thru boxes of pics to put the albums together.... Will be a weepy Valentines Day here but happy memory tears.
Core Synergistics

Well I woke up to a sick DS. He has been sick for a month and now has a fever again:( He is a bit needy but I will get my workout in do or die:D

I am supposed to go to a bridal shower of sorts for my longtime friend tonight and I do NOT want to go. It has been caddy e-mails back and forth between her other friends and me and I'm over it. My friend said she didn't want a shower but the other women insisted. I stood up for her and insisted to them she didn't want one then my friend threw me under the bus and said just have it. I had already stuck my neck out for her so the other women are mad and talking behind my back. Since I am not in high school I shall decline from seeing any of them.

Drama, drama! I am so over all of it!!!

I'll be back after I put sick DS down for a nap.


Bring it!!!
It is still cold. We've been hanging out upstairs. The downstairs can't seem to warm up. The electric heaters don't seem to be doing the trick. Looks like we'll have to buy another furnace. Too bad we can't get gas hookup for our street.

OH! I can't add! It's not like I took a slew of engineering classes in college. It's only been 3 months of inactivity; not four. Whew! There is still hope.:)

Tracy: I hope everything is going well you're way!!! I miss seeing your posts in the AM.

Traci: I feel for your triceps! My focus areas this month are my hamstrings and glutes. I agree our society pretty much likes a tan look. I was never into getting darker or whiter though. Just too much work. However, I have started using sunscreen on my face and neck before heading outdoors these days. Well, enjoy your trip down to Honeymoon Lane this year. When do you plan on going? Hmmm... do you realize that your life is pretty much a beach? Oh, if I were wealthy, I would have a summer home in Texas. I do love Texas!!! Interesting thoughts on controversy. I think we have a good dose of it here in the States. I like that we are a questioning vs. submissive society. Compared to other countries, we can be downright rebellious right down to the family structure. What a great high you're on today! Eyebrows fashioned, 10 years lost, and trusting clients. You must be feeling like Rocky Balboa!;-) What a thoughtful Valentines Day present!!! Are you gathering up a ton of scrap booking supplies? It's amazing how much time and money can get caught up in a seemingly simple craft!!

Sandra-XX Are you going to have yourself a little Double X party? A double shot of greens in your smoothie maybe? Oh, I see you're celebrating with a fun, not killer-intense workout. Well, rub it in why don't cha!:p ;) I seriously thought about doing Basic Step. But, after doing that for a month straight, I know it wouldn't hold my interest even if it was perfectly suited for my present physical condition. Mind you... I'll never sell it or give it away. In fact, I did have the crew autograph it at the RT. But, I don't think I could bring myself to do it in this lifetime.

Lea: How exciting to plan a cruise! Let me know if you'd like anymore itinerary ideas. I was considering planning a trip for the girls to see the Mayan ruins or to Istanbul. I hear the dollar is strong and squatting is a necessity in both areas.;-) Right now, I'm still settling back into home sweet home life. There really is no place like home! If I do happen to get that itch to explore again, we won't be gone long... 2 weeks max!!!

Teddygirl: I was thinking of pulling out S&H. But, that's not really endurance based, is it? ROTF retired. I wasn't expecting to read that!:7 Your weekend treats do sound yummy!:9 McDonalds has a chocolate pie and a pineapple pie instead of apple pie in Thailand. For some reason, it just didn't sound appetizing. The sun must have been messing with my thinking!

Jeanette: Don't get discouraged. I think changing things up might help shock your body. Isn't that what Cathe is always saying... to shake things up. Come to think of it, that's what I did this past year. I was NEVER consistent!:p :7 In fact, I started the X because I was hitting a plateau, not losing any weight or gaining any endurance or strength. After the X, I was on the IL. Then it was a cardio and endurance sweat feast getting prepped for the RT. After the RT, I focused a lot on yoga. Then clean eating with zero activity. Let's do yoga together. I'll walk on my treadmill and you can walk outdoors. It'll be fun.:) :) :) Now, if you end up gaining 5 pounds on this plan, disregard everything I've said. Okay.:p :+ My MIL lives in Jersey. My sister and best family friend lives in State College. Oh! The massages... Well, for the equivalent of 8 to 10 dollars an hour, you can afford to be high maintenance!!!! I got a 2+ hour spa treatment, shower, sauna, full body exfoliating, full body mud oil rub (twice over), sauna, and shower for $16.00 the day before I left. OH! That was with TWO masseuses at once!!!!!!! That's four hands working in unison all over my body!!!!! Life is cheap in Thailand. They profit off materials and don't calculate their time for most services!!!

Debra: Isn't being the teacher's pet such a fun job!!!:) I can't say that I ever had my name on the board... but, I was the curve buster quite a few times. Granted in the engineering program there weren't many curves to be seen.}( :p :+ Glad you and CBL (thanks for the explanation) had a nice time re-celebrating his B-day! You must be every man's dream girl... killer calves (yes, I'm seething with jealousy) and into football. Heck, I was a cheerleader in highschool, and didn't even know what defense meant for the longest time!:7

Laurie: The germs seem to be spreading it's hate! Did I read that correctly... You're happy you missed HSM on ice? Why ever for? LOL Thankfully, you're a two vehicle family. We only have one car plus dh's work van. When my car breaks down, we have to get a rental or borrow some-one's 2nd vehicle. Not fun! So, when are you reaching the Triple X status. Gosh, that sounds so nasty! In a good way, I meant in a good way. :+

Nicole: Oh girl, they just need to get over themselves. You're right... That is so highschool! I say Go! Just go with your head held high and prepare yourself with soft, graceful words to put them in their place should the need arise. Now, about your dh... I think you are right again... Your dh does sound like a good man. I could be wrong. It sounds like he just needs to learn not to "kick the dog" so to speak. He probably doesn't even mean to be hurtful. Maybe, he does and feels terrible about it later after the emotions settle down. Once things are settle, a gentle reminder that love is an action, not a feeling might break the ice towards discussing this issue. I'm sure you both will be able to make it work. Marriage is a lifetime of making it work. You sound so much like Phil. He hates confrontation. He avoids it like the plague. We used to go round and round about him not being more assertive. Really, it wasn't until God came into my life that I was able to trust in him because of Him. I learned to be more submissive, and he learned to voice his concerns. It wasn't easy. It didn't happen overnight. We still struggle. But, it's so much better once it's out in the open. HUGS!!!!

Traci and Sandra: Okay, I am losing it. I thought for sure Traci did the Circuit City rotation. Maybe it was TracY?

Okay, I've gotta go. Duties scream for attention. Have a great day!!! Hi to ALL I haven't chatted with today.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
In case there was ANY doubt....My workoutS are ALL completed.... I'm drowning in my own sweat... YES PLB made me sweat- or perhaps its the tears from Sh-Ba-Tri???? ANYWAY- the deed is done..... back to chat after yet ANOTHER shower today:*
Wendy: That’s right, S&H isn’t endurance :) You know, end of this week is suppose to be my final week of S&H but know, I’m liking it way to much and getting nice results. Saturday, my son GF come over to pick up my GS. I was in the bath room twisting and showing off my dreads out of know where she said boy your arms look nice, she asked what was I doing:p I plan to stick it out a few more weeks or longer by that time 'll be ready for Cathe’s 4 day split workouts. Stay Focus!

>Teddygirl....Liquid protein? Isn't that just milk?

Sandra: Nope, its' GNC Pro Performance 18 grams I made a mistake for some reason I said it was Whey Protein, silly me:+

Here’s the low down
-Pro Performance® Liquid Protein offers 18 grams (1800 mg) of naturally-occurring amino acids.
-Amino acids are the building blocks of protein; they are involved in protein synthesis, aid in maintaining nitrogen balance and help fuel skeletal muscles.*
-Pro Performance® Liquid Protein supplies a blend of essential and non-essential amino acids plus Branched Chain Amino Acids, which help to reduce protein breakdown.*
-Punch flavored liquid delivery..
-Supplies naturally occurring amino acids— Typical Amino Acid Profile:
Just back to say I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off....doesn't that create a picture??? Anyhoo...I am heading upstairs for a bit of bliss with Eoin...and then to pick up DD from dance and go to dinner and do her homework and then still have to pick up my car from CBL's....ugh...and prep for the Valentine party in DD's class on Thurs...so it will be later this evening before I can catch up a bit with you guys!!

Kisses to all!!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Round 1 Phase 2/Week 6/Day4/ YogaX

Just finished YogaX. Finished day 39 out of 90!

Jeanette: Enjoy your short week! It's always a treat having a holiday to look forward to. Next Monday is a new provincial holiday here, Louis Riel Day.;-) DH never got over to his mom's yesterday they talked and decided on tonight instead. I feel that the BIL is just a free loader, never married, like to live rent/ grocery free in mom's basement as she's too nice to kick him out. SOmetimes works sometimes doesn't. It's really starting to cause problems between MIL and her husband. I think there might be some underlying depression with BIL because who really wants to live in someone else's basement and spend their life doing nothing. That's too bad that your brother might lose his house, I guess the cost of living there is fairly high. Cost of living is fairly cheap here I think.

I'm not sure what to say about the weight gain, but it looks like you got some replies from our experts. Don't let it get you frustrated.

Nicole Are you eating better today? Hope ds is feeling better. This time of year is so hard with all the viruses floating around. I hope you enjoy the shower if you decide to go.

Wendy- Glad you survived the winter storm driving! What state do you live in? Don't fret too much about lack of exercise, you were off having a wonderful adventure and now you need time to catch up. There's more to life than exercise! Sounds like you have a plan in place to get back in the fitness routine and we here to be your cheerleaders!! I'm still enjoying the P90X, missing my Cathe's but it's definitely a nice change after years of Cathe/running. Even thinking of doing a second round.

Traci- Glad you had such a great weekend! I'm sure jealous of the beach talk. We usually go away for a winter vacation (like most people around here) but decided not to this year as we have two other trips planned. WooHoo on the compliment, well deserved I'm sure.

Sandra- DS's pain is definitely under control, just a dull ache. He's been good about taking his antibiotics so I'm hoping that's all illnesses for us. I sure wish spring would hurry up!

Lea- The cruise idea sounds wonderful. We are going on a 7 day Western Carribbean cruise with Disney cruise line next fall. My sister went with her kids last year and they just loved it. So we going went them, the kids should have fun travelling with their cousins.

Debra- WTG on the presentation!!!

Laurie- Sorry about the bad weekend. Sometimes everything just goes wrong at the same time.

Hi all,

I'm still 1/2 sick and ended up having to stay all day at work. Just what I wanted was to be in charge of a meeting at 2pm when I felt crummy. I'm not going in tomorrow, whether I feel better or not. We had no power last night and I come home and we have a 4X8 island in our kitchen and there wasn't a clear space on it. I'm like WTF?

Jeanette - Did you do the weight in after you rode? I always am puffy after I ride my bike. I don't know why, but everything in the lower body just looks more filled out and the clothes are tighter, but it goes away in a day or two. Plus you rode hard. It's not like you went on some pansy ride. I wouldn't change things up just yet. Plus you have been lifting heavier which makes your muscles hold water. Does the content of the food in WW make any difference? For me, to loose fat, I have to cut carbs and increase protien. I know it is different for everyone, but I'm wondering if the composition of the food is not condusive to weight loss. A calorie is not a calorie anymore. I believe there is a way to build endurance and drop fat, but the scale may not be your friend. I'd fool with the composition of the calories you consume before cutting out the cardio because you want to ride. Traci talked about nutrient yo yoing or something to that effect and I try to do something like that by eating carbs the day before cardio for energy, then keeping up the protien on the other days. She's more knowledgable about that than me, be it might be worth a try. But if you've been eating carbs all along, then maybe the shock is no carbs and continue the cardio and force the body to burn the fat, but not on a real restricted calorie diet. If we had the answer to this one, we'd all be rich.

PS. I did not do the Circuit City Rotation. I thought that was Sandra.


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