Xers Marinating Maraschinos Monday

Popping in quickly while the car is warming up...

Kim: I'm so sorry I missed you in my epic long posts today! You are almost at the halfway point. And! You're already thinking of Round 2!!! LOLOLOL You must be having awesome results thus far!

Debra: What are you making or getting for the Valentine's Day party? It just so happens that I have snack for Bible Club tomorrow. After dinner, I'm going to stop at the grocery store. I think I'll make banana chocolate chip heart shaped muffins. I bought 2 mega boxes of go-gurts. But, my @#$! dh took them out of the car in State College, and didn't pack them when we left. Even still, I'll buy some more to go with the muffins. Do you think it will go well together? I don't want them to have to much of a sugar high.

Tracy: It's a sigh of relief seeing you check in. UGH! A dirty kitchen when you're not feeling well sucks!!! Too bad we can't hire maids for $30 a week like most of the Westerners do in Thailand. Good advice you gave to Jeanette about diet. I'm not familiar with WW to know what their percentages are.

Jeanette: Listen to Tracy before me!!!!

Traci: I'm surprised you can lift a tricep to type!

Talk more later when I get around to baking.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!!
Finished CS!

I am finally improving on CS:D I have been very bloated since I started taking the antibiotics so I have to stay focused and know it's not diet that's doing it. I can get down on myself and give up intermittently if I'm bloated.

So the woman who was nasty to me called and apologized. I thought that was very big of her since I would have been hard pressed to do the same. I think my friend put her up to it but she sounded sincere. I am going to the shower tonight anyway and will do as Wendy says:)

Traci, You are having the same weather as we are:D Isn't it nice? It actually got a bit too toasty today. I'll take pleasantly warm over snow any day. Glad you tamed your brows! I tweeze mine everyday but they are not too thin, I'm just OCD about them:) I could never let them grow to the point of waxing, no patience. So glad to hear you were admired at the grocery store. That must have felt good!! It's always good to get a verbal reminder of why you work so hard. isn't it? Good job getting all of the workouts in. I don't know how you do it.

Wendy, So sorry to hear it's cold there. I can't fathom that it's cold anywhere. My sister said it's so cold in Kansas that she's getting depressed. I try to restrain myself from giving her my weather reports:p Thanks for the comments about DH & I. He is a good man but I just have to find the perfect way to tell him he's an a* sometimes. I did a pretty good job last night so we'll see how it goes. I think he doesn't see what he's doing sometimes until I tell him. I read long ago to tell them how they are making you feel not what they are doing wrong. To always say I and not you. Maybe one day it will work:p You'll get back on track with your workouts, I know. I agree that they don't have to be record breakers but just enough to maintain if you're happy with where your at.

Kim, Are you freezing up there? Is everyone well and rested? How are your workouts going? Is DH still in there with you? Hope all gets worked out with BIL. Isn't it amazing out of a family can come such different personalities? I bet you're glad you picked the right one:) DS's fever is up again so it will be a long evening for DH as he will be with them while I go to the shower. I think it's good for them to see what SAHM do all day.

Sandra, Woohoo! Recovery week is here and you are officially an XX'er! How does it feel? Do you feel buff and lean? Just say yes so I'll have the motivation to finish the round;) By the way, if you call that "recovery" I would hate to see a regular week! Thanks for the antibiotics reminder, I took them right then:) How did LIC go? It's been a while since I've done that one and I miss it. Only 3 more weeks and I'll be free again to workout as I choose:)

Lea, Thanks for the link. It was a good interview to hear for motivation. Boy could you here her accent:) My cousin who lives in Wisconsin sounds just like that. Did you get BK Sweat in? I think that one is easier than Tone for some reason. All of those are good practices for sure.

Jeanette, We must be on the same track because I was up 2 lbs. this weekx( Maybe next week we'll be down 5:D I tell my DH that the scale went up a opund or two and he just laughs and tells me his goes up and down up to 5 lbs. a day and to not be so hard on myself. I have been feeling good lately and my pants are looser so maybe it's temporary water weight. I'm anxious to see if STS and all of the weight training make a difference on the scale like heavy lifting did for Debra. I guess we can be case studies:D

Debra, I'm glad your presentation went well and your name is up on the board:) Sounds like you have this school thing down. Sounds like you had a great time at the game last night. I love watching close games. I am so depressed that football season is now over until August:( It's the only sport I love to watch aside from the Tour De France in July. Did you get a good snooze in today? How was Eoin? I just remembered that I have to bake cupcakes for the boys class}( At least they have filled out all of their Valentines:)

Laurie, Golly gee! What a weekend! I wish you had been able to sit and relax. Maybe next weekend, huh? How were the Cherry Cordials? I still have to look that up and try them too. I sure wish you'd get a break either from the weather or troubles. I'll just pray that the cars aren't that much to repair. Have fun eating brandy with cherries and chocolate:9

Tracy, So sorry you had to stay at work sick and be in charge of another meeting:( Sounds like it was a rough day all around. Just keep repeating, "April is coming soon, April is coming soon". I am so looking forward to a break with all of you!

Ok, I'm off to the shower. DS is in my lap crying, "I'm hot momma, I'm hot"! I hate it when they're sick:p

Hi Swifty, Christiane and Latrese!!


Bring it!!!
Okay...finally back for a chat...I am going to try Sandra's brevity thing, since it is getting late and I have lots to do tomorrow. I had a very nice time with Eoin today, and it was just what I needed. My hips and hip flexors were so tight, but now I am feeling better....Just need a nice massage on my shoulders and I will be right as rain! So it is either legs (with BG) or upper body (with PP) tomorrow. Anyone want to take bets as to what I will do??


At least your dog will go out by herself and actually come home...I have to take mine out every time...or else she runs for the hills....She eventually comes home, but is a huge mess! Crazy dog. And just for the record, we were at a basketball game yesterday (football season is over...lol). CBL and I share a lot of common interests, so that is good....and we tend to just get along really well....and have no problem telling each other when we are getting on the other's nerves....but it is in a nice or funny way, so nobody's feelings are hurt. Don't feel bad, the only exercise I got over the weekend was walking through campus heading to the game...although I will say...my was 30 minutes each way...with lots of hills..so that must count for something!! I actually am taking the craft project to do for the V-day party. There is another mom helping who is in charge of snacks and drinks. I am bringing the materials to make V-day card for their parents...with all kinds of stickers and things to glue. It should make a real mess. Good luck with the sugar high. Somehow I didn't envision you as a cheerleader...I would think you would have been fighting too much with the other team members when they started thinking they were all that and a bag of chips!

As usual...you crack me up!! Glad to know the eyebrows have been tamed so that you don't have to brush them away just to see. Way to go with no IcyHot this morning!! So when you are adding extra focus on a body part...how many times a week are you working that?? We had an AWESOME time in Chapel Hill....I hope we can go back soon and spend the day. My sweet man is actually cooking me chicken and dumplings right now (10pm!) as they are my favorite comfort food...He is going to bring them to me tomorrow for dinner. How good is that?? I also got a huge kick out of your client's daughter seeing you at the grocery store since my first thought was that she witnessed the manic episode last week. Thank goodness she missed that and thinks you look great and not like a lunatic. Although, I am sure you make a great looking lunatic. And much younger than you actual age! Sounds like it is going to be a tough V-day for you guys! Maybe you would rather come here and play with the germ infested urchins for a while!!

So sorry to hear about DS's illness...Poor baby!!! I am glad they rushed him in and got him on meds quickly. You guys take care up there with those nasty temps!

You are the WOMAN!!!!! Another round of the X under your shrinking belt!! Way to go! Since I am using PP as my one of my endurance workouts this rotation, I didn't want to add it onto SJP...but I will keep that in mind for the future. Thanks on the feed back on Cathe's rotation. I think I may try it once I am done with my current one. I always try to spread out my cardio during the week so that I am getting that calorie burn, but I guess with heavy weight work, I will probably get plenty of burn during that part of the week. Sorry no sun for you...It was beautiful here yesterday....well, if you discount the 35-45 mile per hour winds!

My word woman...there has never been a love handle on your body!! But glad you enjoyed Bryan today....I like that one too...I guess I will have to break it out later in the week. I will check out Brenda's interview tomorrow...Thanks for the link.

That chocolate turnover at Arby's sounds great!! I love their cherry ones!!

Sooooo sorry about the horrid weekend!! I am glad at least that DD is feeling better...but good gracious! I am definitely not missing the snow up there this year. We had some pretty nasty wind conditions yesterday....lots of power lines down and trees uprooted, but no major events.

I don't blame you for not gong to the shower....it seems you already have enough drama in your life to last a while. Hope DS is feeling better. Hope your UTI is continuing to improve. I used to get those all the time when I was younger, but I seem to have grown out of them now....knock on wood!! I actually have some scarring in my bladder from the frequent infections...and still have a problem with peeing as much as I need to when I go...sometimes I have to go back to the bathroom 2 or 3 times before I am all cleared out....I am sure that is waaaaaay TMI...but just be careful and take all of your antibiotics! Well, I see now you are headed to the shower...Hope all goes well! I still have to get DD to fill out her valentines....ugh. She has sooooo much homework it is hard to get it all in every day with her other activities....not that she is doing all that much....just dance and gymnastics....but tonight she had over and hour of homework...She is in the first grade!!! I got your email...and I will be in touch over the next couple of days. I LOVE tootsie rolls!!!!!!! One of my favorite candies, so I can never keep them in the house.

Sorry you are feeling bad. Definitely take that day off tomorrow! I guess you guys had the wind that we did yesterday? And what the heck was all over your kitchen island??

Well....I did okay...not too long winded....CBL just called to wish me a good night and to say he missed me.....How about that??? It looks like I might have a boyfriend afterall....LOL!! Happy evening to all!! I am meeting CBL in the morn for breakfast and then headed to tackle some errands....like getting DD a little something for V-day...and taking my dirty, stinking dog to the groomer. I will chat with you guys in the morning.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good evening,
Had a ho-hum day today at work. Holiday tomorrow so am looking forward to working out in the morning without being rushed. I'll get those abs in tomorrow that should have been done this morning.

Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions on how to tweak my workouts. I still wonder, how do performance and endurance athletes lose fat and stay lean if too much cardio slows down weight loss? Or is that just a woman thing and guys are not affected that way? LOL, here's a fantasy...if I was riding the Tour De France, I'd be the one that gained 10 pounds at the end of the 23 days, whereas the rest of the peleton look like skeletons. I love riding and I love doing step workouts. Just hate the thought of having to cut back. I think some say that 3 hours a week of cardio is good for keeping lean, but more doesn't help. How can I keep up my bike endurance as some of our rides are that long. One ride like that a week is not enough for me to keep in good endurance shape on the metric and century rides. I still need the extra interval work in addition to the longer endurance rides. I'm puzzled.

I can see where harder leg workouts would make my legs bigger for a while, but why are my face, arms, wrists puffy too? I'm also going to eliminate some of those carbs. Hmmmm, is the water retention in the muscle itself, or in the cellulite (fat cells) on the legs? During TTOM, they always look so bumpy so I'm thinking the water is in the fat cells. Am I right?

Wendy, our little Tillie slams her body against the screen door too when she wants in. The big Shorthair, ever so lightly, scratches once on the door. I have driven in a whiteout a few times and was scared to death. White knuckles the whole way. My instinct does not say to go forward when I can't see ahead of me. Glad your outlook toward fitness did a turn around. I'm feeling that way about working my legs. I actually really, really enjoyed my leg workout this morning. Now, if I could just get rid of the fat and water. Glad you enjoyed the Baron today. I'm going to get back to yoga, I swear. I know I'll order STS soon, before the price goes up. I'm really hoping that I can get the eating combination down before then. I think I will have to split cycling and golf. We'll see how it goes. How is your son doing that is in the military? Where is he stationed? Wow, I'll try not to think of how little you paid for your massage while I'm getting my spendy one this Friday. It would only spoil the event for me. I'm also getting a facial, which I absolutely love. Guess I'd better soften some of these callouses on my feet before I go. Might have to get out the power grinder!

Traci, loved what you wrote to Wendy this morning. Lots of maturity there. I too do not want to be remembered as a "preening peacock", as my Dad calls my poor Grandmother (not to her face). She has always been very much into clothes and looking good, and always gave the impression of being better than those that didn't dress high falooting or had a fancy degree. I want to be remembered more as my other grandmothers who weren't so into themselves and looks and loved spending time with their families. Oh, to find the balance of it all. DH and I loved WHMS! DH was cracking up during the diner scene with the faked O! It was a really good movie and I was surprised that he enjoyed it so much! Thanks for suggesting it. So the diner clip was on Food Network??? What did that have to do with food? Don't tell me the Feasty Boys were having an orgasmic moment??? Actually, the meeting next week is in Sacramento, not San Francisco. Big difference in climate as Sac is usually lots warmer than SF. I'm hoping to get to play on Saturday if all works out. DH was going down to the valley on the camping trip and now says he may not go. LOL about being dead for 2 weeks and still having weight to lose! I feel like I would have been one of the last surviving Donner Party members. An easy keeper here for sure. Sigh. Great to hear the compliment on your age and health! So nice, but you definitely deserve it. You go girl! I would be bawling while making the memory books. How sweet of you to do for your DH. Me, think I will buy DH a 6 pack and some pigskins. Just kidding, but he'd love it.

Kim, who is Louis Riel? Have you always lived in Canada? I've never been there, but who knows? Hope that your DH can talk to his brother. Why can't everyone just feel responsible or obligated? There are just so many takers anymore. I notice so many kids, teenagers and young people are not polite or respectful. The bagboys at Safeway are so different than years ago. Not saying all of them, but you sure notice it's not like it used to be. And then, what are they going to teach their kids? I really don't think things are going in the right way. Yes, things are pricey here in California. Think gasoline is now sitting at $3.27/gallon. DH says it's going up. Boy, am I a sad sack today or what? I sound like my Dad. Ooooh, the Disney cruise sounds wonderful. I'd love to do an Alaskan cruise someday with my DH. Think he would love it.

Sandra, way to go on finishing the X!!! ^^^^5's all around!!! I took a little snooze this evening on the couch, just 15 minutes and woke up and remembered that I have no work tomorrow! Yeehaw!!!

Lea, glad you enjoyed your yoga. Bet the boys will love the cruise to Mexico.

Latrese, glad you enjoyed the weekend. Oooh, I see you did CC#5. I'm thinking of doing one of those on my bike after work soon. Maybe even tomorrow. Such a feeling of accomplishment when I get done with one of those.

Debra, so glad you had a wonderful time celebrating CBL's birthday. You are soooo right about not feeling good about body changes. I wonder if it's menopause or just putting on weight. I think it's the out of control feeling that's getting me. I'm going to try less cardio and see what happens, plus skip the carbs and sub with more protein, fruits and veggies. I know what you mean about weighing to keep the weight in check. I know when I feel puffy, I avoid the scale, something I never had to do for 27 or so years. Thank you for the expression of love, I try not to get too down, but sheesh, why does it have to be so tough? A co-worker said she gained 10-15 pounds almost overnight with menopause.

Laurie, so sorry about the car problems and missing the show. We've been having car problems too. Had to pay $523 for some stuff on the pickup today. Never ends. Hope you aren't going to have to have a new transmission. I've got around 90,000 on my Jeep and wondering when the transmission will go. It's been a good car, knock on wood. Glad your DD is feeling better. Heard they are locking down one side of the prison due to an influenza outbreak amongst the inmates. That may mess up the anger management program for the inmates that I have scheduled for tomorrow. Won't be good. More snow? Dang. Ours is melting good. How are those soaking maraschinos? Are they the kind you could light up? How fun!!! Dove dark chocolate, no more needs to be said about that. I'm so looking forward to April too. Retreat, here I come!!!

Nicole, sorry about your DS. That's awful that the sickness just won't leave. My grandkids seem to be sick so much too. Not sure if they have allergies or colds. They've both had ear problems and have been on more antibiotics than you can shake a stick at. No wonder antibiotics are getting less effective, but what do you do? Maybe STS will be the big shock I'm needing. Cathe sure thinks we'll be seeing great results with it. I'm getting more hopeful. I'm thinking I won't have the dread that I've developed with P90X. Yep, let's be the case studies. Seems like we both have our resistances. Enjoy the shower and forget the childishness of those other ladies. They are just miserable and want others to be too.

Tracy, hope you are feeling better tomorrow and can get more rest at home. Maybe someone else will clear the island? Just like around here. Reminds me I have more laundry to transfer to the dryer. I'm going to cut out some of the cardio in the Leg Blast Rotation I'm following and also try more protein to see how this bod reacts. I can understand puffy for the lower body, but why the face, hands, etc? I do try to watch the sodium, but why have I developed such a sensitivity to it. This started a few years ago. I always weighed more after a long endurance ride, but would lose the water in a few days, just in time for another ride, so I always seemed/seem to be puffy. I've been feeling great energy wise on WW, but will change up on the composition to more protein and less complex carbs.

Guess I'd better go now, I'll try to be more cheerful and positive tomorrow. Tomorrow is a holiday, think I will get in a weight workout and a bike ride in the afternoon.

Hugs to all,


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