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  1. S

    How much do you TIP your Hairdresser?

    Thanks everyone for your replies! Seems most of you tip 20%. That's fine with me. My hairdresser does everything herself (no separate shampoo person) and always dries and styles my very thick hair. She is an excellent colorist and always does what I want. If I just get a haircut it's...
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    How much do you TIP your Hairdresser?

    I'm curious what would be considered a good tip to give your hairdresser? I'm never sure what amount would be appropriate. I don't want to be cheap, but I'm not rich either. Is there an easy was to figure it like there is with a restaurant bill? And of course I'm talking about service...
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    I have lost fifty pounds!

    I'm so happy for you! What an accomplishment! :D :D :D Congratulations!!!:D :D :D Nicole
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    Confessions of an unclean eater - Friday 05/06/05

    Well, I'd really like to blame Shelley for my behavior, but on top of everything else, she has hairdresser issues, so I better not! }( I'm supposed to be working out now, but I sit here with a spoonful of wicked chocolate chip cookie dough enjoying every bite (uh...thanks for the recipe!)...
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    in honor of my crummy day - what's your favorite "drink"?

    RE: in honor of my crummy day - what's your favorite OH PLEASE!! DO Tell what you replied!! I would love to hear it! You guys are making me thirsty.... Hmmm...I'm such a light weight (so to speak) compared to some of you. I can't handle any hard it's mostly wine & beer...
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    I need a hobby!

    Gosh Jes, we have the same hobbies! Maybe I need to get out more too! When you find some....let me know!! :D Nicole
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    Advice before going into the Navy

    JenG - "STG" - is his rate (or job) and stands for "Sonar Technician Surface" which means he hunts submarines from a ship. The "G" is a fire control system term which stands for Geographic or Surface. There are also "STS" which are "Sonar Technician Submarine" which hunt submarines from a...
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    Feline kidney Disease

    NY25..Gosh! I hope I didn't terrify you! I just wanted to say our kitty was a "special needs" cat pretty much from the beginning. We adopted her when she was about 5 months old from a shelter group. She had some box problems at the beginning but we chalked it up to moving in to a new home...
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    Feline kidney Disease

    My heart goes out to you. I cannot begin to tell you what to do, but I have had a similar experience I can share. Last fall we lost our beloved kitty Jessie. She was only 2 1/2 years old. We had just come home from a trip to the midwest for my father in laws unexpected funeral. We noticed...
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    Advice before going into the Navy

    Hi Charlotte! Well, I asked my husband who has been in the Navy for 19 years to give some words of advice, and here is how he replied. Advice for a new Sailor: To the new Sailor. You see, only a few short months ago the US navy changed the way we treat the word Sailor. Now the...
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    The wickedly evil chocolate chip cookie recipe

    WELL, I can see some of you weren't paying attention during the Christmas/New Year holidays!! I made these to take to my parents for Christmas Day and everyone RAVED about them. Couldn't believe I made them (gee, thanks!) because they looked like store bought truffles (ok, that's not so...
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    I got offered a job today!!!

    That's GREAT news!! I remember reading your posts about your current job. If a few extra minutes in the car is the only negative I'm sure you will be much happier. Good Job and Congratulations!!! :-) :-) :-) Nicole
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    The wickedly evil chocolate chip cookie recipe

    Shelley!! You are truly wicked!! }( Now join the ranks of your evil sister Dani (of Oreo Balls fame!!) wonder my family laughs at me every time I make something yummy and they ask me where I got the recipe. "Uh...from this fitness forum I read." Yeah right. :9 Thank for...
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    HELP!!! Puppy Training!

    Lori-I just wanted to say I understand exactly how you feel. I had never even had a DOG before much less a PUPPY!! I knew nothing at all about dogs or dog behavior when we decided to adopt ours. And even though my husband has had dogs before, that was years ago when he was a kid and they...
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    HELP!!! Puppy Training!

    Just a said he was drinking ALOT. Do you think he is drinking WAY too much for a puppy? If he is drinking and peeing to EXCESS for his age that could be a signal that he has some other issue going on (medical?). You might try a call to your vet for some advice if you think that...
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    HELP!!! Puppy Training!

    I forgot to mention...we adopted our puppy from a shelter group. She was part of a litter that was raised in a "foster" home where they were given free reign of the backyard during the day and slept in a crate at night. I believe it took us a little longer to potty train her because she was...
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    HELP!!! Puppy Training!

    I felt the same way when we got our puppy! I was seriously rethinking the whole puppy thing too. However, I'm so glad I stuck with it because now she is THE BEST dog and yours will be too! You've been give lots of good advice already so I will just tell you my experience. Remember, puppies...
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    Eat to Live Recipe

    Thanks everyone for your suggetions! I really was curious why he has you juice those veggies instead of just thorwing them in the Vita Mix. You lose all the fiber that way. Anyway...I'm hoping to make the soup tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again!! :-) Nicole
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    Eat to Live Recipe

    I know many of you have this book and I'm just getting started with it & experimenting with the recipes and I have a question for the veterans out there! I want to make "Dr. Fuhrman's Famous Anti-Cancer Soup" but I don't have a juice extractor. I have a Vita Mix so that's no problem, but my...
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    ? About original healthclub Step.

    You're right of course. I just thought that the extra price seemed like alot for just a video, but I guess it sells for more than the difference if you buy it separately here on Cathe's site. Oh well. I didn't buy mine from WalMart either. I went to all the Wal Mart stores around here...