Eat to Live Recipe


I know many of you have this book and I'm just getting started with it & experimenting with the recipes and I have a question for the veterans out there! I want to make "Dr. Fuhrman's Famous Anti-Cancer Soup" but I don't have a juice extractor. I have a Vita Mix so that's no problem, but my question is regarding juicing the carrots and celery. What do you do if you don't have the juicer? Can't I just put them in the VitaMix and let it make juice by using the whole vegetable? Will it make the recipe different? Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but I just didn't know if it would really make a difference in the recipe. And BTW, did you like the soup? It sounds really good to me!


Nicole :)
Hi Nicole....this was one recipe I did't try as I didn't have a juicer. I would guess with the Vitamix it might change the recipe a bit, but not sure that would matter..:)...I have an idea though. Go to click on the Eat to Live Discussion Board and ask there. I am sure someone has tried it and would be able to answer your question better...:)...Carole
I didn't really like that cookbook. I made the humus from it, and that was about it. Let us know if you like the soup.

Just put the veggies into the vitamix, do a fairly rough blend and then strain them through a cheesecloth or several layers of quality paper towels to get the juice and leave the pulp. Shouldn't make any difference at all.
Thanks everyone for your suggetions! I really was curious why he has you juice those veggies instead of just thorwing them in the Vita Mix. You lose all the fiber that way. Anyway...I'm hoping to make the soup tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks again!!

:) Nicole

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