I got offered a job today!!!


I just want to go over to the desk of the lady next to me and blow raspberries at her (you know what raspberries are, don't you? Ppphhhhtttt!)

Anyhoo, last week while I was out of the office with a toothache (root canal city), I got this phone call. It seems that I had accidentally updated my resume on Monster.com for a Business Communications class assignment (I say accidentally, because I didn't think I'd completed the update). Well, this company screened resumes and mine popped up as a match to their criteria. They called me on Tuesday, I think. I decided to meet with them, even though I didn't think I'd be interested in the job, so on Friday (I took a vacation day), I met up with their HR rep and the guy who would be my boss. Oh, my goodness! I've been looking for a new job, but didn't think initially that this would be it. However, I just felt so good about this opportunity after I met with them. It seemed like the perfect place for me to take my next professional step, and the guy who would be my boss seemed like such a good fit for me professionally. So, I asked how quickly they wanted to move on the offer, and they told me "pretty quickly". I felt good about the interview after I left, and today around lunchtime, they called to offer me the job. Yep, they definitely wanted to move quickly!

So, now comes the deliberation phase, but I really think I'd be silly to turn this down. I've made the preverbial list of positives and negatives, and there's all these positives and only one negative (the drive is a little further than what I make now...about 50 minutes one-way. I currently drive 40-45 minutes one-way, on average). But, the positives seem to far outweigh that one little negative.

I think that come tomorrow, I may have a new job. :)
That's GREAT news!! I remember reading your posts about your current job. If a few extra minutes in the car is the only negative I'm sure you will be much happier.

Good Job and Congratulations!!!

:) :) :) Nicole
So, nobody thinks I should go blow raspberries at my coworker? :D :D :7 :+ }(

Just kidding. Thanks, everybody! I'm pretty excited about this...and a little anxious, but that's to be expected when you're getting ready to embark on a new journey.
Oh, I DEFINITELY think you should blow raspberries at your coworker! Big, juicy ones!!!

Congratulations on the new job! Very exciting....and hopefully much less stressful for you!

Congradulations! You rock!

Marla, raspberries are when you stick out your tongue, put your thumbs on the sides of your head with your fingers pointing up and blow!
I was wondering how you were doing. CONGRATULATIONS! My DH's commute is 1 1/2 hours most of the time. Sometimes more than that as he travels alot too. Sounds like it would be worth the extra few minutes it would take to get there. GOOD FOR YOU!

You know...my thoughts on these things is that they happen for a reason. You have been unhappy where you are, so what do you have to lose? If the money is acceptable and the benefits are good, then go for it.

When I was out of a job almost 3 years ago (Wow! I can't believe I'm coming up on my 3rd anniversary here), I interviewed for a couple jobs, one I wanted and didn't get. The other I didn't want, and made sure I didn't get (I totally highballed my required salary, knowing they couldn't offer it). Then just when I was starting to get worried, I was offered a temp-to-perm position as an HRIS manager. It was for a non-profit organization that I knew was highly respectable. Since the money was more than what I was making on unemployment, I figured what the heck. I hadn't interviewed for it and didn't really know anything about it, but I figured I had nothing to lose. The HR manager who was utilizing the same outplacement service I was at the time thought I was NUTS to take a job offer without meeting the staff, but I went on faith. I actually didn't think it would be a long term thing, I thought I'd stay with them for a few months, but then I'd move on to bigger and better things. Now I'm coming up on 3 years and you'd have to offer me a GREAT deal for me to leave. I love it here.

You don't gain anything without taking risks. If you hate your job, which we all know you do, then get your butt out of there. As much as you'd like to flip them the bird on your way out, though, don't do it. It's much better to leave with their respect. I have never once spoken ill of my former employer, even though they eliminated my position after 11 years with them. I've always acknowledged how much they taught me and the opportunities they gave. Even big cities are small towns, if you know what I mean. What you say has a nasty way of getting back to people and you never know when you may find yourself face-to-face with something you've said (or done).

When I was informed that they were eliminating my position, everyone assumed I would freak out. As it turned out, I told the lady who gave me the news that I would miss everyone and that I was very concerned about who would be handling my responsibilities. I hugged her, gathered my stuff, and went home for the day. I came back the next day to help show the people who were dividing my responsibilities what to do, and had the most positive attitude of anyone in the office. Granted, some of the time I felt like I was dying inside, but I never let them see it. At the end of my last 2 weeks, the Executive VP (who had made the decision on which job had to be eliminated) told me that he regretted his decision. I am now held in high regard by that organization and have some pretty high powered references.

Only give the raspberries in your fantasies.
I am so happy for you! This sounds like such a great opportunity to get out of an unhappy situation! I hope it all works out for you, whatever you decide!
Well, since so many people have responded (and I am honestly flattered that many of you actually remembered that I was having problems!!!), I thought I would give you an update.

I put my resignation in this morning, after notifying my new employer of my acceptance of their offer. No raspberries were blown at my coworker (but they were in my mind :) ), but I have this sick fantasy of cutting out little cardboard knives and coloring the tips red, then taking them over to my coworker's desk, holding them out for her to take, then saying, "Here's all those knives you gave me. It took me a while, but I think I finally got them all out of my back." Noooo, I won't ACTUALLY do that, but it's a nice little fantasy to give my husband and me a couple of laughs as I move on to greener pastures.

I spoke to my manager this morning, and we had a wonderful discussion -- very dignified and professional. I definitely wanted to leave with no ill feelings, and I wanted to leave a good impression, but I also wanted to give him my honesty about why I was leaving. He appreciated what I told him, and he actually asked me how he could have made things better here in an effort to not let this happen again with the next person. He seemed genuinely interested in my ideas, and even told me that what I suggested will help him proceed with what they will do to fill the void I'm leaving. He seems regretful and sad to see me go, and I hate to feel like I'm letting him down, but this new opportunity is the best decision for me.

So, it's a little scary...I'm breaking out of the preverbial comfort zone and embarking on a new journey into the unknown. But I won't let fear of the unknown keep me from growing and moving forward. The hardest things I've ever done have been the ones that have meant the most to me and built my character the most. I look forward to the coming challenges in my new job.
Congrats, Catwoman!!!

Well done on your final discussion with your former boss. It sounds like you left that position being looked upon in a good light. You never know when a positive interaction like that will come back to help you in the future.

:) :) :)
Cat Woman- Good for you! Tell us about your new position!


I will be the Assistant to the Director of Operations for a company that is experiencing incredible growth right now. It will be my job to keep this very busy guy organized, and it sounds like I will have many other tasks to work on, as well. Basically, it sounds like I will be part of a partnership with my boss, and part of a team with the others in his department. I'll have to wait to tell you more until after I start my job and have more details, but it sounds like a great opportunity.

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