I need a hobby!


Other than Cathe, shopping and cleaning......

i thought maybe you all could share your hobbies and maybe i will get inspired!

It needs to be something that gets me out of the house and gives opportunity to meet other women without kids.....any ideas?


p.s. anyone have an opinion on Bunko? all i know is that it's cards....:)
I've been to Bunco once and it was a BLAST!!!

I don't have a ton of hobbies other than reading and working out. I need to get out of the house more, too! What about a book club? You could probably see if your local library offers one.

Gosh Jes, we have the same hobbies! Maybe I need to get out more too! When you find some....let me know!!

:D Nicole
ok, this might sound completely moronic, but i am NOT one who would be considered "in the know" as far as my local community...i have looked at the newspaper and the regional website, but i haven't found anything as far as organizations or groups to join or any sort of hobby-ish related stuff.....where should i look to find this stuff out?

book club...not active enough....i read alot, but i want some action!! make sense?

LOL!...retail therapy...i am extreemly healthy in that area....or maybe groosly unhealthy...i guess it depends on which way you look at it
jes:) :+
You have more hobbies than I do.

I only have Cathe and shopping! I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind if I took up cleaning.

Seriously, I took photography classes at a local community college for like two years. I also took a sewing class.

The photography was fun and I got to know a few people in the class.

Now I have my own dark room and develop and print B&W prints. B&W photography is being relegated as a classic art with the advent of digital photography so that gives it even more allure. It's fun! If you don't have a 35mm camera you can pick one up cheap.

Sewing is a solitary hobby but you can go on photography shoots with other people. One of the teachers I had took us on field trips. One was a weekend field trip in and around Monterey, CA. We all camped and it was a blast.

I play Bunco once a month. We take the summer months off (June, July & August) and then in December we have a gift exchange with our secret pal. That is pig out night. The host fixes the meal for that night. Their is eight of us and we each have our own month. It is pretty fun. Food and gossip! Oh, and rolling the dice! LOL!
I know a lot of people who scrapbook. I don't have the creativity and patience for that, though!

I love to garden! All winter long, i call all my gardening friends and we go through our magazines and plan our flower beds for the spring. I Love it! We swap plants and talk about what plants work best in certain areas. We are such plant geeks!

I also just love to read! Right now, I am reading a book by Jennifer Crusie-she is hilarious! I find it makes me relax, too, which I need because I am always running around!

Have fun finding what you like!

I know a lot of people who scrapbook. I don't have the creativity and patience for that, though!

I love to garden! All winter long, i call all my gardening friends and we go through our magazines and plan our flower beds for the spring. I Love it! We swap plants and talk about what plants work best in certain areas. We are such plant geeks!

I also just love to read! Right now, I am reading a book by Jennifer Crusie-she is hilarious! I find it makes me relax, too, which I need because I am always running around!

Have fun finding what you like!

Sign up for an adult dance class. Plenty of types to choose from ballet, modern, jazz, tap.... You'll be meeting other women, some guys and will have the opportunity to socialize after class all while expanding your fitness horizons and having alot of fun.
Cathy: i was thinking about that! i wonder if there are any in my town.......i would love that as long as i don't have to preform anywhere!

Hi Jes,
You don't have to perform. If there are performances you can always opt out....just let your instructor know ahead of time. Look in the yellow pages under dance instruction and go sit in on a class to see if you like it. Good luck and have fun.
I love to cook. I have four girlfriends who have various experience with cooking. Two of us are into fitness. We get together a couple of times a month to cook a few things we all agree on. We keep in contact by phone and e-mail, meet at each others homes, subscribe to Eating Well, Cooking Light, Veggie Times and other mags. We stay inspired. We also watch allot of Food t.v.. We are "foodies" and we are friends. WE belong to our local Community Sponsored Agriculture organization and plan recipes according to whats growing locally. Plan trips to various Farmers markets, take cooking classes together offered at our adult school. We just finished a Thai cooking class! We are also thinking of starting a gourmet dinner club....
You can always have me mail you my tons of home-recorded CDs & have you go through them all & make CD labels with all the songs listed so I know what's on each CD. It's something I've been meaning to do for a long time but I wouldn't mind letting you do it.:7 }( ;-)

Good morning ladies:

I love to horseback ride (jumping, english saddle), make melt-and-pour soap, grow orchids, read mysteries, bellydancing, yoga, making sterling silver jewelry and doing jumbles.

The bellydancing is a lot of fun. It is the best "stretching" for the lower back (my weak spot). If you have a chance to go a class I recommend it.
What about a Sierra Nevada club? (I think that's what it's called... it's a national club with local divisions that go on hikes and such.)

Good luck!

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