>Yhew - took my kitty to the vet last night. It's diabetes.
>So at least it's treatable. Thank goodness. But, wow, what
>an expensive venture!! Thanks for your support!
Luckily, the insulin and needles aren't that expensive. And diabetic cats can live a long time. My guy was diagnosed over 3 years ago, and he's doing great most of the time!
If you ever notice signs of neuropathy (nerve damage in the extremeties: cats start walking on their palms instead of their toes, then on their "elbows" ,etc.), get some methylcobalamin (a type of vitamin B12. While the vet was still figuring out the right insulin dosage to use (she added gradually) m cat developed neuropathy problems to the point where he couldn't safely walk down the basement stairs (where the pan is) or jump up on the coach. Supposedly it is irreversible, but I read that methylcobalamin (not the regular B12--cyanacobalamin) helped in humans and animals, so I tried it. After about a month of a daily pill, Scooter was back to jumping up on the couch and walking fairly normally (about 85% of normal).
If you ever have any question about dealing with a diabetic cat, feel free to pm or email me.