HELP!!! Puppy Training!

Just to add to this--Lori, I have resisted crate training my dogs my entire life. I was of the mistaken perception that it was like putting them in jail LOL. I've always had retrievers & I could be imagining things but they seem so darned smart & they pick things up very quickly.

But like I said, Maximus is a pug & now 4. He's still not completely housebroken. Believe me when I tell you I tried EVERYTHING. I finally broke down & bought the crate 2 months ago, & his royal highness actually hangs out in there by his own choice. I was shocked but I am now a convert. :)

The funny thing is, we've had very few accidents lately, but there are still the occasional messes. And, like you, I only turn my back for a few minutes (sometimes less), & it'll happen immediately after he's been outside. Like today, I went home for lunch, he was out for a while, I even left the back door open. I closed it about 3 minutes before I went back to work & he peed in the dining room. I started taking him in the bathroom w/me when I shower in the morning(mind you, this is immediately after I let them out while I'm making my coffee), & it was OK the first few times but maybe the 4th day he peed in the bathroom while I was showering. I can't figure it out, but the little bugger has me completely wrapped around his little paw so I am not giving up.

Stick with him, & I bet he turns out to be the best friend you've ever had.
Lori-I just wanted to say I understand exactly how you feel. I had never even had a DOG before much less a PUPPY!! I knew nothing at all about dogs or dog behavior when we decided to adopt ours. And even though my husband has had dogs before, that was years ago when he was a kid and they followed the old school of training and rubbed the dogs nose in their messes. Needless to say, we both had alot to learn about dog behavior and proper dog training. My solution was to absorb as much doggie information as I possibly could. I read books, searched the internet, and took my puppy to training classes. Housetraining is the toughest part for sure. I was so at my wits end one day from trying to potty train her that I cried! I swore that puppy would never learn to potty outside. But gradually she got better and understood the proper place to go. It takes time, but it WILL happen. Don't expect too much too soon. And it makes sense that the puppy doesn't understand things like your other dog. That's like expecting a two year old child to understand things the way a 10 year old would.

I know Colleen gave you lots of good links to websites. I have one that I referred to alot that has lots of info on everything from training to behavior to health. Hope it helps:

Hang in there! It will get better!

:) Nicole

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