Search results

  1. S

    Homemade Yogurt Machine recommendations?

    Today is the day Good Day! OK I am waiting on my yogurt as I type. I have made two batches. One Justine style - no machine and 1 batch with the Euro Cuisine YM260 - Eva style (I just had to buy another kitchen gadget...I clicked buy before I knew what hit me, it happen so fast.)...
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    Homemade Yogurt Machine recommendations?

    Justine, Eva & Nanbo. Good Day Ladies, OK...Sunday is the day. I'm going to try making yogurt Justine style Sunday! Yikes! Wish me luck. Will post my results (even if I am embarrassed). Dehydrators, I will take a look into one. I love kitchen gadgets. Like learning something new...
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    Homemade Yogurt Machine recommendations?

    Nancy & Justinef.....Hello Nancy thanks for the site info. I am going to check that out later tonight. I have also been researching on amazon. Will let you know if I purchase one (probably will). I am not has handy as Justinef is in the kitchen. I would have a major mess...
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    Homemade Yogurt Machine recommendations?

    Hello. Does anyone make their own and/ if so what machine do you use? Thanks, Sherry
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    Yoga/recovery workouts

    When I set up my post..about Yoga...I should have looked to see if Yoga had already been requested. I'm all in. Sherry
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    Yoga Series (beginners to advanced)

    Cathe, Please come out with a Yoga series that ranges from beginners to advanced. 20 mins to 60 mins in length. I have and Love your LIS YogaMax & YogaRelax. I must confess and that I purchased 2 "Yoga Zone" Beginner DVD's for my hubby. It pained me to purchase someone else's...
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    Pyramid Trisets

    Count me in...I love Pyramid. My Credit card is ready.
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    100 Rep Challenges

    Nathalie, Good Day! Yes, I mix up my cardio. I usually pick a premix. Depending on the intensity my cardio ranges from 20-40 mins. I don't/can't do dancy step. (plus my husband has two left feet-no dancy stuff for him) With Cardio/weight (2'x week abs) (not counting yoga) my workout...
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    Prayers For ReneePruitt

    Renee, Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart. You and your family are in my prayers. Sherry
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    100 Rep Challenges

    Nathalie, Yes you are right this routine sounds..Let me say it "Crazy". I am already doing 50 reps of 50 push ups 3 x's week. (Real/Knee combination) Here is what I am trying to accomplish. I'm almost 50. Building muscle has always been tough for me. Even though I have been lifting...
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    100 Rep Challenges

    Thanks for your replies, (Dixiegirl, Nathalie & Kate A.) My weekly workouts are ...1 body part/Cardio day. Then I also add on yoga. Is this what my new workouts woud look like? generic breakdown Chest/Cardio - 100 reps of push ups or chest press Back/Cardio - 100 reps of...
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    yoga DVD suggestions

    Thanks Melagras & Kate A. I am on it....Yoga Zone. My Hubby is in for a big suprise. Thanks. I could not agree more, Kate A. after Taba's, Hiit, To the Max & Crossfire..Yoga feels great. I'm going to be hitting the big 50 in May and flexability makes a huge difference know and in...
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    yoga DVD suggestions

    I have checked out all of the yoga instructors that have been suggested in this form. Wow! They look great. I have only used Cathe's Yoga Disc. It is hard for me to buy anybody but Cathe. Shiva Rea looked very interesting to me. Think I am going to invest in her dvd. Does anyone...
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    100 Rep Challenges

    Hello, I would welcome any feedback on the 100 Rep Challenges. I would like to start incorporating them into my weekly workouts. I work 1 body part/cardio 6 times a week. Does anyone mix the 100 Rep Challenge into your routine? if so...How? and your results? Thanks Sherry
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    Cardio/one body part day Opinion Please

    Hello, Any thoughts and/or experience with cardio daily/one body part weight lifting? Pros/cons, advise and results...Please. I am currently into week 3 of XTrain 30 day cardio + strength combined. I like this!!!! Thanks, Sherry
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    Alpha-Gal Allergy

    Hello Mcmurry, Wow, 15 years. You should take a look at this website. there are others like us all over the place and many that have had this for years. The University of Virginia is actually researching this allery (alpha-gal). One of the Professors has...
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    Spin Series

    Count me in...I'm ready to order!
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    Alpha-Gal Allergy

    Hello, Just checking to see if anyone has heard of this allergy (Alpha-Gal) or has this allergy. I developed this allergy last August from chigger bites. Would love to heard from others with this allergy. Sherry
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    I agree. Hope to see Lorraine in the future workouts.
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    User's Guide

    Cathe, Please include a User's Guide with the next set of workouts. I Love the Xtrain Guide. What a extremely helpful tool. LOVE XTRAIN....Thanks! Looking forward to the next group of workouts. I have my credit card ready for March 1st.:D Sherry