Hello Mcmurry,
Wow, 15 years. You should take a look at this website. allergytomeat.wordpress.com there are others like us all over the place and many that have had this for years. The University of Virginia is actually researching this allery (alpha-gal). One of the Professors has this allery.
My affliction started with chigger bites (approx. 50 on my legs) a nice walk in the woods changed my life. "Nothing with hooves"...that's funny I call it.... nothing with 4 legs. It took me 4-5 months to discover what this affliction was and that it has a name.
I experienced 3 cases of severe hives and a trip to the ER before finding out that I was allergic to the 4 legged animals. I am also allergic to Dairy and have reactions to foods that are high in histimines. Turkey is also on my NO LIST. I would get itchy about 15 mins after eating some. I have had other strange reactions to this allergy. Luckily I like fruit and veggies and I am not married to food. (I think if this had happen to my hubby he would cry everday. LOL)
The allergytomeat.wordpress.com is full of stories and other's reactions. This allergy apparently not only makes us allergic to "Nothing with hooves" but also causes other reactions. There is also a recipe site on there.
Through trial and error (food logs) I have been able to determine what I can and can't eat. Based on Histimine levels there are fruits/veggies I can't have anymore.

But on the positive side I feel GREAT!!! because I can only eat things that are good for me.

))) Reptile is the only thing I have not tried. I have never seen it for sale here in VA.
Welcome to the site. You are going to love it here. Lots of knowledgeable people and of course ......Cathe and crew rock!!!!!!!!
Happy to hear from someone with this allergy. I have only met one other person in my area that has this allery.