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    The Challenge Series

    I'd like another series similar to Hardcore that really challenges your body. The kind of workouts I'd like to see in it: 1) Pilates Challenge (a brutal core workout, using stability ball at times) 2) Kick, Punch and Crunch II 3) Imax Challenge (with an add on bonus of two extra intervals...
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    Who thinks Cathe will make a new announcement soon??

    I'm hoping she makes an announcement soon. I absolutely love the presales. My birthday is in March so I'm hoping the presale will start in early March so that I can get a super cool "40th" birthday present. I'm not looking forward to turning 40 so a presale would be an awesome distraction...
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    Doms !!

    Four days of chest DOMS from Gym Style Chest and Triceps. It was the very first time I managed to do the drop set of pushups with straight legs. I managed to keep the 20 lb weights for most of the weight segment too. I never realized how often you use your chest muscles during the day. Now it's...
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    Limecat's Hump Day Humdinger

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    What did you want to be when you grew up?

    I wanted to be an astronaut. I became a chemical engineer.
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    Cathe February Rotation Sun 4th anyone else?

    Hi Anyone else doing the rotation? I've started the Cathe rotation today. I managed to keep to the 8" for the entire cardio and power section for the first time on Body Max II today. I've been ready to have a nap ever since I finished. Looking forward to Low Max tomorrow. It's been a...
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    How Much Exercise Is Enough?

    This is from personal experience. I swam 6 times a week (an hour each time) during the last trimester for both of my pregnancies. This increased my energy for labour and helped my body bounce back quickly. I had an emergency c-section with my first and did absolutely nothing (not even stairs)...
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    What will be your Saturday Workout?

    If my upper body DOMS go away and my right ankle stops hurting then I'm doing LIC this afternoon. Otherwise I think my body may be saying REST! Monday was Bootcamp. Tuesday was 75 minutes of intense jazz dance. Wednesday I pulled myself up the rope at the gym and balanced on the balance board...
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    What keeps you motivated...

    I love to workout. My challenge is forcing myself to have one rest day a week. I used to workout for 15 to 18 days without a break. For the past two years I've made sure to take one day off a week. What a difference. My muscles got stronger, my legs got leaner and I have more energy to kick butt...
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    Sooo anyone in the DEEP freeze yet?

    All week it's been around -36 degrees Celsius with the windchill. Today it's supposed to be -40 degrees Fahrenheit (which is also -40 degrees Celsius) with the windchill. Without the windchill we've been having highs this week around -20 degrees Celsius. The wind has been blowing up to 60 km/hr...
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    Cardio Fusion WOW!

    I did Cardio Fusion for the first time today. I love it! It takes all of my favorite parts of the other videos and sticks them together. I had to lower the step height to 6" at the start of the 4th power circuit as my legs were getting shaky, but I persevered and did the whole thing. I will...
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    Limecat's fun question of the day

    pictures of my kids reward cards bank card one credit card 3 library cards 4 pennies My purse is so small as it would fit in the front pocket of the diaper backpack. Ironically the kids have been out of diapers for over 3 years now.
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    What was your first?

    Maximum Intensity Cardio My girlfriend got it and MIS for me for my birthday. It took a while for me to warm up to MIS as I really hated doing weights. Ironically I now do them 2 to 3 times a week. I totally loved MIC and now I have all of Cathe's advanced workouts. My non-Cathe...
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    Do I need Gym Style Legs if I have Butts & Guts?

    I would highly recommend getting Gym Style legs. I have the other leg workouts too. I really enjoy the variety of exercises in gym style legs. It targets the muscles differently than Butts & Guts. I find the DOMS are in different areas for the two workouts.
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    Cathe January rotation for Monday 29th

    Hi ladies, I managed to kick a nasty cold out of my system...which slowed me down a lot last week. Saturday I did Drill Max. Sunday I did a 45 minute walk in the bush with my family. This morning I did Bootcamp. I had forgotten how much fun and how sweaty bootcamp is. Ironically I had...
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    substitution for Slow & Heavy

    Substituting the gym styles would work well. I personally do not like the slow and heavy probably because you have to have no interruptions (which is impossible with two little kids). I also get bored during the slow and heavy. I've seen better muscle gains with the gym styles and pyramids workouts.
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    I increase to 8" for all of the lowmax and lower to 6" for the imax3 intervals. The more times I do it the easier it seems to be. The important thing is to keep your head above your heart while doing it to prevent getting light headed.
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    Cathe January Rotation for Saturday January 20

    Hi everyone! Belinda That's so cool that your husband will do a workout video with you. My hubby tried to do PUB once with me and claimed I was killing him. Today I did Gym Style Legs rather than PLB and the run...I am definitely not a runner! I'm thinking tomorrow's rest day is going to be...
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    Older workouts?

    I really enjoy CTX, especially Leaner Legs. They are excellent workouts when you only have an hour to workout. MIC is a personal favorite as it was my very first Cathe workout. It still kicks my butt. I giggle at the outfits on StepMax, Step Jam and Step Heat but they do give great step...
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    BodyMax2 definite 10 The premixes rock too, especially Scrambled Eggs! The bonus cardio is tons of fun too! Drill Max 9 It's a super fun workout! Butts & Guts 9 This one gave my butt DOMS for four days the first time I did it. Now the DOMS are just the day after. The bonus abs are...