Limecat's Hump Day Humdinger

wonder woman for sure. I wanted that wonder woman barbie so bad when I was little, every time we went to the store I would stare and stare. Never got her. That's it, I'm off the e-bay!

I'd have to say the 'Bionic Woman' as one of me good buddies(you know who you are Toasty) on this Forum nicked named me 'Bionics'.
Well, this may not count as a superhero, but the first one that came to mind was Sydney Bristo of Alias. My DD has me watching all the seasons and I'd love to be able to kick like she does!
Ooooh it's a toss up between Catwoman and Wonder Woman!

DH would definitely be Aquaman

I didn't think anyone else used words like "humdinger"! That's one of my favorites my Dad always says.

:D Nicole

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