Hello - I am presently 6 months pregnant, and have a question for when I return to post-pregnancy status. I have exercised very intensely for the past 15 years. I may be guilty of "over exercising". Pre-pregnancy I was 5' tall and weighed @ 103 lbs. My regime would include 3-4 days of intense cardio for an hour and 3 days of weight training for an hour, either w/ a trainer or on my own. This regime can make me tired by the end of the week - but I hold on to it for fear of "gaining weight". In reality, I do not care what the scale says - but I prefer to stay my size and not to be larger. When my first baby arrives in late May, I do not believe I will have the luxury to make daily visits to the gym(some days, yes...every day, unlikely). I plan to pursue other forms of exercise such exercise videos, walks with the baby, etc. The thought of taking a somewhat more moderate approach to exercise seems very refreshing and healthy! However, I am afraid of what this will do to my figure. Therefore, I am wondering what the pros feel about how much exercise is enough? Is it possible for me to cut back and not "fall apart"! I have heard some say that when you over-exercise, your body actually "holds on" to fat and it causes your metabolism to lower. I am not sure if there is any truth to that. Any expert/experienced thoughts would be most appreciated! Thanks so much. Mary Beth