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  1. carolmcf

    STS 6 Month Rotation

    I was curious about this too, and I found it in the workout manager, in the rotations section. Select download a rotation, and select Cathe rotations. If you scroll down through 2009, you will find it. It is just the strength training with rest days in between. I have finished the 3 1/2...
  2. carolmcf

    Just Completed STS the second time

    I just completed STS Meso 3, after starting in January with the new rotation with Shock Cardio. I enjoyed the whole series even more this time, and especially liked the pairing with Shock Cardio. I made more effort to record everything each workout, which also made a huge difference. The...
  3. carolmcf

    Is anyone doing the Jan/Feb/March STS/Shock Cardio rotation?

    doing the rotation I have also completed the first two weeks of the rotation and love it! I am also in the 50+ category so have to modify some moves, but think the shock cardio is an excellent addition. I have done STS strength twice last year and found really remarkable results and hope to...
  4. carolmcf

    STS cardio stickers

    thank you! great to have these, thank you!
  5. carolmcf

    MMA Fusion :D

    MMA Fusion, still working on it I have done all of the Shock Cardio programs now and can complete most of them, sometimes with modifications, except for MMA fusion. I still enjoy trying it, but haven't figured out modifications for the moves that I know I can't do. I am over 50+, with...
  6. carolmcf

    OK I admit it!

    liked all STS stars I liked everyone in STS. They were all giving it everything they had and appeared so dedicated, I felt it was inspiring. They were all young enough to be my kids, so I was not as critical. I definitely like Rob and Mark in the new videos. And Lorraine is so great...
  7. carolmcf

    STS cardio stickers

    like stickers too! I also would like to download shock cardio stickers. I know that one of the 2010 calendar announcements said they would not include stickers because most people are using workout manager. Although I like workout manager, I still like the hard copy stickers on my wall...
  8. carolmcf

    How much step is in the Terminator?

    Terminator a favorite I agree with Gin, the terminator has 3 great combination workouts, and is a definite favorite of mine. I also have trouble with choreography, but with IMAX 2 just a little repetition can help you get it. You may find that taking out some of the turns in the routines...
  9. carolmcf


    intense vs. endurance You are a brave woman to try those two programs back to back! If you wanted to another challenge, you could combine on of the HiiT with Step Moves. The Step workouts seem to be more on the endurance rather than intensity, and the HiiT are short enough to survive the...
  10. carolmcf

    love Shock Cardio so far!

    Thank you so much for such a great series. But intense, all of it so far! I have done Pyramid and 40/20 HiiT and loved both, music was great. Found myself trying to ignore the time counter in the corner. My heart rate elevated higher than any of the interval workouts with 40/20, including...
  11. carolmcf

    Plyo Legs - Busted by Cathe

    busted too! This happened to me too, except I was about to pause the tape when she said it. It must have been that particular exercise was more of a gut check. Anyway, on this week's plyo, I was waiting for the warning again, and wouldn't let myself pause (even though after some cycles, it is...
  12. carolmcf

    the guys in STS..

    guys great addition I think having cute guys in the video is even more motivating. I think they all look great!
  13. carolmcf

    STS Check In Disc 7....

    a week ahead Disc 7 and 10 were similar for me, because although we were supposed to increase the weight, I was unable to finish reps in Disc 7, so kept the same wts for Disc 10. I am actually on Disc 10 as of today and I am very excited that I have not missed any Cardio or STS segments in the...
  14. carolmcf

    How Are You Doing With Your STS Workouts?

    Very excited about STS so far I went back and forth deciding whether or not to order STS. I have always favored the cardio and cardio with wts programs in the past. At first I ordered just the first mesocycle to see if I liked it, but then I changed my order to the entire program. I just...