

I got my dvds today, and I thought 'let's do MMA Boxing and Cardio Core Circuit back to back'. Well, WOW! Is all I can say.

MMA boxing gets your heart rate up there, and it's so fun! I really loved this workout, and the core work too. I can't believe how strong I felt doing those punching combos :) It really was awesome! Although I wasn't sure if my arms were going to fly off in the fast upper cuts on upper body blitz three!!

Cardio Core Circuit is HARD. I didnt find the core work too tough. I managed all the reps, except for on rep 5. For that one I did about three short, but I'm not sure how good my form was on any of those ones. But the rest! Wow! I couldn't do push ups a month ago, and now I can do CORE push ups! Cathe is the best!!!
Oh, and as soon as the first cardio cycle was over I though 'oh dear. This is HAARRRRD'.
I can't wait to try the rest!
I got STS for Christmas, so I am in exercise heaven at the moment.
Does anybody have any recomendations as to what workout to try next? Which is the 'next best' in your opinion?
I can't recommend what workout you should do next as I have only done 2 so far....Step Moves and MMA Boxing. Both great, of course! But I have to say that my upper body was quite sore the day after MMA Boxing. This is my recovery week after STS Meso1 and I was more sore after boxing...Go figure!

Have fun!:D
intense vs. endurance

You are a brave woman to try those two programs back to back! If you wanted to another challenge, you could combine on of the HiiT with Step Moves. The Step workouts seem to be more on the endurance rather than intensity, and the HiiT are short enough to survive the intensity! I have also combined HiiT with MMA Kickboxing which is another endurance type workout to me.
I will definitely try combining Step moves with a HIIT workout... sounds like fun :)

I must say though, my back and arms are killing me this morning, so the boxing really is a tough workout!

I'm thinking of MMA fusion next.
Has anyone tried the bonus bag workout? Amy Bento does one on Kickbox Xtreme, that you can do WITHOUT the bag as a modification, do you think this will work with Cathe's?

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