Search results

  1. wastewitch

    What does "the kick" feel like?

    I realize this is an obvious and/or stupid question, but people have been asking me, "Have you felt it kick?" since about the 16-week mark (I'm at 20 1/2 weeks now). I've never been pregnant before so all I can say is, "I don't know!" Over the past couple of days I've felt what feels like that...
  2. wastewitch

    Clean eating options in The Woodlands

    For anyone who will be in The Woodlands before and/or after the road trip, I thought you would be interested in these restaurants, featured in the Houston Chronicle's Thursday 8/26 dining/entertainment section: Pure Healthy Eatery 4223 Research Forest 281-419-3200...
  3. wastewitch

    Working out w/ broken big toe

    Thanks everyone for the tips! By Friday I was walking more or less normally and the swelling has subsided. I have a nasty bruise, though. I tried swimming on Sunday, Thursday, and today and it's better each time. I iced it a lot and bought some crutches so I could stay off of it instead of...
  4. wastewitch

    Do you have CTX?

    Another happy CTX user here! I bought it when it was the Featured DVD a while back. I had debated getting it for a long time because I thought the workouts might be a little dated but they are not! Outfits & hairstyles maybe, but not the moves or their effectiveness for sure. I really like that...
  5. wastewitch

    When do you start showing your baby bump?

    19 weeks w/ my first and I'm not *quite* showing through my clothes but they are getting more snug. Wore a belly band for the first time yesterday - and it worked! Question: When I look at myself from the side (no clothes) I only see a tiny bump, but my whole mid-section looks "thick." Did...
  6. wastewitch

    Is TX full? Can we attend if pregnant?

    I was wondering if the TX RT is full yet? I haven't registered yet because I'll be well into my 2nd trimester by then plus juggling work and grad school and I'm worried that will be too much. I haven't had to modify exercise so far but I don't know if balance, and therefore moving around on a...
  7. wastewitch

    Working out w/ broken big toe

    I wasn't sure if I should post this here, on Open Discussion, or both. I just returned from a week at Disneyland (woo-hoo!) where eating clean was somewhat difficult (much easier at Disney World!) and exercising consisted of walking from the hotel to the park & back. So, I've already slacked off...
  8. wastewitch

    ab crunches

    About those abs... Grrr...I haven't found a good answer about this. My OB/GYN's office gave me a small book on pregnancy at the first prenatal visit and I'm finding a lot of stuff in it that doesn't seem right. No laying on your back, HR can't get above 140 bpm during exercise, no deep knee...
  9. wastewitch

    Q about Cathe fitness bands

    Thanks! Thanks for the tips on the bands. I'll start using the pink band. I imagine they get stretchier the more often we use them (or we're getting stronger...yeah!).
  10. wastewitch

    Q about Cathe fitness bands

    I had an old green Dyna-band that looks like what Cathe uses in Butts & Guts and Low Impact Circuit. It broke, so I bought the set of 3 Cathe fitness bands (the blue, light green, and pink bands). My question is, what are the intensities of each band? They all feel like heavier resistance than...
  11. wastewitch

    Came home, found my sweet baby kitty, dead

    Purrs for Murphy from Daisy & Zoe Govtgirl, I am SO sorry to hear of Murphy's passing! I went through that several years ago with Miss Molly Cat, a senior cat that went downhill *very* quickly. It is surreal, those first few days, thinking your kitty will come running up to you any minute...
  12. wastewitch

    ok, I don't get why I would download anything?

    Cathe/SNM Please don't go exclusively to downloads anytime soon! Those of us on satellite internet connections wouldn't be able to take advantage of the downloads - stupid Fair Access Policies put limits on the amount of data that can be downloaded each day. I have an iPod touch and I do...
  13. wastewitch

    Profits Before Patients - A PBS Interview w/Bill Moyers

    Wow, 6 pages already! But this has made for some good reading, so THANK YOU to the OP who posted the link to the Bill Moyers special. People are really fired up over this issue, but some of our leaders in Congress -on both sides of the aisle and issue-should be ashamed of what is coming out of...
  14. wastewitch

    Cathe's Home RT

    What a great idea! I've never been on a road trip but they sound intense, in a "good burn" sorta way. :) I will join you on a home RT this weekend. Cathe mentioned "Cathe Fitness Road Tour" in her "Are You Ready" post on the RT forum. Anyone know what that is?
  15. wastewitch

    July 09' Rotation: Butt's and Guts

    Well, I haven't taken any measurements but I've lost 1 - 2 pounds. There is a hill that is on my weekend bike ride that is KILLER (well, for me anyway). The last two times I've ridden it, I got up the hill much easier than before I started the rotation. So, that's some results, anyway! Week 3 I...
  16. wastewitch

    WM doesn't save measurements

    Well, now it's working for me. This is like when you take your car to the mechanic and say, "It's making this weird noise," and then the mechanic doesn't hear the noise.
  17. wastewitch

    WM doesn't save measurements

    I've entered my weight, measurements, body fat, etc. into the Workout Manager but it doesn't seem to save them. I just updated weight & body fat, and measurements are WAY off (waist 11 inches? Goal 15 inches?) Anyone else have this problem? If you change ONE body parameter, does that then...
  18. wastewitch

    July 09' Rotation: Butt's and Guts

    Just started this week, with B&G yesterday and substituted Low Max for today's workout. My poor legs! It's going to be a long, but hopefully successful, month!
  19. wastewitch

    A request for an STS rotation

    Wendy, Check the STS Strength Training Forum and the Workout Manager. WM has some STS (and other) rotations that you can download right into your workout calendar. I haven't bought STS yet but the people who base their weight loads on the 1RM test seem to get great results!
  20. wastewitch

    health,wellness and fitness site

    Here is why I think tobby spammed the forum: 1. First two posts from a new member are to promote another website 2. Said website is in the Video & DVD rotations forum, instead of Open Discussion 3. Bad grammar 4. 2 posts on same subject from same member 5. The 2nd post references Indian...