Search results

  1. M

    One body part per day

    This sounds like a great idea. 20 minutes of one body part, slow & heavy, 30 minutes of cardio and then 10 minutes of abs/core--that would be perfect! The cardio could be varied and intense but only 30 minutes, which I think is what people have been saying is all you need, especially if it's...
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    My credit card is the one getting the workout!

    It sure is fun, Debbie--TOO fun}( ! But all this new stuff will keep me motivated, and I guess there are worse things to splurge on than fitness equipment :7 !
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    Sissel Swiss Exercise Balls

    Thanks, Debbie! I just ordered one, in addition to the Troy Lite barbell--I think I need to lock up my credit cards for a while :o !
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    My credit card is the one getting the workout!

    In addition to and in anticipation of the new series, I've now purchased new workout clothes (from a great catalog I got in the mail,, a new burst-resistant stability ball and the Troy Lite barbell! Good thing I work out at home--I'd never be able to afford a gym...
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    Sissel Swiss Exercise Balls

    Thanks, Cathe! There are so many products and so much info out there, it's nice to get recommendations from someone you trust :)! Marie
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    Troy Lite barbell questions

    Hi, Kathryn-- Sabine included the same link in her post! It looks like a great product, and the fitness1st website is so much more user-friendly than the Troy one. Thanks for your help--I know what I'm going to ask for for Christmas :P! Marie
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    Sissel Swiss Exercise Balls

    Hi, Cathe- Have you heard of this brand of stability ball? I've been searching online for burst-resistant stability balls in anticipation of the new videos. These sound very good, but they're a bit more expensive than others I've found. Sometimes that means it's a superior product...
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    Troy Lite barbell questions

    Hi again, I'm sort of answering my own question here :P. I found some helpful advice over on the Open Discussion forum. Sabine (dutchgirl) had posted a link to a website that sells the Troy Lite system and was much less confusing than the Troy website, so I think I'm all set! Just didn't...
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    OT need Prayers for my Labrador

    Hi, Barbara-- Me and my kitties Cinnamon & Nutmeg (aka the Spice Girls ;)) are sending prayers and positive vibes Petie's way. Keep us posted. Take care, Marie
  10. M

    80lb barbell set (Intensity Series) $20+$4 S/H

    Hi, Sabine-- Thank you so much! I just checked it out--much less confusing than the Troy website! I'm really thinking about ordering this--it sounds great. I love my Firm barbell because it's short and the padding makes it really comfortable when it's on my shoulders. But I find now when...
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    80lb barbell set (Intensity Series) $20+$4 S/H

    Hi, I just posted a question about the Troy Lite barbell over in the Ask Cathe forum. She had recommended it in response to a question from someone who was having similar issues that I am with my Firm padded barbell (I think the padding is making it tougher to grip once you add heavy...
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    Troy Lite barbell questions

    Hi, Cathe-- I read your reply to Kathy S. about barbell suggestions. I was happy to read it, because I had been experiencing the same things she had (uncomfortable grip with the padded barbell). Anyway, you recommended the Troy Lite barbell. Could you tell me a little more about it; i.e...
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    Cathe, padded barbell question & advice

    Kathy-- I'm so glad you asked this question! I've been experiencing the same thing, but I didn't even quite realize it until I read your post (does that make sense? :D). I, too, have the Firm barbell, and I love the shorter length and the padding. But I have noticed, now that I'm going so...
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    Weight lifting gloves

    Hi, Dani-- I always wear gloves when using weights. My hands get really sweaty, and the gloves help me keep my grip. I haven't bought any in a while (I usually get them as a birthday or Christmas gift), but I don't think they're that expensive. I would think any sporting goods store would...
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    Hi, Cathe-- I was just catching up on some of the posts I've missed (I was away for a few days), and I read the post from FitnessGoddess saying that she ran into you at a Springsteen concert! I should have known you'd be a fan, being a Jersey girl and all! My husband and I are HUGE fans and...
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    Francine and Maribeth

    Hi, Maribeth-- Just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your Mom. I lost my Mom to lung cancer almost five years ago. It's really brutal; you're in my prayers. Sorry about everything else that's going on, too. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. One great thing about...
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    what do you do for exercise on vacation?

    This is all very helpful. Hopefully now I won't feel like too much of a slug when I come back from my two weeks of R&R! Thanks again, everyone! Marie :)
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    what do you do for exercise on vacation?

    Wanda, thank you so much! I'm going to print this out and bring it with me. I know I'll feel so much better having done a little something while I'm away. This is so great! Thank you so much for the help! Marie :)
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    what do you do for exercise on vacation?

    Hi, everyone-- I'm going away next week for two weeks :7 I'm planning on jogging a few times each week, but what about weights? I don't think I'll be able to bring any with me. Has any of you skipped weight workouts for two whole weeks? How far behind will I be when I return if I do...
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    Way to go, A-jock! I am really happy for you! You always have such great things to say on this forum, and I'm sure your clear-headedness is a major factor in that. Rock on for the next 16! :) Marie