Search results

  1. D

    My eating observation

    Missy Missy, I'm wondering why anyone would think it appropriate to criticize your food choices if they didn't want their own choices to be fair game? This probably doesn't help much with family. I suspect you would have to slowly educate them if your pursue this. Crumbled tempah in chili...
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    My eating observation

    RE: Carole - Vegan Planet ? > >Vegan diets don't have to be high-fat at all! In fact, Neil >Barnard and (that Dr. who reverses heart disease, but whose >name I can't think of off hand?) advocate around 10% of >calories from fat (Barnard, with a purely vegan diet, the >other dude not...
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    side of the butt

    Laura, I'll have to check longer pilates workouts for a good side series. Because I do mat classes, I haven't been using the longer workouts. AM/PM Pilates (Ana Caban does the PM), has a good, but short side series. Gym Style Legs has a great floor work section. The floor work in...
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    My eating observation

    Carole - Vegan Planet ? Carole, does the Vegan Planet give nutritional breakdowns for its recipes? Debra
  5. D

    Jacknife crunchs

    RE: levitation holds So am I. She's in her 50's & has 2 adult children. Debra
  6. D

    Yippeee! DH and clean eating

    The question gets posted fairly frequently. Here's one thread: Debra
  7. D

    side of the butt

    Hi Laura, ditto on the advice above. My pilates & Spinning teacher swears that floor work has done wonders for her (it's called side series in Pilates). It hits the smaller glute muscles. You would not believe the moans & groans when we do the floor work. The isolation work in the Kick Max...
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    Jacknife crunchs

    levitation holds Try them with yoga blocks, if you have them, or find 2 evenly sized thick books. The little extra height helps. My favorite yoga teacher tells us that the move is effective even if you're feet are still on the floor. Of course she does them with her legs extended in front of...
  9. D

    All 4 look fantastic from the clips. Tracie looks fabulous. Susan Harris looks like she has added some muscle, not as thin as Firm Volume 4 (I think that's the last I saw of her). Anyhow she looks healthier. The workouts have a lot of appeal. The only workouts in my library that come...
  10. D

    What are symptoms of perimenopause?

    Perimenopause is not the only cause of night sweats, so please do talk to your doctor. Taking Evening Primrose Oil capsules helped me until this year. I switched to Black Cohosh and had a reduction in frequency & severity of night sweats. You may read that neither has been shown effective...
  11. D

    My eating observation

    >Since I read diet and exercise books when I'm on my >elliptical, sounds as if this may be my next reading endeavor! > I just read a great book called "Good Foods, Bad Foods" by >Katherine Havola. Fascinating stuff. But hey - Kathryn and >Debra - where'd you find those breads you talked...
  12. D

    My eating observation

    Lorrie congratulations! I've frozen my fingers for years on this forum whenever someone pushes high protein consumption. There's no science behind it. I'm also a big fan of French Meadows breads. The Hemp that Kathryn likes is best toasted. The Men's Bread & Woman's bread are my dual...
  13. D

    What DVD should I get for my 75y old mom?

    Does Mom want to do something trendy? How about yoga & pilates? Suzanne Deason's misnamed "Yoga for Weight Loss" is a terrific intro to yoga. There are stacks of great pilates intros, "A.M./P.M Pilates" for one. I'm not suggesting that pilates & yoga can replace weight training & cardio...
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    Fort Riley, KS or Fort Lewis,WA

    I lived in the north part of Tacoma for a year & 4+ years in the Seattle area. I would move back in a flash. Lots of outdoors activities along with plenty of sophisticated options in Seattle. It is quite family friendly. As others have said, it is truly gorgous. Mt. Rainier is in Tacoma's...
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    I plan on doing yoga at least 4 times a week through the holidays. I have a tough time with the conspicuous consumption in the U.S. at this time of year, & the yoga helps me focus on what's really important. I'm working back into power yoga after a 5 week bout with a virus. For awhile...
  16. D

    Any Jane Austen Fans out there?

    Sorry - double post.
  17. D

    Any Jane Austen Fans out there?

    I thought the movie & Kiera Knightley were terrific. Hopefully Hollywood will get the message & start producing some quality adult fare. It's time to reread the book. Films usually pale in comparison to the book so I like to read or reread the book after seeing the film. Debra
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    For those who have ordered on previous presales...

    Marsha, in the past the presale has continued through production & ended as the workouts were almost ready to ship. The price rose gradually over the presale. It went up with each "deadline". The current price for all 4 is $10 over the original presale price. If it helps any, the DVD's are...
  19. D

    Favorite Penance Workouts?

    Earners or Burners? The LA Times had a cute article on Friday. They divided Thanksgiving exercisers into "earners" & "burners". The earners were out before their feast & the burners were out post feast. I'm an earner. DH & I have a hiking ritual on Thanksgiving & this year was no...
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    Slow &Heavy Upper vs Gym Style Biceps,Shoulders..

    back work >Is there enough Back work in GYM Style? I found the PS series >had much more Chest v. Back work. Is it properly balanced? If >you don't use bands do they show substitute moves? I find it unbalanced, too much chest to back. After a couple of runs through it, I started...