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  1. K

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Monday (short week, yeah!)

    Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't posted lately. Life is so busy now. This weekend was so hectic I barely had time to run my 7 miles on Saturday, but I got it done. :) :-) DH & I had a not so pleasant visit with our vet of 7 years on Saturday. We took Chelsea in for the first time so we can...
  2. K

    BFL Thursday

    Heidi - I'm using dumbbells too. A barbell would be a nuissance for me to change constantly. Yesterday I used the following dumbbells for squats: 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5. I use my platemates for the in between weights. However, I need to go up to 25 lbers for my heaviest weight. Hopefully I will...
  3. K

    BFL Thursday

    Good morning Gayle & all who follow. Today I am pleasantly experiencing DOMS in my legs from PLB on my own yesterday. YEAH. I'm still trying to figure out what to do so I can hit 10's with my leg workout. Anyway, today is my HIIT treadmill workout. I'm planning on doing another 5 miler at...
  4. K

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Thursday ~ make it hurt so good!

    Good morning Cheetah pals! This has to be short. Sorry. I have some nice DOMS in my legs today from doing PLB on my own yesterday. YEAH! However, I need to go heavier in weight. Yesterday I used a pair of 22.5 lb dumbbells for my highest weight when doing squats and calf raises but it...
  5. K

    BFL Hump Day Wednesday

    Heidi - I would be very scared if I were in the same situation and DD had not called. I finished PLB per BFL specifications. However, I didn't reach 10's, only 9's. I'm having a hard time reaching it with the weights I have. The highest poundage I used was 22.5 lb dumbbells so the next...
  6. K

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Wednesday

    Jackie - WELCOME home! I wish your vacation had been better, but it sounds like you still had a good time. Laying around the pool and beach sounds heavenly. Wendy - Where are you today? Hi Amy!
  7. K

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Wednesday

    Good morning Cheetahs! Last night I got in a 5 mile run on the treadmill with HIIT for 3 miles. I was happy to do more than 4. It was a tough workout. The first and last miles were the warm up and cool down. Today will be PUB on my own during my normal lunch hour. Cathy - Sorry you...
  8. K

    BFL Hump Day Wednesday

    Good morning Gayle! Great job on the PUB! Heidi - Congrats to DD on her paid internship! I hope they are able to make good progress in their research into Progeria. Last night I ran 5 miles on the treadmill with HIIT for 3 miles. It was a tough workout. The first and last miles were...
  9. K

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Tuesday

    Hello Cheetahs! Sorry this will need to be short. Today is super busy at work, but I will try to fit in as many personals as I can. Today’s workout will be a 4 mile interval run on the treadmill after the kids are in bed. I plan on watching Dancing with the Stars then too. I won’t be...
  10. K

    BFL Tuesday, 11/13

    Hello fellow BFLers! This is a late check-in for me. Work has been super busy so I wasn’t able to post earlier this morning like I like to do. Well, my first day went okay in some aspects and not so good in others. The bad part was I ate too much candy. D**n Halloween candy. I made DH...
  11. K

    Monday Nov. 12, 07 BFL

    Thanks everyone for your warm welcome. What a great bunch of ladies!
  12. K

    Monday Nov. 12, 07 BFL

    Heidi – The planning part is the easiest part for me. I even plan our supper menu a month at a time. I have for years. For me the hard part comes when I can’t prepare my food for the week ahead of time on the weekend. During the week there isn’t much time after working full time, picking up...
  13. K

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: cruisin' into the week 11.12

    Good morning ladies! Today is supposed to be a beautiful day. I've made the decision to move my workouts to during my lunch time again. Too much going on at night for me to fit them in then on a consistent basis. Truth be told, I feel guilty taking the "me" time when I have so much other...
  14. K

    Monday Nov. 12, 07 BFL

    Good morning ladies! Today is my first official day of BFL. However, I'm not entirely new to BFL/EFL. I have attempted this numerous times in the past 4 years, but I'm hoping this time I will stick it out for the duration of the 12 weeks. I've only made it to week 5 in the past. Last night...