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  1. C

    Photos that will never make the news -- very nice

    The photo of the soldier and the young child got me Thanks for sharing the "human" side of it all Marion You have to stay in shape. My grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
  2. C

    Clean Eating?

    Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr not ENOUGH Vodka Marion :9
  3. C

    HEY SHIRLEY(WonnaBeStrong)

    I just want to say that you should change your user name to (I AmStrong) because in the last few days, you seemed to have taken a GIANT step forward in positivity. Your sharing jokes, yourve got alot more positive attitude coming through in your posts, and I can see you sitting at your...
  4. C

    Can I share my smile!!!???

    LOL!! Will the sun DOES shine out of there for Debbie! And would be have SMILED or would we have LAUGHED (gee, maybe we would have CRIED) Marion }(
  5. C

    One Year Anniversary

    Ohhhhhhhhhh Cathy Thats sweet, and your most welcome to receive any KICK up the backside to help keep you on the straight and narrow You TOO help and inspire us - along with a laugh or to - so its good Karma I think! Heres to another fullfilled year (raise your glass) to Cathy Marion...
  6. C

    Clean Eating?

    YOU HAVE TO BAN!!!! THE "DEVIL" FOOD icecream cookies sweets cakes soda pop so there is NO MORE FUN IN LIFE!! Does that help or hinder you? Marion }(
  7. C

    What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

    LOL!! Oh Maria, wicked minds do think alike ah? Now I have to plan my costume What you think about 3 giant red hearts stuck on the appropriate places......... maybe two of them can come with tassiles? And I could wear a blonde wig and sing like Maralyn Munro "Happy Valentines Mr...
  8. C

    Can walking prevent osteoporosis?

    Yep!! If your gonna ONLY walk as a prevention to Osteo, it has to be Power Walking AND some upper body strength training (not necessarily "hard core" Cathe either) This was my mums order from her Doctor Once a " non exerciser ", she had her first hip replacement at 45yrs old due to Osteo...
  9. C

    How old are you?

    WOW! Im the youngest one here Im 21 I did vote correctly, but I am ONLY 21 - with the mentality of a 12 year old Marion :-)
  10. C

    Ever wonder why?

    LOL!!! Debbie I can TILL your floating 2 inches of the ground Im printing and sharing that with people today Mind you! Ill proberly get some "smart ass" with the answers Marion :-)
  11. C

    Can I share my smile!!!???

    You can parade those "gleaming white choppers" for as long as you want Debbie That IS! fantastic - Im so happy for you (hugs) Your injury woes are before we met, but I can still appreciate the hard work and persistance yourve put in your workouts to get to this SPOT today. SO WATCH OUT...
  12. C

    Pilates on the Ball

    Cathy - thats great. Oviously time to ask for a "pay rise" Your going to be called the "PIlate Queen" at your gym " whose always on the BALL! " (sorry couldnt resist the bad pun) Keep rocking girlfriend Marion :-)
  13. C

    This is Funny...

    LOL!! Shirley..........I Love It! Got one for you A married couple were asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning. The wife (blonde of course), picked up the phone, listened a moment and said "How would I know, thats 200 miles from here!" and hung up. The husband said "Who was that?"...
  14. C

    So I inflated my stability ball more last night....

    Rhonda! your story about not being able to get up from the stability ball with your weights reminds me of a story. Not with a Stability Ball but a "Bean Bag". Does anyone remember those 80's "everyone had to have one" chair? Anyway..........I was 8 months pregnant with my second child and...
  15. C

    What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

    You are such a nice person Maria What a lovely idea for your co - workers And! Wow! A "Lazy-Boy" for Valentines? Your DH is one "lucky lucky man" Gee............Id love to see what you have in mind for his birthday! Alas Australians dont aknowledge Valetines Day like you guys...
  16. C

    I have to be overreacting...

    Maybe I missed it...........but why are you mad at your mother? Anyway, your DH has the classic case called "proud father" syndrome because his "fruit of his loins" is doing so well.............and you really wouldn't want him any other way. I doubt he is ready to enroll her in Harved just...
  17. C


    Alrighty Ill refer to you as "jack ass"-------------opps..........that wasnt a choice was it? Okey then.........."cow girl" Marion :-)
  18. C


    Come on Aila! Fess up! Lemon Juice isnt for the for headaches...........Its for the "Vodka" to take the edge of the headache Marion }(
  19. C

    Another Friday Another Game

    Fran Dreshner for the outrageous clothes - just my style Whoopi Goldbery for the comedy, and the name - although Id be tempted to change it to "Whoopi Cushion" and the movie would be called "I DONT GIVE A "TOSS" WHAT YOU THINK!" Marion :-) God knows how they would PLAY me, but...
  20. C

    the life expectancy of a shoe

    What can I say jes!...............I have BIG LONG toes. And Ive been told, that big long toes are a sign of 'high intelligance" Nah!! I made that up I JUST have "sorry ass" big long toes. Marion :-)