Clean Eating?


Ok... I hear so many of you talk about "clean eating". I have pretty good idea of what it entail, but would love some suggestions! Thanks!

soda pop

so there is NO MORE FUN IN LIFE!!

Does that help or hinder you?

It also includes no "whites". White flour, white rice, white potatoes. High glycemic foods. It's amazing how much better I feel since I've cut out sugar and "whites". Dr. Mercola has a lot of good info on his site about limiting the amount of grains in your diet.
Clean eating, for me, is avoiding processed foods (which contain white sugar, white flour, chemicals and other "non-foods") and eating foods that are prepared simply or as close to their natural state as possible. "whole foods" is another term for this (even though one doesn't necessarily eat everything in it's whole state).

Choose whole wheat over white (or "wheat," which does NOT mean whole wheat). If you buy packaged foods, chose those that have the fewest and all-natural ingredients.
My version of clean eating involves getting my carbohydrates from vegetables (mostly greens), fruits (low glycemic), whole wheat, slow cooking oatmeal and brown rice; protein from fish, chicken breast, unsweetened soy milk, plain yogurt, tofu; and fat from canola oil, fish oil, avocadoes and flaxseed. Not a complete list, but these are a lot of my food sources. Clean eating also involves more healthful cooking methods like baking, broiling and grilling. I'd also like to include in the definition drinking water, and lots of it, instead of soda -- even diet soda due to the sodium in it. Minimize sugar, avoid processed starches, wean yourself off the whites. Sounds so easy in theory. In my experience, I can eat clean for about three months and then fall off the wagon. Ugh...}(

Thanks for the info guys. I do eat lots of fruits and veggies, and we live in the South, so we grill just about 365 days a year...just can't keep away from munching on the bad stuff or having potatoes, rice or pasta (that is my weakness). Will power, will power, will power. I know it will pay off in the long run.

Thanks again for the great advice guys!:)

Now, time to go to the store and see what I can find. Hope my Husband can tollerate all this.
just can't keep away from munching on the bad
>stuff or having potatoes, rice or pasta (that is my weakness).
>Will power, will power, will power. I know it will pay off in
>the long run.

I think potatoes are fine in moderation. The problem is that they are high glycemic, but that's only a problem if you eat them on their own. Add a protein and some good fat (not french fry fat!) and the glycemic index of the meal goes down.

Brown rice and whole grain pasta (or some of those pastas that have soy added to make them higher protein) are good alternatives to the white stuff.

I particularly like quinoa: a whole grain that is also a complete protein, and only takes a short while to cook.

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