
No honey! i am definately not bored with ya'll! i have been fighting with a migrane for most of the days this week and i was able to post a few last night, but i didn't last too long. my headache is still here, but my internet was crewed all day until now. believe me, it was makin me crazy!!!! but i had to wait for dh to fix it. i'm back thank god! nice of you to miss me though!!

jessie jessie jessie

We dooooooo miss your smart ass comments girl!

And what are your doing about those migrains?

Tis not a good thing girlfriend

Hope you feel better Jes! My SIL suffers from them & I know her pain is so severe sometimes. She is on medication, but she also does warm compresses w/lemon juice. I know it sounds strange, but it really does help a little. Feel better soon!

Thanks ladies! as you can see, my head is not in charge today.

Alia, what is the lemonjuice for?

I have no idea what the lemon juice does. I know that most of the women on my DH side get migranes and do the lemon juice compresses all the time. I have never done it, but I would try it if I had a bad headache.

Come on Aila! Fess up!

Lemon Juice isnt for the for headaches...........Its for the "Vodka" to take the edge of the headache

Bad Marion, Bad! That's supposed to be OJ, not lemon juice. At least that's what I'm having tonite. Nothing like some good ol' fashion vitamin C.

No NO No...tonic and lime! byw, on NYW i got some Absolute Rasberri....bad call! don't waste your money! tastes like cough syrup!:*


p.s. sorry! i have been misspelling your name! do forgive me. spelling is not one of my stron suits!


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