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  1. C

    Puppy Update

    He is adorable! He reminds me of my "Pokey Little Puppy" book from when I was a kid! You are wonderful for rescuing him! I hope there is a special place in "you know where" for people who abuse defenseless animals!
  2. C

    Long waits for doctor's appointments

    I read last week that Cathe said she got the first available appointment with the doctor she needs to see for her injury - March 30- almost two weeks! I was thinking about this because the amount of time it takes to get in to see a doctor is really getting to be an issue! I called my doctor...
  3. C

    Blood donation -- your advice, please!

    TAke a rest day or do some stretching. I gave blood once and came home and starting doing cardio (high impact aerobics) and fainted! I was jumping around and the next thing I knew I was on the floor looking at the ceiling!
  4. C

    How come nobody says thank you anymore?

    Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that people don't take the time to say "thank you for your help" anymore? It seems that thoughtfulness a dying art - making people feel comfortable or happy that they went out of their way to help someone. I know you aren't supposed to do things because...
  5. C

    Any help for the turkey chin flop?

    I would like some help with this too! Mine is just starting to show and I HATE it!!!!
  6. C

    Feline Diabetes?

    Diabetes in a cat is quite controllable. We had a cat who had to have shots for a while, but the diabetic cat food was so good that eventually she didn't even need shots. But she actually liked her shot - I've heard other people say they like it too - seems like it gives them a "buzz" maybe like...
  7. C

    Toughest Cathe Workout?

    For cardio, I think it's Step Works. That's the one I do when I want to be sure I'm still up to par!
  8. C

    Why all the hoods?

    Here is my question - why do clothes suddenly have hoods on everything? They are on robes, pullover tops, jackets, etc. I keep thinking - why do a I need a hood in the HOUSE - especially on a bathrobe? Does anyone else think this is a strange fashion trend?
  9. C

    My dog is driving me crazy!

    My two sweet, crazy cats are the same way! I have a home office, so they have really gotten used to having me here all the time! They get really indignant if I go out for a while! But there's nothing better than having a cat curled up in your lap when you're working on the computer!
  10. C

    300 pounds now 279 and still losing

    Congratulations! You are an inspiration to all of us! You are so wise to be combining exercise and diet - that makes it a long-term lifestyle change, not just a "quick fix." Keep us posted on your progress - we'll be cheering for you!
  11. C

    clean recipes

    It's not really a recipe, but one of my favorite treats is sweet potato chips. I slice them really thin, then spray no-stick spray on them (on the tray too) and sprinkle on some salt. I cook them around 400 degrees for about 30 minutes - you have to keep an eye on them, for some reason the...
  12. C

    Quite Possibly the Worst Lunch...

    Yum - sounds delicious! BTW, the onion rings don't count - haven't you heard that if you eat off someone else's plate the calories don't count - LOL!!!
  13. C

    What are you cooking / having for Christmas dinner?

    Thanks! I had not heard of the cookbook but I'm going to get it! Merry Christmas!
  14. C

    Happy Anniversary to Me...Tomorrow! = )))

    Congratulations! Carolyn
  15. C

    Remember your very first workout?

    The post about a one-year anniversary of exercising with Cathe made me think back to my VERY FIRST workout! It was in July of 1982 - with Jane Fonda of course!!!! I remember that she wanted you to run in place (barefooted) for THREE MINUTES!!! She said "this is the cardiovascular portion of our...
  16. C

    What are you cooking / having for Christmas dinner?

    Debra, Do you have a recipe for vegetarian tamales? I have looked everywhere for one and haven't found it! Thanks! Carolyn
  17. C

    Stretch Max/ or Total Body Stretching?

    I love the section in Stretch Max that uses the band. It really helps stretch out my hips which get sore from stretching. The music is beautiful in all three sections of Stretch Max - in fact, I bought the CD because I loved the music! The first section is a little harder for me. It doesn't use...
  18. C

    Why am I always so cold?

    I'm sitting here reading this with the furnace on, a space heater pointed at my feet and a heating pad on my chair!!! I am ALWAYS cold!!! It got worse when I lost 35 pounds, but it has always been a problem. My grandmother was the same way - I remember she wore sweaters and kept a blanket across...
  19. C

    Mindy Mylrea's CIA 2501 (Strength Toolbox)?

    I really like this workout. It has three sections for upper body, three for lower body and three for core/abs. Each one has one section using tubing, one using weights and one using body weight. Each section is about 10 minutes long. You can choose sections depending on what you want to do or...
  20. C

    CIA Powerbar training

    It's a CIA workout with Shannon Salisbury and Alison Boyd (sisters). It's about 50 minutes of exercises using a barbell (they call it a powerbar) and weights. There are LOTS of reps of each exercise so you really feel it when you get done! There is a description on the CIA web site