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  1. lovetostep24

    ~`~`~`clean-eating weekend`~`~`~

    Hey girls! Kate - You crack me up! Sounds like a good day - anything involving sugar has to be good right? Good luck with all of that temptation! Oh, and try to fit in a nap sometime! Sending "going-into-labor-vibes" your way! Katie - Your trip to the pumpkin patch sounds great! I...
  2. lovetostep24

    |:|:|:| clean / tidy THURSDAY |:|:|:|

    Hey there! Whew! Made it through the day. So I'm hoping that I can actually get back to working out on Saturday. I need to set up my workout area in the basement first though. Maybe I can do that tomorrow night. Eating has been excellent today! Yippee! Katie - I'm not sure what's...
  3. lovetostep24

    |:|:|:| clean / tidy THURSDAY |:|:|:|

    I'm back! Hey girls! Move is done! Internet is back, however my computer is still on the floor - haven't put desk back together. Okay - just wanted to check in real quick - watching 3 kids today plus mine! Yikes! I hope everyone is well! bbl Nat
  4. lovetostep24

    [[[[ ** clean & tidy monday ** ]]]]

    Hey girls! So, today will be our last day of moving and we will be able to sleep in the new house tonight! I ate terrible all weekend - moving and no time to get to the store to pick up some healthy choices. I didn't technically do a workout but my body was so tired last night, I don't know...
  5. lovetostep24

    i!i!i!i! clean & tidy i!i!i!i!

    Is it bed time yet? Hello! Angie - sorry to hear about little Ellie's tooth. I told my hubby about her falling and breaking her tooth. Things just happen so quickly with the little ones! :( I hope that everything will work out with fixing it! Colleen - glad you're feeling better...
  6. lovetostep24

    i!i!i!i! clean & tidy i!i!i!i!

    Hey girls! There must be something in the air with bad food! Remember how we had pizza the other night and I endulged? Well, there are leftovers in the fridge and yesterday I caved! Ugh! Plus yesterday was a rest day so I didn't even burn any add'l calories. We didn't end up moving as...
  7. lovetostep24

    --------> TGI (clean & tidy) FRIDAY <--------

    Hey there! Happy Friday! So I did the Boot Camp Upper Body premix last night. I decided to do it two times through. Once just didn't feel like enough but two definitely was! Today is a rest day although I'm watching the two little boys again today and tonight and this weekend will be...
  8. lovetostep24

    ~*~*~ clean & tidy thursday ~*~*~

    Don't really have a preference on the name. Just type Nat when I'm in a hurry usually - saves me a whole millisecond! :p Good job on the workouts Angie and Kate! I'll have to wait to get mine in until early evening! Later!
  9. lovetostep24

    ~*~*~ clean & tidy thursday ~*~*~

    Nap time! What's the premix? What's the premix??????? Do tell...Do they have that feature up yet where you can see other people's rotations? Did you put yours on there? The two boys that I have today, in addition to my own little monster, are really good boys. It's amazing how wonderful...
  10. lovetostep24

    ~*~*~ clean & tidy thursday ~*~*~

    I have Boot Camp Upper Body premix scheduled but I haven't done this premix before so we'll see how it plays out and if it's not enough I'll stick in another one I guess. I don't have BM2 unfortunately but thank's for the suggestion Robin! Kate - What's a honeycrisp apple? You are so...
  11. lovetostep24

    ~*~*~ clean & tidy thursday ~*~*~

    Good morning! Today - I'm watching two add'l kids for a grand total of 3 children! It'll be fun. I have some good activities planned! Grey's Anatomy! Love it! Can't wait! Don't know if I can stay up that late. If not DVR and watch it this weekend! Workout - something upper body...
  12. lovetostep24

    (---) clean & tidy HUMP DAY (---)

    Hello... Long day here too! Did get Step Blast in though. Eating has been good up until now - we're having pizza. I know, I know but I'm a sucker for pizza when I'm crabby and have had a bad day. My friend and baby are both great! Thanks for all of your well-wishes! Katie - sorry you...
  13. lovetostep24

    (---) clean & tidy HUMP DAY (---)

    Baby has been born! Yeah! No more sleeping with my cell phone! Kate - sorry you didn't get your walk in the woods! I hate having those talks about money! Colleen - I hope things work out with your DH's job. It's so hard for anyone to have a job that they are miserable in - just has...
  14. lovetostep24

    (---) clean & tidy HUMP DAY (---)

    Hey girls! My friend went into labor this a.m. so I was over at their house at 5:30 this morning. I think it's the real thing this time! I don't have Slow and Heavy but can relate to getting bored sometimes with slow workouts, especially when you have a lot on your mind. Hurry up already...
  15. lovetostep24

    XxX clean up your eating TUESDAY XxX

    Hey girls! Made it through the PP total body premix - that sucker was 80 minute! Whew! Kate - I'm so interested in the midwife! Did you use her with your previous pregnancies? Are you having the baby in your home if possible? I'm sure you guys have covered this already but I'd like to...
  16. lovetostep24

    XxX clean up your eating TUESDAY XxX

    Hey I'm here! It's been a crazy day - trying to get a few things moved here and there, playing with Ava, had to renew driver's license. Still haven't done my workout! Ugh! We live in Plainfield and will still be in Plainfield after we move. We've actually only lived up here for a little...
  17. lovetostep24

    XxX clean up your eating TUESDAY XxX

    Hey Colleen! Push/Pull is not as challenging as Muscle Endurance. I haven't done PP in a while, but I know it's not as hard. I just can't let it sit there after I spent money on it! Know what I mean? :p Natalie
  18. lovetostep24

    XxX clean up your eating TUESDAY XxX

    Good morning everyone! Pretty good sleep last night although Ava ended up in our bed at some point and then kicked me, poked me in the eye and rolled around the rest of the night. We've decided not to fight her on coming to our bed occassionally - at least until the tonsils are out and she...
  19. lovetostep24

    OoOoOoO clean & tidy monday OoOoOoO

    Hello! Thanks for all of the welcomes! I'm so excited to be a part of the group! My workout today was the step premix from Cardio and weights followed by the step portion of Step, Pump and Jump. I needed a light cardio day as it was a rough night. You'll hear me complain about not...
  20. lovetostep24

    Anybody there? Wanna Chat?

    Hey Cathe! It's so cool that you make yourself available like this...I'm star-struck and nervous to even type this!! :D Anyway, just wanted to say that I started working out with you in May of this year and my husband has already commented that he sees a big difference! Not that I'm...