XxX clean up your eating TUESDAY XxX

LMAO, Kate, you are hilarious!! I thought you said you wanted her to come on Oct 10th...?? That is still several days away....
ONE down, FOUR to go...

WO this morning will be Step Blast (FUN!). My day at work should be fairly enjoyable -- stacks and stacks of crap to get done this morning, then lots of appointments this afternoon.

The good news -- I am now the case manager with seniority, so I get to have the office that I want, the better computer/printer, and I can give all the sucky extra duties to some new sucker! I really think I want to stay in my office, though...
I *do* want Oct. 10 but if she decided to come a little earloer I wouldn't complain!;) I had a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions last night and Mike was FREAKING OUT!:D I was like "Bring 'em on! Get that cervix ready to WORK!":D

Glad you have a good day ahead of you Katie! And ^5 on the seniority! Nothing like getting to boss people around!;):p Well, besides our husbands!:p:D What WO are you doing today?

I just did Kathy Smith pg cardio and CS Essentrics LEgs. Glad to get this done on the AM - a rare occasion for me, no?

I have a midwife appt this AM (with the Group B strep test:rolleyes: -yuck.:mad:) No other plans the rest of the day. I will trytrytry soooooo hard to post pics of my belly and the room.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Ohhhh, PICS!! Please please, pretty please!

WO was Step Blast and I was a sweaty mess when I was done -- I love that one! I am also loving being able to track my HR (stayed in the 160s, got up into the 170s during the challenge).

b cereal
s half clif bar, s'berries
l sandwich, almonds
s snack
d shephard's pie
Good going with the Step Blast and new office Katie.
Labor's almost time...quick call the taxi. That reminds me of the Ilove Lucy when she went into labor and her husband left out of the house without her. LOL:eek:

Today's w/o will be BM2 cardio only.
l-chicken with salad
d-tacos maybe
Katie, SB is so much fun. Maybe I should try it again this week.... Glad the HRM is going good for you.

Robin, You've got soem fun cardio too! I miss the middle section but its too wierd to modify right now. Soon, baby!

Got Gina off to school - no tears again!!!! yay!!!!!!!!! Makes me feel like a million bucks!

off to the c0hiro and midwife soon......

Steph, how's it going?

Hello Natalie, Colleen, Angie! And any lurkers!;)
Good morning everyone! Pretty good sleep last night although Ava ended up in our bed at some point and then kicked me, poked me in the eye and rolled around the rest of the night. We've decided not to fight her on coming to our bed occassionally - at least until the tonsils are out and she doesn't have a physical problem causing her not to sleep!

Workout today will be Push/Pull total body premix and some abs - probably one of the Core Max's. Katie was it you that I read who does all of them at one time? I'm just doing one! :) Then I'm off to the grocery store to see if they have any large boxes to get rid of. I've heard they do this????

Katie - great job on your workout - love step blast! And congrats on your promotion. Gotta love a better office!

Kate - Isn't it great to get the WO done 1st thing? Good job! Oh, and congrats on your little one not crying. I totally understand that. Yes, Ava is my only one - at least for a couple more years. My husband, Drue, is a builder. He and his brother own a custom home building company. Not a great time to be in the home building industry so I'm actually thinking of starting a home daycare so that I can continue to be at home with Ava and make some cash! I love teaching the little ones too!

I need to get organized like you guys with your food. I know I'm having oatmeal for breakfast but don't know beyond that right now!

Good Morning Everyone,

Another quick hello since I really late for training but I have an excuse. w/o was Lo Max. breakfast was the usual.

Kate, glad you got Gina out with no tears
Katie, I think I need to pull out Step Blast again
Natalie, I have never done push pull. how does it compare to ME?
Angie, I posted some info for you last night. Did you see it?
Steph, {{{hugs}}} hope you are doing okay.

Hey Colleen!

Push/Pull is not as challenging as Muscle Endurance. I haven't done PP in a while, but I know it's not as hard. I just can't let it sit there after I spent money on it! Know what I mean? :p

Morning chipper ladies!

Colleen, thanks so much for the info. I will check out that site. I've been looking at amazon but I'm always open to better prices! :) Good job with Lo Max. I can't wait to be able to do that whole workout! I'm anxious to see all the parts I'm missing.

Natalie, I grew up in Hoffman Estates and then moved to Crystal Lake when I was in high school. It's crazy how many suburbanites are in the world. :) Are you a cubs fan?? I have a 3 year old too (Annabel) - she'll actually be 4 in November! Time flies. We also have a 2 year old (Noelle - call her Ellie). Sorry about your long nights. I can relate. We're trying to potty train Ellie and trying to get Annabel to stay dry through the night. They both woke up at 4:30 this morning to go potty and then never went back to sleep. I'm a little drowsy. I can also totally relate to the eating b/c I'm tired!! And don't worry about being long winded, you can obviously see I don't mind. :)

Kate, so glad to hear that Gina had another good morning. I'm glad you won't have to deal with that when Julia comes. I'm glad your excited about BH - I used to get so annoyed! Of course, mine were almost constant for about 5 weeks before I was induced. Would love to see belly pics!

Katie, glad your work day wasn't so bad! Step blast is fun - another one I can't wait to have the complete workout! I'm excited for day two of your rotation!

Okay, I have a conference call this morning with the relocation company and that's at 8:30. So, it kind of interrupts my workout time. It's also hard to try to occupy the girls for a workout and then a phone call. I don't think it's fair to plop them in front of the TV that long. :(

So, hopefully ME will happen during nap time and if not, I will get it in after dinner tonight.

Novel done...

Another quiet day - where are my SAHMs?

Just finished leftover chicken kabobs and some red potatoes for lunch. Had another stinking omelet for breakfast (ham is almost gone).

Dinner tonight will be steaks. It was going to be ribs but we left them out all night long. Bummer.

I'm super tired. One kid already fell asleep and I think the other is on her way. Why couldn't they have done it at the same time?
Hey I'm here!

It's been a crazy day - trying to get a few things moved here and there, playing with Ava, had to renew driver's license. Still haven't done my workout! Ugh!

We live in Plainfield and will still be in Plainfield after we move. We've actually only lived up here for a little over a year having moved from Springfield, IL last summer. I lived in Springfield all of my life aside from graduate school which I did in the St. Louis area. We are Cardinal fans - well be "we" I mean my hubby but he wouldn't allow me to support the Cubs even if I cared to. :p I'm not really into baseball... I enjoy going to a game now and then but just don't get into watching it on TV.

Yum chicken kabobs sure sound yummy. I had leftover brown rice with (don't get grossed out here) spaghetti sauce, steamed broccoli and cottage cheese all mixed up. I'm famous for just mixing up food in one big bowl and eating it. It was decent.

Okay - I need to workout and I think Ava's going to give me a few minutes! Talk to you later!
Natalie, What a good understanding mommy you are! It is so hard to sleep when the little ones are rollin' around next to you! I love PP when you need a quickie!;) And as a SAHM I'm known to come up with some odd lunch concoctions too! I hate to waste leftovers.

Colleen, Busy days at work for you lately! Did you use the med ball for LM?

Angie, Good luck getting ME in! THat is such a fun WO! How'd the moving conf/ call go? You are amazing!! I couldn't even kind of wrap my head around a move to France! We had steak last night - I love it! Never cared for it too much before this pg. I think my body is craving the protein & iron from it.

Midwife went well. Total gain for 36 wks is 24 lbs. Can't complain about that I guess! With any luck I'll only be pg for 2 more wks - can't do tooooo mcuh damage in that time!

:( Oh, boy. Gina and Isabel need your cyber-hugs. Their little kitten has to be euthanized tonight. She has some wierd intestinal thing that will be $800 to fix and after that there's no guarantee she won't need the surgery again. Poor Isabel has been sobbing all afternoon and I'm sure Gina will be the same. They *love* this little kitten and as odd as it seems the kitty loves them to pieces to. She was always so playful and sweet. Even tho she was an outside cat she was always right by the door wanting to be loved on. She purred all. the time. I am super sad about this too. I wish we could justify spending the money. I'm not sure I would even go thru the expense for our dane, let alone a little kitten who lives under our deck. thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder.....:(
Hey ladies. This chest cold is getting the best of me but I'm going to try to make it to bible study.

I love left overs too. Hey it's better than throwing away $$$$ each week.

Kate So sorry about the little kittie:( and 24 # is great because the baby and fluid is about 10-15# If I remember correctly... so you will only have to lose about 9-10#...piece of cake.

Natalie I hope you get to your workout soon. I would sometimes do PP with a little cardio to stretch it out.

Angie LOL :Dkids never sleep at the same time. How old are your daughter again?

Had fun with your training Colleen?
Kate, I'm so sorry about your kitty situation! That's so hard to try to describe to little kids! We're having a somewhat similar one here and I've been so sad about it all day!

We have to give our two cats away and I love them so much but bringing them to France is just not an option. Way too complicated.

So, I have them listed on and a few other places. I am just praying so hard that someone adopts them. It would break my heart to just leave them in a shelter - I can't even begin to describe that. My girls (they're 2 and almost 4 Robin) don't know yet. I can't bare the thought of telling them but I guess they'll find out at some point.

Anyway, our conference call went well. We really feel like we are getting some progress made. We go apply for passports tomorrow and we'll be hearing from the movers soon so it's all crazy.

The plan is for me and the girls to go to IL for the month of November until our house in France is ready and then we'll meet him in December.

I got a nap in while Annabel did (and Ellie pooped in her panties!) so now I need to get some things done.

Waaaahhhhh, I wish I was still a SAHM!! :( Some days it would be nice, other days I'm glad I have somewhere to take him!!:p

Another not-so-bad day at work. Maybe I should not freak out so much about how awful my job may or may not be... I have a headache, though...
Hey girls! Made it through the PP total body premix - that sucker was 80 minute! Whew!

Kate - I'm so interested in the midwife! Did you use her with your previous pregnancies? Are you having the baby in your home if possible? I'm sure you guys have covered this already but I'd like to know. Thinking about this for future pregnancies...Also, I'm sorry about the kitty - I feel so bad for your girls!

Angie - why are you guys moving to France? Again, I'm sure this has been covered, but please, do tell!! :p

Robin - Sorry you're not feeling well! Yuck!

Talk later -
Nat- great job with your workout! That's awesome! We are transferring to France with my husband's job - he works for CAT. We're very excited!!

Ryan's going to take the girls to the pool so I can get ME in!! YAY!

Happy day!

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