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  1. S

    Keep hard earned muscle-- lose body fat?

    I have to chime in here to ask a question. I posted a similar question to this one not too long ago b/c I was building muscle but having trouble losing the fat so that it would show. Lot of people recommended the south beach diet as a great method. After reading these posts I looked into the...
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    Does decorating tick anyone else off?

    I absolutely LOVE decorating for christmas so I can't feel the pain here!!!! But I must say that I HATE taking them down after New Year's Day! I do alot of decorating inside and out with tons of lights, so it's really depressing when you get used to having lot of bright, sparkly decorations...
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    south beach dieters: cheese substitute???

    Maximus: eggs are used in phase one, I just noticed that in the suggested meal plans that it doesn't use them as snacks at all until phase 2. It usually recommends some sort of cheese as a snack. Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to follow the meal plans b/c I'm too picky (no red meat...
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    I need a good comeback

    I agree with the previous post, in that most people don't exercise enough and the majority of them probably not at all. I absolutely despise it when people say that I'm "obsessed" or something of that nature simply b/c I exercise daily. Then they ALWAYS have to throw in that the only exercise...
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    south beach dieters: cheese substitute???

    I didn't think that the eggs would hurt either. I just wish that they didn't recommend so much stinkin' cheese!!!x(
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    south beach dieters: cheese substitute???

    I'm planning to start south beach in January (post-holidays, of course!) and I noticed that the plan recommends cheese in almost all snacks and meals. The problem is that I hate cheese. I always have and I don't know why, but I can't stand the stuff. I'll eat yogurt, but no cheese. What...
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    trouble getting back on track after t-giving???

    I just finished the south beach diet book and I'm looking forward to starting it. It's pretty much already the way that I eat, but I suffer from sugar cravings and do eat quite a bit of fruit so I want to go throught the first 2 phases to cut the cravings. I am kind of panicked b/c I don't eat...
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    trouble getting back on track after t-giving???

    Is anyone else having this problem??? I let myself have some bad sweets for thanksgiving and now I'm craving them!! Also, with it being holiday time--there is cake and bad stuff everywhere around me and it's so hard to resist b/c of the cravings!!!! I also got off my workout routine b/c...
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    Favorite fragrance

    The only one I wear is Calvin Klein's CKOne. My mother tought me when I was very young that you're supposed to choose one scent and stick with it--it makes it "your smell". Hers is Beautiful by Estee Lauder and every time I smell it I think of her. I sometimes run into people that I went to...
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    st. lucia

    My husband and I honeymooned there in late September of 2001. We stayed at the Sandals golf and spa resort. It is a beautiful place to visit!!! We had a great time and were not ready to come home. HOwever, we didn't leave the resort so I don't think that it would be a fun place to go if...
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    Have any of you been to a Sandals resort?

    My husband and I went to the sandals spa and golf resort in St. Lucia in September of 2001. We had a wonderful time, but I have to admit that I was disappointed in the facilities. The pool and hot tub seemed to be really dirty and none of the amenities were nearly as wonderful as described in...
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    Couldn't sleep last night........thinking about pie!!!

    Seriously, isn't that sad?? I was tossing and turning b/c my goal was not to eat anything bad until Thanksgiving.........and now I can't wait to eat some sugary, fatty, cool-whip smothered dessert!!!
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    i miss Sex And The City and The Sopranos!!!

    I miss them all too! I don't even think they've started filming the last season of the sopranos yet!!! I know the last one took so long b/c of contract disputes w/ James Gandolfini and some other crap!!! I actually enjoyed the first part of the first season of Deadwood, but after they killed...
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    what is your favorite movie quote???

    I have SO MANY favorites!! The first one that comes to mind...... from a very perverted Matthew McConaghey (sp?) in tight pink jeans: "That's the thing about these high school girls--I keep getting older, but they stay the same age. Yes they do." --Dazed and Confused another one...
  15. S

    Fat-blasting diet????

    ok, I must have missed it. What was I wrong about?? I will definitely be checking out the south beach diet b/c I already eat very healthy anyways, but like I said I'm just having some trouble shedding this pesky fat.;( thanks for the suggestions!!!
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    using a personal trainer

    I personally feel that it is helpful to work with a trainer. Cathe's workouts are great, but they're not exactly individualized to your needs. A trainer can help you design a program to help you achieve your own goals. Also, it always helps when lifting weights to have someone around to spot...
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    Fat-blasting diet????

    I guess that I should clarify that I don't really need to lose that much weight. I'm 5'9'', medium build, and my weight is usually between 138-142. I've been steadily building muscle, but having trouble seeing the definition. I would like to get down to maybe 133-135 by just losing a few...
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    Which do you think is worse: sugar or caffeine?

    RE: Thanks everyone! I'm trying to avoid those crickets as well.}( I also think that sugar is worse, simply b/c there are mixed opinions concerning caffeine, but I've never heard of a positive about simple sugars. (unless you're a diabetic in distress, of course!!!) I have heard of some...
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    "We don't know for sure he will be separated (country club prison) or he will be in the big house. I hope he will be in the big house. Big boys don't like people like Scott. I HOPE he will be in the big house. Not every HIGH profile cases/murderers are in a separated prison. Take serial killers...
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    Fat-blasting diet????

    Maximus--does Atkins really help to take the fat off?? It has never seemed that way to me b/c it's a higher fat diet. I tried it a few years ago, but I found that restricting carbs that much really affected my energy level and I couldn't work out at a higher intensity for very long. Did it...