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  1. P

    Have 100 lbs. to lose

    I have lost about 80 pounds (still have another 20-30 to go), and found that it's really all about the food. Exercise helps (as does anything that burns more calories), but the biggest factor in losing weight for me was cutting back on calories. Here are a few things I learned from my own...
  2. P

    What is your next rotation going to be after STS?

    I've been thinking of doing STS again - maybe just 3 months the next time. I've also thought that I might try doing something like mini-mesos, where I would alternate endurance and strength workouts more frequently - say, do the 3 Gym Styles workouts and then follow that with Muscle Endurance...
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    Question about Hypertrophy

    I think that Cathe said she'd originally conceived of STS being done that way (where each meso takes 8 weeks) but felt that many people wouldn't want to commit to a 6 month rotation. So you shouldn't hesitate to keep doing the rest of STS the way you've done it so far.
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    Question on One Arm Rows

    I hope you don't mind me jumping in here. Horizontal rows target more of the rhomboid muscles, which are by the shoulder blades, on top of the lats, flanking the trapezius.
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    Supermans work the lower back, as do deadlifts. I don't know of any other exercise that gets the lower back directly. You could put some weight in your hands and on your ankles to make them tougher if needed.
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    Hitting a wall with Disc 22

    I understand your frustration - I've felt that way too. I don't think my 1RM numbers turned out to be much more than starting points. But it's like when you're trying on an outfit and find out you need a size bigger than usual to get a good fit. For me, anyway, the fact that the outfit fits...
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    Iron King squat stands

    Thanks for the info Chrissy. Do you think the Iron King stands are lighter than other stands? I'm thinking that I read the shipping weight for the Valor stands was 50# (I checked to see if I'd have trouble getting the box into my house). So each stand couldn't weigh more than 25#. Maybe...
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    I also like Zone Perfect bars, which are 14g protein and 210 cals, but no trans fat. I like Chocolate Caramel, but they took those off the shelves with the peanut salmonella scare (although they're supposed to be back out this month). The fudge graham ones are my second favorite.
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    I second Lynn's suggestion. I live on Pure Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter bars. They taste pretty good, and have a great calorie/protein ratio. I haven't found any other protein bar that tasted very good that didn't have lots of sugar in it.
  10. P

    how heavy of dumbells

    5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 and 30 pound dumbbells. I have Pace Weights that I use pretty much constantly. My barbell goes up to 85#. I don't think I use the 5# or 8# dumbbells for much except back off sets. The 10# dumbbells I think I just use for shoulder work. But mostly I use the 15#...
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    Advice On Equipment Purchases

    Those look good - what brand are they?
  12. P


    Just wanted to post to mention that I've found deadlifts a lot easier on my forearms if I alternate my grip - that is, if I hold underhand with one hand and overhand with the other. I don't know why that helps, but it does. I'm actually on week 3 of Meso 2 right now, and we do one legged...
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    Advice On Equipment Purchases

    Oh, of course ... I hadn't thought about the "out of stock" info not coming up until you try to buy it. I did read that you need to have a bench/step height of at least 18" to use it for bench presses. All I have is a 10" step. Is there anything that you can use for both presses (using a...
  14. P

    Advice On Equipment Purchases

    Thanks Dela. I googled the Valor stands and found them at a couple other sites - did you try that? I usually don't order from Internet sites unless I know something about them, but if these stands are that good I may just risk it. I can't get the stupid link to work -- look at...
  15. P

    Advice On Equipment Purchases

    I'm halfway into Meso 2 and finding that certain equipment purchases will have to be made. Please give me your opinions on the following: 1. Chinup Bar. I can't put anything into the door frame, and the one that hooks over the moulding without nails doesn't fit. I'd love something like...
  16. P

    Is this happening to anyone else?

    Try talking 600mg of ibuprofen each day for the three days before your period. My GYN told me to do this and it has been unbelievable how much lighter my periods are.
  17. P

    Anyone very overweight doing STS

    I am about 30 pounds overweight, but I've lost about 80 lbs. About 40 of those pounds I've lost doing just weight training (I blew out my knees doing cardio work so had to stick with weights). I've found that losing weight, for me, is about what I'm eating. I think exercise plays a huge part...
  18. P

    Can you double up the workouts each week?

    Are you experienced with weight training? If not, I'd say you should probably stick to doing each workout just once a week until you get a feel for what your body can handle. Recovery is the issue here, and several things affect how quickly you can recover from a workout (your age is a big...
  19. P

    Too Many Deadlifts?

    Has anyone else had trouble doing deadlifts twice a week? I'm finding that my lower back and forearms need more recovery time and I'm not feeling great doing deadlifts during both the leg and back workouts. I'm thinking I should just do deadlifts during one of those workouts and find some kind...
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    Lack of Stamina

    Think about your diet. I find a huge increase in my energy when I eat lots of veggies, complex carbs, etc. etc. and stay away from the junk. In fact, I've had a tough time with working out lately and I'm sure it's because I've been eating so poorly.