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  1. P

    Open Houses - Waste of Time for Sellers?

    Melanie - I am so sorry about your foreclosure. It's a terrible time to be a seller. Well, we went ahead with the open house because, as many of you said, it can't hurt. I got absolutely no feedback about whether anyone showed up or not, and she left the stupid open house sign out in the...
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    Another GWF update

    I dislike getting into conversations about calories with people, which is kind of inevitable when you tell them you're wearing a calorie tracker. So I've been thinking of some alternate answers to the inevitable question of "what are you wearing on your arm?" 1. Tracking device. 2...
  3. P

    Open Houses - Waste of Time for Sellers?

    Our house has been on the market for what seems to have been about 800 years. My agent wants us to have an open house (we had one back when we first went on the market, in the fall). I suspect that we'll just get a bunch of people who are looking at houses for fun and not serious buyers. Am I...
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    Another GWF update

    I've had mine about a month now. The feedback has been extremely valuable. As for Wendy's question - I don't see myself wearing this for long periods of time. I don't like having people ask me what's on my arm all the time, and now that the weather is warmer it's harder to hide it under...
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    i hate my skin

    Are you able to go to a dermatologist? There may be something he/she can recommend to help with the patchiness. Having problems with your skin is really difficult - it's not like you can hide it. But having skin cancer is worse. And even if you manage to escape that, as you get older all...
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    Squat stands vs. Power Tower

    Yes, I'd think so. A pull-up bar is pretty cheap, but squat stands aren't.
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    Weight Vest: Difference From Barbell

  8. P

    Question re Squat Stand

    Anyone have this? Or have any opinion on it? The adjustability is the big selling point for me since I have the short barbell. Although it would be cheaper to buy a $200 squat stand and a new barbell, I guess. I saw that the Valor squat stands would be available May 9th, so maybe I should...
  9. P

    Thinking of buying Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

    Lorrie - could you tell me more about the book? I looked it up on the Internet but it wasn't very specific about the book - just that it promised "amazing results" and had "never before revealed secrets" etc.
  10. P

    Airlines to charge obese customers extra

    I think the real issue here is how to enforce this rule. They'd need something more than a purely subjective standard, yet any objective standard is going to be riddled with exceptions. It's a tough issue. I've been seriously obese, and so I'm sympathetic. But I've also had to "share" my...
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    Weight Vest: Difference From Barbell

    I read somewhere that using a, for example, 20# vest is not the same as using a 20# barbell. I guess because of the weight distribution it's easier to do an exercise with the vest than a barbell of the same weight. Does anyone know how much the difference is - is a 20# vest equal to a 15#...
  12. P

    Strength Standards

    Somewhere it says that the numbers aren't the "norms," so I didn't take it to mean what I should be lifting to be strong relative to the general population. My impression is that these numbers reflect more the expectation for people who are doing strength training pretty seriously (i.e., people...
  13. P

    Strength Standards

    For those of you who are interested in knowing how much weight is considered "standard" for various exercises, the following link is really helpful. It gives guidelines for 1RM based on weight, gender and experience level (e.g., for an adult female, 165 lbs whose been training less than 9...
  14. P

    Squat Rack or Power Rack?

    I just realized what Karen meant by her "hubby's baby" crawling on the power rack. I'm glad I saw the cat, as I was a bit concerned ... :confused: Karen - where did you get yours? So a power rack is the same as a squat rack except bigger (and can have attachments)?
  15. P

    Squat Rack or Power Rack?

    fitfairy and fit44 - how much did you pay (if you don't mind sharing that info)? fit44 - where did you get yours? I'm guessing there's some serious assembly required for these things. And a big shipping charge. So you can use a standard power rack for squats, presses (with a bench) and...
  16. P

    Squat Rack or Power Rack?

    I was figuring out what squat rack options there are, and came across volumes of discussions (mostly on about power racks. It looks like a giant cage. My best guess is it is multi-level rack, but I am very confused about exactly what it does or if I need one. I want to squat...
  17. P

    How much protein?

    I think it depends what percentage of your diet is protein. If you're eating, say, 75% of your calories from protein then, yeah, probably too much. If it's, say, 25% then, no, you're good. In between there - dunno. Depends what you mean by "too much." Are you having health problems or not...
  18. P

    How much muscle can women really gain?

    Too funny! :D
  19. P

    How much muscle can women really gain?

    Very interesting. I see how there's not an "answer" to this, but is there a range in which most women fall? Assuming a woman lifts weights diligently, progressively increasing the intensity, and eats reasonably well, on the average could she expect to gain over a year 5 lbs of muscle? 25 lbs...
  20. P

    Best arms in show business?

    What a coincidence. I just read an interview with her over at