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  1. sherryc

    Hairdresser Gripe

    Oh yeah, been there. I came home and noticed some purple in my hair (I asked for blond highlights!),there must have been something else in the sink from another client, anyway she said "don't worry about it, it'll come out after a few washes!! What a goof! Last visit there. Sherry
  2. sherryc

    music lovers - help!

    Thanks a bunch Carole, I'm downloading shortly.:) :) Sherry
  3. sherryc

    music lovers - help!

    I've been watching a Talbots commerical on TV and just have to have the song that goes with it (for my MP3). Has anyone seen the commercial and know the song, - it seems like an oldie. Thanks Sherry
  4. sherryc

    They have pulled the plugs...........

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sherry
  5. sherryc

    Hey Wendy (fitmom)

    I just noticed that you lost another pound! Way to go.:) Sherry
  6. sherryc

    Update on my mother!

    How very sad for you and your family. My thoughts are with you. Sherry
  7. sherryc

    Favorite Drugstore shampoo

    I like Inner Science, the only drug store shampoo (especially conditioner) that works with my thick hair. Sherry
  8. sherryc

    Gotta Love Hubbys

    Lucky you, my DH is great too. He made my clips for the barbell and even made .5 and 1 lb. weights to put on the barbell too. He's a keeper.:) Sherry
  9. sherryc

    Psalm Of Cathe

    :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 Too funny (too true) Sherry
  10. sherryc

    Fosamax... anyone taking this for bone density?

    I was just talking to my sister who was prescribed Fosomax, took it for about 2 yrs. then stopped ,she was worried about side effects (she never mentioned what kind), anyway she just had results back from bone density scan and her results haven't changed and this is without taking Fosomax for...
  11. sherryc

    Have you ever asked?

    Hi Cathe I was wondering if you have ever asked any of your crew whether they would like to lead the group for a segment while filming your workouts? Are any of them even interested? You'd be a pretty tough act to follow, but I'm just a little curious.:) :) Sherry P.S. Are they actually...
  12. sherryc

    Bored with Food...what to do?

    I also find this time of year, with the weather so bleary that's it's sometimes hard to get motivated about anything including what I eat. I like to make sure that I have a treat for myself everyday (usually a cookie) and splurging on some really yummy exotic fruit when buying groceries. Sherry
  13. sherryc

    RE: Workout shorts

    I like the shorter shorts too, but find that mine keep rising up! Any good brands that stay down? Sherry
  14. sherryc

    Daily Check-In Thursday, December 29th

    Morning everyone Great workouts for sure!! This am is StepFit. I have kept track of all my workouts this year, and have done 242 (not including hi/low classes at gym). I will finish the year with ME on SAT., the very first w/o I bought from Cathe. Have a wonderful day to all who follow.:-)...
  15. sherryc

    What's causing this?

    I haven't checked out my leg pain with a Dr. (yet)and I haven't much interest in seeing a chiro (I've just heard way too many horror stories I guess). It's one of those things I'll probably put off for awhile, you know ... grin and bear it!! I couldn't imagine not being able to workout because...
  16. sherryc

    What's causing this?

    The pain is not sharp but hurts enough that I tend to put more weight on the other leg, and now that I think about it, it's not only with squats, but lunges (power scissors, plyo jacks) only during exercising. Sherry
  17. sherryc

    What's causing this?

    I've been experiencing pain behind my knee (not behind kneecap but right in the back of my knee - make sense?)when I do squats and pain decreases as I do more of them, anyone know what this may be? And what to do about it? Thanks Sherry:)
  18. sherryc

    4 days to myself

    Yeah! I have Mon-Thurs to myself this week. Kids are at school, husband at work and I'm off to Chapters to browse, maybe buy some stocking stuffers and a peppermint mocha (I've already tried the eggnog latte, YUM!!) Nothing like a little downtime for Xmas to clean, shop and EXERCISE. I'm...
  19. sherryc

    My cheat night

    Hey, at least your cheese was part-skim. The only part-skim in my junk food was the ice in my drink. Tomorrow will be a better day.:) Sherry
  20. sherryc

    Gym Style Chest & Triceps...........

    What a great workout, but I prefer to call it push-up hell.}( Sherry