Gym Style Chest & Triceps...........


I’m Sick with it……

But, had too, just order Gym Style Chest & Triceps, OUCH. I was not suppose to order this workout not until next month. But, after doing MIS UB last night I felted that I need more of a challenge for Chest and Triceps. These are the two body parts, well other than my Abs; that I am 'REALLY' trying to develop }( :eek: :p

I figure too, if I order it today, I should have before the 23rd, our office will be closed the 24th and 25th. And it would be so nice to enjoy this workout over the weekend.

This morning, sent me an e-mail saying Hardcore Extreme will be here on Monday, and I just placed the order on the 16th.

Teddygirl is in charge~ (i think)
Hi Nancy :)

You are so right! Don’t think I'll go wrong with this workout. Man oh man, I’ll be in push-up heaven, huh! :p :p

Teddygirl is in charge~
Love it! Love it! I get major DOMS in my chest every time I do this and I'm seeing definition that I've never had before.

Nancy - have you ever regretted ordering ANY Cathe work out? *winks* Seriously, though you'll love this one.
I don't get DOMS from this workout anymore, but my arms still shake like crazy during all those push ups and I have to take longer rests between push up sets or I'd never complete them all on my toes! 'Just did this one last night....yowza! Enjoy!
I just did this one last night and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Talk about shaky arms. And they're useless after. I can barely lift them up the wash my hair. How sick are we?:p
>I figure too, if I order it today, I should have before the
>23rd, our office will be closed the 24th and 25th. And it
>would be so nice to enjoy this workout over the weekend.

Yeah and that's about enough days needed to get over the DOMS after your first time.}( Actually the worst doms I got from GS C&T was in my abs. Up until this DVD came out, I never realized how much you work your core with push ups.

If you aren't challenged by this workout then I bow to you. Enjoy.

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