Bored with Food...what to do?


Last night as I was staring hopelessly into my pantry I realized that I was just bored in general with food. There just wasn't anything that was appealing.

I vary the foods I eat and have even introduced more variety so I wouldn't get "burned out" on the same food. I enjoy cooking and try different recipes but I don't know what has sparked this. Other than buying a new cook book or finding a new website for recipes I don't know what to do!

Does anyone else get like this????x( What have you done to get out of the food rut???

I do Atkins, & he said "think outside the box." Meaning you don't have to have "traditional" types of food for each meal. Like, if I don't feel like having eggs for breakfast I'll have celery & cream cheese. Or if I don't feel like having steak for dinner I'll have an omelet.

Mix & match, it might spice up the diet a little. :)
Sometimes I make breakfast for dinner - pancakes with smily faces made with choco chips and fruit salad on the side! It makes everyone smile and it is fun because it is breakfast for dinner!

I also will try a different ethnic cuisine when I am bored. Like Russian. Or Spanish. I got a book from the library a while back on Russian food. :9 I don't remember what all was in it, but one recipe was Stroganoff and it was delicious!

One word: Cookies.

Hey, come on, you knew it was coming. I'm nothing if not predictable:p

On a more serious note, what kinds of things do you eat?
Oh, how can you say that?!! I love food. Eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life.

Perhaps you are 'dieting' too much, too often and you're restricting yourself too much? Eating the same ole same ole, carrot sticks and rice cakes? Blech. Or are you a processed foods person who cooks everything from a can or a box?

There is nothing better than a pan of freshly roasted vegetables, sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, and onions. Well, and a nice glass of wine.

Food is something to be enjoyed just like a good wine or a good cheese. I love to cook and I love to cook for my family. Food is love in my family.

You know, I hate to come on this forum and read all the crazy 'dieting' stuff people are doing/eating. Why in the world restrict yourself so much to boring/bland foods when there is a whole world of option's out there? Everyone worries about gaining weight. Well, if you are active and exercise regularly, eat proper portions without making a pig of yourself and eating an entire cheese cake, you too can enjoy good food and maintain a healthy lifestyle and never be bored with food again.

If you're really in a a GOOD restaurant and make a reservation and go...enjoy a great meal and a bottle of wine with your spouse or a good friend. Have a great time. That is what eating is supposed to be about.
I have 2 words:


I just can't see limiting yourself to one or the other when they go together so well!

I don't restrict myself when it comes to eating. I've done the calorie counting and the planned diets and I hated it. I've been just eating what i want, when I want as long as I'm hungry and I eat until I'm full.

I like chicken but I'm sick of it. I like beef but I'm sick of it. I like pork but I'm sick of it. I like beans but I'm sick of them. I like eggs but I'm sick of them. I like fish but I'm sick of it. I like chocolate but I'm sick of it. I like ice cream but I'm sick of it. I like processed food but I'm sick of it. I like veggies but I'm sick of it. I like fruit but I'm sick of it. I like Italian, Mexican, American, Greek, Asian, European, Caribean, EVERYTHING but I'm sick of it.....Get the idea?


Hi Jeanette,

I've felt that way before. I do most of my own cooking--DH and I only go out to eat about once a week and I occasionally go out for lunch with friends. Sometimes I think that I just get plain tired of all the cooking, even though I consider cooking to be one of my hobbies and I normally love it. I have a massive cookbook collection and read those like someone else would read a novel (i know--I'm really dull--LOL!).

Why don't you treat yourself to a few meals out. If you and your DH/SO can have a couple of nights out with a great meal and a fine wine, that may be all you need to reignite your mealtime inspiration. I know it helps me. I think it has to do with the relaxation factor. It's so nice to be able to enjoy a meal without having to jump up and do the dishes.

HTH ;)

Jeanette, Sorry if we were flip with our answers. I've never had this problem. Is food the only thing you are sick of? What about other things you enjoy? Depression jumps into my mind, but not I'm not really able to give you any help there either. I'm sorry about your problem.
I don't think that I'm depressed. I guess it's more that I'm not craving anything in particular. When I go to make dinner I have tons of stuff I can make but I'm just not in the mood to eat that. My DH doesn't help when he just tells me to make what I want. I usually plan out a menu for the week and go to the grocery store but by the third day I don't want anything I've bought. It either goes to waste or I have to freeze it. I've tried stocking the pantry and freezer so I can just make things on the fly, but then I just end up buying processed foods. If I want anything fresh I feel I have to go to the grocery store every other day!x(

Jeannette - perhaps we're coming from different perspectives, but I am with you on being bored with food! I pretty much stay that way. It's unusual when I actually get excited about what's in my fridge. My problem is that I hate to cook. Despise it. And I live alone, so there's that old problem of "why cook for just one person?" I do, because I don't like eating out - too much junk food out there, and it's too expensive for my budget.

Anyhow, I most certainly sympathize! Sometimes when I get seriously sick of it all, I end up just fixing a sandwich or something incredibly plain because I don't feel like putting forth the effort. After a few meals like that, believe me, I actually feel inspired to get in there and cook something.
I also find this time of year, with the weather so bleary that's it's sometimes hard to get motivated about anything including what I eat. I like to make sure that I have a treat for myself everyday (usually a cookie) and splurging on some really yummy exotic fruit when buying groceries.
>I don't think that I'm depressed. I guess it's more that I'm
>not craving anything in particular. When I go to make dinner
>I have tons of stuff I can make but I'm just not in the mood
>to eat that. My DH doesn't help when he just tells me to make
>what I want. I usually plan out a menu for the week and go to
>the grocery store but by the third day I don't want anything
>I've bought. It either goes to waste or I have to freeze it.
>I've tried stocking the pantry and freezer so I can just make
>things on the fly, but then I just end up buying processed
>foods. If I want anything fresh I feel I have to go to the
>grocery store every other day!x(


That's exactly my problem. I DO go to the store about 5 or 6 days a week because I buy fresh foods. I'm only cooking for me and DH and if I try to stock up then the food rots before we can eat it. Also, when I've tried to plan meals for a week and stock up, I find that I too will glaze over while staring into the fridge and pantry. What sounds good to me on a Sunday may not interest me at all come Wednesday.

I seldom know what I'm going to have for dinner until I go to the store and see what they have. I buy whatever looks fresh and good on any given day. I have to admit that I'm really tired of going to the grocery store--LOL! It is nice though to walk into a place and everybody knows me and what I like.

Try some new and exciting ethnic foods and flavors (try Indian, Korean, Japanese...or even Asian or Hawaiian Fusion).... I'm absolutely sure one of them can spark your taste buds and bring you out of the food slump:)


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