Search results

  1. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Sunday

    Hi- I am taking a break from school work. I walked to our library, got there and they were closed. Didn't even think the library would be closed on sundays when school is out..:confused:. I couldn't stay home because of the company so I went to starbucks. I am a people watcher so it was...
  2. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Sunday

    Hello everyone. I got up and did my last chest and back workout of STS. I did not get all my reps in for incline chest press. A couple of times I had to slide the weights off the barbell (I learned that trick from you galye!) But the flat bench press the last set I did 10 reps, I made sure I...
  3. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Saturday

    Gayle- I'm game. I have 20 days. I don't get there until friday. 3 weeks of clean eating, here I come. Get your game face on!!!
  4. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Saturday

    I did it. I just finished the BM cardio blast. It took alot to get started and to keep going. I really dislike working out this late. But it is done!!:D Gayle-no I have never walked the brooklyn bridge. I really don't know too much about NYC. (terrible isn't since I am so close) I will walk...
  5. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Saturday

    Well I thought I was going to workout but my son's baseball coach is having a BBQ today. I thought it was at 1pm but it is at 11:30am. So I guess it will have to wait. I don't like planning on a late workout because I would say about 75% of the time I end up blowing it off.:confused: I WILL...
  6. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Saturday

    Rob thomas did a song with Santana but he is from Matchbox20. They sing push, 3am, unwell, how far we've come etc., Solo-Lonely no more and this is how a heart breaks. I got tickets-FRONT ROW BABY!!!!!:eek::p:cool::D:) Now I have to wait until nov. Gayle did you figure out who he is yet. I...
  7. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Saturday

    Good Morning Everyone. I am sitting here eating protein pancakes waiting for Rob Thomas tickets to go on sale at 10 am. I am trying to get backstage passes to meet him. Yes I am 40 an a rob thomas addict!-LOL. We will be going to Mohegan Sun in Nov to see him. Gayle- glad you had a good...
  8. cb1924

    6 Monthers, STS, Friday

    Just a quick post to say HI. I am super busy with school (and stressed). I did my last plyo workout this morning and yesterday I did the last SBT workout. I still have chest and back on sunday and squat rack on monday. Then I am officially done. Gayle-glad to have you back. How was your...
  9. cb1924

    Critter in my house!! Mortifying! (LONG)

    We had mice in our house. Tried so many traps. I too tried to be humane but they were just too damn smart. They weren't even getting into the food because I was feeding them on a regular basis. (mice love PB!-cant blame them:p) I used the sticky traps and unless you get it when they get caught...
  10. cb1924

    6 Monthers - Wednesday, July 8

    Happy Birthday Jo!! Jo-I hope you had a great day and a great vacation. We have been on skeleton crew for the past week because of all the vacations. I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. These next 2 weeks are going to be hard. I started school on monday. It is 3 hours everyday plus...
  11. cb1924

    6 month STSers, monday

    Hi everyone. I am back. I had a good time but I ate terribly. I am so frustrated with my food. Right before camping I lost 5 lbs, gained it back over the weekend at camping, lost it again and gained it back this weekend. I am so upset. I can't do this anymore. I even planned out this weekend...
  12. cb1924

    6 month STSers, monday

    just getting us started chrissy
  13. cb1924

    6 monthers, STS, thursday

    Thank you Gayle. Have a good night. chrissy
  14. cb1924

    Embarrassing Songs on Your Ipod :D

    Hey NKOTB are making a come back:eek:. I have a debbie song on mine too chrissy
  15. cb1924

    6 monthers, STS, thursday

    Rachel-I was kind of asking about you guys....not the people you know. You guys are the people I know:p. chrissy
  16. cb1924


    Actually, I liked the guys in STS. hell yeah-bring em back....oh and keith too chrissy
  17. cb1924


    I vote for Keith!!! chrissy
  18. cb1924

    6 monthers, STS, thursday

    Hi everyone. Did plyo legs today with the 1 legged squat thrusts. LOL-it was not pretty:confused:. I only did about 8 but I skipped 1 or 2 then continued. My form was awful. I know I didn't get my back leg out far enough but I did the best I could. And those low lunge squat combo thingys....I...
  19. cb1924

    6 monthers, STS, thursday

    I was up early today. My husband left at 5 am to go drag racing for the weekend. So I got up, made some coffee, and started surfing the web. My chest is sore from CB M3W3. Feels good. Haven't really had too much doms this meso cycle, except from plyo legs. Rachel- I had a hard time too getting...
  20. cb1924

    6 monthers, STS, thursday

    Good Morning Ladies. Just quick to get us started chrissy