6 Monthers, STS, Saturday

Julie & Chrissy, thanks for the input on NYC. I actually checked out NYC on google today and found a really good site that had pretty good details and a great street map. And yes, I'm geographically-challenged! LOL There are quite a few things to do on the southern end of that area, so I think I'm going to surprise the kids again next week, with an UNannounced Day Trip to NYC! lol

Gayle- I'm game.

I have 20 days. I don't get there until friday. 3 weeks of clean eating, here I come.

Get your game face on!!!
Alright....we have 2 contestants so far.

Anybody else?

My next 18 days will include:
  • Meso 2 weight workouts
  • Cardio and abs on non-STS days, mostly running in order to train for my half marathon; those runs will include steady state, hills, intervals/sprints, and a long run.
  • CLEAN EATING to the MAX! Not a single BLT (bite, lick, or taste) of anything not clean.
  • Minimum of my daily gallon of water.
  • Positive self-talk.

I am in on the challenge. The 29th is dd 6th bday and a great day to celebrate! as well as the pretrial for my divorce!!!!!!!!!

Here is my challenge:

To stick to my workout calendar. STS 3/per week + plyo legs+cardio 2 perwk + abs 3x per week. Wow that sounds tough.

LOL I have been sticking my finger in stbx chocolate cake's frosting. man o man frosting never tastred soooooo good!

Rachael get those pics up!!!!!!!

OMG! Julie, I almost spit my sip of water on the laptop when I read about the chocolate icing! LOL Too funny, and you need humor to make it thru this to the other side! The 29th IS an awesome day for you to celebrate, so let's DO IT for the next 18 days!!!!


Packing it in for the night! G'Night!!!!


p.s. just for accountability, tomorrow morning's workout will be iTread N Tush (a treadmill run with some lower body work thrown in between), then a few more miles to get my mileage in, and ab (leaning towards Ab Circuits Stability Ball abs).
Yay, Chrissy, I am so impressed that you did the workout, I know when I try to do them after noon it rarely happens, so wtg! And awesome job on staying clean at the picnic too!

Gayle, Julie and Chrissy, I am on the challenge too! I already have completed two super clean days and I am good to go. There is just one exception, dd Birthday party is on the 19th and I am making the cake. I decided when I started the clean eating thing that family birthdays always were exceptions, so I will have a slice. But therein lies the challenge. It will be one and only one slice, no matter how long the leftovers of the cake stay in the fridge...LOL!
That will be my only modification, other than that, I'm fully committed to the challenge doing my circuit workouts and cardio and abs on the alternating days! Lots of water here too, and scrapbooking as a way to escape any cravings and temptations that might come my way. I am excited that I have actually made quite some progress in the scrapbook department since summer break started!

Hitting the sack early to nurse my detox headache... Hopefully that will be the last of it!
Chrissy you are a good girl! WTG!!!!!

I'm IN! You guys can't have a challenge without me!!!

Cendrine, I know where the Silver Cloud is in Bellevue if that's the one you're at. I hope it works out!

I can't believe how much chatter is going on today considering it was a pretty sparse week! Glad everyone was around!

Julie, I got at kick out of the finger in the frosting too!

Hope everyone has a great tomorrow!
I meant to respond to you about disc 13. Well...ahem...I WANTED to up the weights but couldn't do it for chest press...I did go up a couple of lbs for flyes and shoulder presses. I couldn't do it for lateral raises or tricep exercises. I think the reason was because of going back to working one entire body part before going on to the next.

Though my chest and triceps both have DOMS...I don't think my shoulders have EVER been as fried as they are now! I can barely lift my arms over my head! What did you do? Did you up?

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