6 Monthers, STS, Sunday

Good SUNDAY morning, ladies!

Jo, for disc 13, I just printed off the workout card and OFF I went, and it wasn't until the second set of chest work that I realized I hadn't checked/increased my weights. But I pulled out my notebook of my full 6 month STS rotation and checked and although most of the weights were the same, I had tweeked some of them throughout the program so some of them automatically adjusted (does that make sense?). But, like you, it was a TOUGH TOUGH workout. Some sets, just getting those dumbbells up, my back flat on the bench for chest flies was HARD! :) But I am a DOMMY MOMMY right now! WOWzers! ;)

OK....workout is done. I'm SOAKED thru! I did iTread Bottom Line (set 37, 50 mins), iTread set26 (30 mins) and Stability Ball abs. Logged my 6+ miles I wanted/needed, so I'm happy. But I wasn't sure I could or WOULD get back on the treadmill after that first iTread workout and the floor squats/lunges. But I DID!

All we have today is a basketball game at noon. We ran an errand last night and the kids picked up steaks for tonight's dinner while I picked up salmon fillets for me.

How about YOU LADIES? What's on the schedule for today???

Hi Everyone! Well, I am up since 4 with another headache...so am just now able to get up, have some coffee, etc. It's slowly subsiding and so am planning to do Disc 14 here in a little bit.

Today, I must work on my closet! I must, I must, I must! It is a mess and I have too much stuff! I think if I get rid of a few things I will feel a little decluttered.

GAYLE! You're an animal today!!! Way to go on the iTread workout! Hope you have fun at the game and a great day overall!

Cendrine, Julie, Chrissy, Rachel, Mary, Kim, Measuredoak and whoever else may post today! HAPPY SUNDAY!!!!
Hi Guys,

a quiet day for us here, maybe pool in the afternoon, but other than that just rest and relax and have a nice Sunday.

We are having baked tilapia with zucchini and leeks for dinner, clean eats for me again. While I'm detoxing I am even off my morning chocolate banana shake, which I have not been off of in months! I'm doing veggie scrambles all week for breakast for me, and then reintroduce fruits and probably the shake, it just is quick and easy!

Gayle and Jo, it will be interesting to see how I do on the sts rerun with the weights and all. I'm sure I'll be as sore if not more than you guys! LOL!

Hello everyone.

I got up and did my last chest and back workout of STS. I did not get all my reps in for incline chest press. A couple of times I had to slide the weights off the barbell (I learned that trick from you galye!) But the flat bench press the last set I did 10 reps, I made sure I went to failure. I guess I could have upped the weight a little on that.

I have one more workout left. Squat rack legs and I will do that one tomorrow. Then I am officially done and will be feeling "lost". I havent decided if I will start from meso 2 again or did gym style. I have never done those.

I am going to the library today to do school work. My sister is coming over to hang by the pool and there is no way I will get anything done with her and her kids. So I packed a bar (easiest thing to hide from the librarians) and some water.

Gayle- did you figure out who rob thomas is yet? Way to go on your workout. It sounded really tough.

Jo- I hope your headache goes away. I can't imagine having to deal with that on a regular basis. What amazes me even with your migraine you are still planning on exercising. Whatta Woman!! Sending some healing vibes your way.

Cendrine- good job on getting back to clean eating. It is so hard to do that. Your dinner sounds yummy, I love tilapia.

Rachel- I hope you get some relief from the heat and work. Are you going to post your pictures? Unfortunately I don't look any different because I weigh the same. I am stronger though. Someday I will look as strong as I feel....:confused:.

Julie-were you sticking your fingers in STBX's cake to piss him off or slobber it up....or did you just feel like eating icing. Too funny.

Hello Kim, Mary, and Measuredoak.

Have a great day.
I'm so sorry to hear about your headache again! But it reminded me I was going to look up remedies in my book. Here comes unsolicited advice, hope you don't mind and maybe something even helps. The book is on green healing foods and here is the info it gives on headaches:

Spinach and other magnesium-rich foods ( a research assigned 600mg of magnesium a day for 12 weeks and the migraines reduced by 42%)
Good dietary sources of magnesium are spinach, fish, buckwheat, avocados barley, quinoa, amaranth, almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and oysters.

Garlic (the book says if you can handle the odor to eat 1-2 whole cloves of garlic a day. If not you can ty the enteric-coated tablets or capsules.

Ginger 1/3 tsp of fresh or powdered ginger a day. Ginger tea or grate fresh ginger into juices, try crystallized ginger. Ginger tea recipe:steep three or four slices of fresh ginger in a cup of boiling water. Or add 1/2 tsp of powdere ginger or about 6 tsp of fresh ginger to daily diet.

Mint : drink peppermint tea two to three times a day

Walnuts: apparently have serotonin and pain-relieving compounds

Turmeric: Add lots of it or curry to your rice, even add pineapple and papaya to it or take a turmeric supplement 90-95 % curcumin to help relieve acute pain.

Feverfew and butterbur are herbal headache remedies. If pre to migraines, the author says, start eating one to four leaves a day of fresh feverfew or make tea with two to eight fresh leaves steeped in boiled water for prevention. You may need to take it 4-6 weeks before seeing an imporvement. Also take 1-2 capsules three times a day of an extract of butterbur rhizome standardized to contain 7.5 miligrams of petasine per capsule.

Foods to watch:
the most troublesome headache inducing foods are foods rich in tyramine like chocolate, beer and other alcoholic beverages, ripened cheese, bananas, and beans. High nitrate foods like cured meats, hot dogs and bologna.
MSG can trigger migraines as well. A low carb diet may help migraines as well. (think gluten and wheat sensitivities)

A food diary is recommended to see what may have triggered the headache.

This is very summarized stuff, if you are interested I can copy the pages and mail them to you. DH has been on heartburn medications for years with no relief, then we got this book and started doing some of the things it recommended for heartburn and lo and behold, he is off the medication! All naturally! I hope maybe some of this will help you get relief too!
Just finished my workout did 40 mins of Kick Max and a short fast run on the treadmill. The schedule was for CTX Kickbox but I can not get this to play. The rest of the dvd works just not the kickboxing section, can I replace the one dvd without replacing the whole set? Even though I've had CTX for quite a few years I've never used them much.

Didn't go running with my friends today. The one friend phone me last night and said she was sick. I wasn't sure if the other one was planning on running or not as she had been talking about going away for the weekend and there was no answer at her place. I just assumed she was away and then she called me at 7 am and I was still in bed. I said forget it that I would just work out on my own just kind of caught me offguard.

DH's aunt invited us over for dinner and a swim in her backyard pool this afternoon. We will go but ds has hockey camp this evening so DH and ds won't be able to stay very long. Hockey in July:rolleyes::rolleyes: It's a fitness class for hockey players every SUnday night. There do off ice exercise for 1 hr and then 1hr on ice. They do 1/2 hr of plyometrics and the coach said parents could join in if they want. I keep telling ds that I'm going to come:cool: :cool: and join all the 12 and 13 yr old boys. They were all given little wooden steps and sand bags to use as steps and weighted balls. Thery're given homework to do during the week.

4 more days of STS and 4 more work days till holidays!:D:D:D My goal is to survive the next 4 days and then enjoy my 2 weeks of holiday without feeling guilty! ;);)

Yesterday ds was doing his hockey "homework" and he challenged me to do 30 push ups so I did 30 on my toes:D:D:D:D:D So he proceeded to do 35. :rolleyes::rolleyes: I'm sure I could have done 35 if he made that the challenge. I was quite proud of 30 though!
Kim, those hockey camps sound intense. I would rather do my cathe plyo at home where no one is watching than join the kids.LOL! WTG on the pushups!

As far as I understand you can contact customer service and tell them about the disk not working. I thought they had a lifetime guarantee on their DVDs provided you purchased them from them directly. Worth a try.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Good afternoon gals...almost anyway!
You are not going to believe this but DH just got up! Of course I have been up since 5 but since he worked yesterday I thought I would leave him alone and let him wake up when he got up...well He woke up at 11. He was dissappointed because he wanted to at least be up by 10 he said. Oh well maybe he really needed it. The job is pretty stressful and he has been really tired here lately.

So far today I have prepped for my lunch which was supposed to be a creamy white bean and avocado wrap with a reed cabbage and carrot slaw. When I went to the grocery store I just knew I had white beans...Got home and started prepping and there was not a white bean to be found. So it became a ff refried bean and avocado wrap w/red cab and carrot slaw! I was dissappointed about the white beans but I think the flavors were still good.

Right now I am roasting some cauliflower and am going to try to make a cauliflower, braised red cab and cherry tomatoe sandwich. This is why I can not feed anyone but myself...My concoctions are weird even to me. But I am thinking it ight turn out pretty good. The only thing I have not figured out yet is my protein source. I am thinking maybe light on the protein so maybe some ricotta mashed in with the cauliflower and see what that does.

Chrissy-I am lost a little too. Tomorrow is the start of my recovery week and I have no idea where I am going after that! I thought about gym style too but I would have to buy it and I wanted to buy the stuff for the June rotation. Dilemmas dilemmas...:confused:

Cendrine-How are you feeling so far with your 'detox'? I know I feel better when I am eating mostly clean. But to be honest I don't think I am ever 100%!But I think most days I am 90 to 95.

Jo-I hope they can find the cause of these headaches. They do seem to be alot more frequent now than when we first started the 6 monthers. It seems like you are always getting over one or getting one! I can not imagine with having to live with them. Esp. when you do put such great effort into eating clean and exercise!

Gayle- I think I missed it but are you starting over with meso 2? I could not check the boards so I think you might have mentioned what you were doing and I did not get to see it. I saw someone mention something about about rabid animals too on your vacation? Missed that one too.

I am glad everyone is back. I don't know if you have seen it but we in the south here are in a debilitating heat wave. We have to go out and 'water our dogs' which is spray them down with the water hose...which they don't really like until we are done. Then they can relax because we did not use soap I guess...So jo send me some of that 68 degree weather!

Hi again! Quick note and then I'll come back and add personals later (Cendrine thank you for posting migraine info!).

I did Disc 14 today and OMG - I FORGOT about those trisets! I know I will be feeling all this all over again! My buttocks are feeling it! Scheesch! Just when you think things are easier...NOT! That about wiped me out! Now I will admit I was a tad low because of not sleeping well due to headache...but it wouldn't have mattered! Remember those fabulous paper plate moves?? Well I guarantee you don't remember how tough those really are!!!!

Hi- I am taking a break from school work. I walked to our library, got there and they were closed. Didn't even think the library would be closed on sundays when school is out..:confused:. I couldn't stay home because of the company so I went to starbucks. I am a people watcher so it was difficult to keep focused but I did it. At least no one bothered me there. If I was home that wouldn't be the case.

DOMS are setting in, in my chest. I usually don't feel it this quickly. So I should be good and sore tomorrow.

Rachel- I think I have to check out the june rotation. I haven't looked at Cathe's rotation's since STS started (not that I have ever done one) This is actually the first rotation I have stuck too.

Well I have to get back to school work.

Jo, So sorry to hear about all your migraines. I get them also but not nearly as often as you do. Is there anything that youo can do to prevent them? I can not even begin to imagine how aweful they must be fr you. Cenrinde mention magnesium, what about epsom sal baths? Just a thought don't know if it is a good one or not but anyway thought I would throw it out there. Hope you are feeling better.
Migraine Stuff

I don't blame anyone if you don't want to read this.....

Cendrine, thanks so much for taking the time to post this for me! Though many of the things you’ve listed, I’ve tried…it is good for me to be refreshed and potentially revisit these solutions. I truly appreciate it! Here’s some of what I have done and/or do:

Magnesium rich foods: I eat spinach (probably could eat more) but have almonds every morning with my breakfast. I used to take an extra supplement. And, as you probably know…I eat fish every day!

Garlic: now that’s one I haven’t tried! (Do you think I would smell if I ate that much?) :p But I LOVE garlic and put it in everything! I could eat a couple of gloves though…I’ve never tried that!

Ginger: DH just bought fresh ginger. This is one I’ve never tried but think I will. Hmmm ginger and garlic on my oatmeal??? LOL! :eek:

Mint: This is a new one also…I have peppermint tea and could try that too!

Walnuts: I eat walnuts every day. (We buy those big bags of walnuts and almonds at our favorite store! Costco!) I eat 1 ounce at night on salads or with whatever we're eating.

Turmeric: LOVE curry! I’ve been adding it to my brussel sprouts! I bet it would be good on pineapple and papaya (who thinks of these things?)
Feverfew: I took it for about 5 years and didn’t think it made any difference but never used it fresh. That’s another one to try.

I don’t eat cured meats or MSG. I don’t use any artificial sweeteners and found too much sugar can trigger a migraine so I never overdue on sweets when I do have them. I rarely drink as it is also a trigger for me. I cannot drink wine or champagne – also I can tell if my body chemistry is such that it is safe for me to have a drink. When I was learning what all my triggers are, sometimes just having a swallow of alcohol would cause a migraine….I never have more than one if I do have one. I went many years with no drinks but now have a couple a year (like DH birthday).

There are many other triggers and it took me a long time to figure them out but leading a good healthy life style, good eating, exercise and a routine sleeping pattern helps things stayed balanced. These migraines I’ve been getting the last few months are mostly triggered by the weather – rapid changes in the barometric pressure or fast drops or raises in the temperature. The other big one for me are smells…people with heavy perfume, fertilizer, etc. Oh, and you’ll love this! When I was running, it I ran over 6 miles I would get an exertion migraine! (And no I wasn’t dehydrated!) THAT WAS FRUSTRATING! However, exertion migraines always work with the migraine meds so it wasn't a problem.

I kept a food journal when I was learning my triggers and I log every migraine I get, the weather and if I ate anything different.

I would still be interested in the additional information in your book but we can wait to see if I get to see you and then I can get it from you!

Thanks again Cendrine! I will try some of these new things I haven’t done before. The garlic and ginger really peak my interest the most and maybe if there is enough of them in my system, I can combat the weather!

Also, for the last 5 years, I have been taking a low dose high blood pressure medicine which helps to keep the vessels dilated. This has actually been working until this last year. I had reduced from about 6 migraines a month to 1. But as you all know since I post them, that isn’t the case anymore. I would really rather do natural remedies…but when the pain is what it is, I’ll do anything to get rid of it!
Chrissy, glad you got to have the time to study. I know our library closes at 5:00 on Sundays - actually it's only open from noon to 5. One more workout! Yeah! I know how you must feel right now! Especially with trying to do school it will be nice to get STS out of the way!

Kim, you are sooooo close to being done! Thirty pushups on your toes! Are you kidding me! You are now my pushup hero! DS must have been impressed - I know I AM! Did you get to play in the pool today! The hockey fitness class sounds intense!

Rachel, I will say that your food combinations sound tantalizing to me! I am known too for eating weird combinations and then people are amazed when they discover how good they are! I would try your combos any day! You may think about doing some circuits after your recovery week. I found that was a good way for me to get refocused. And, I disccovered I wanted to go right back to Meso 2 which is what I'm doing now!

Julie, thank you for the bath suggestion - I've never tried that. As far as external stimulation, cold seems to work best for me (which is weird since I'm always cold!). I often use ice packs.

Okay, I'm done for the night! Hope you all have a great day tomorrow! I'm doing cardio tomorrow, but have to look, I don't remember what I have lined up! It'll have to be low impact as my legs are very tight and feeling like cement tonight! :cool::eek::eek::p

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