Migraine Stuff
I don't blame anyone if you don't want to read this.....
Cendrine, thanks so much for taking the time to post this for me! Though many of the things you’ve listed, I’ve tried…it is good for me to be refreshed and potentially revisit these solutions. I truly appreciate it! Here’s some of what I have done and/or do:
Magnesium rich foods: I eat spinach (probably could eat more) but have almonds every morning with my breakfast. I used to take an extra supplement. And, as you probably know…I eat fish every day!
Garlic: now that’s one I haven’t tried! (Do you think I would smell if I ate that much?)
But I LOVE garlic and put it in everything! I could eat a couple of gloves though…I’ve never tried that!
Ginger: DH just bought fresh ginger. This is one I’ve never tried but think I will. Hmmm ginger and garlic on my oatmeal??? LOL!
Mint: This is a new one also…I have peppermint tea and could try that too!
Walnuts: I eat walnuts every day. (We buy those big bags of walnuts and almonds at our favorite store! Costco!) I eat 1 ounce at night on salads or with whatever we're eating.
Turmeric: LOVE curry! I’ve been adding it to my brussel sprouts! I bet it would be good on pineapple and papaya (who thinks of these things?)
Feverfew: I took it for about 5 years and didn’t think it made any difference but never used it fresh. That’s another one to try.
I don’t eat cured meats or MSG. I don’t use any artificial sweeteners and found too much sugar can trigger a migraine so I never overdue on sweets when I do have them. I rarely drink as it is also a trigger for me. I cannot drink wine or champagne – also I can tell if my body chemistry is such that it is safe for me to have a drink. When I was learning what all my triggers are, sometimes just having a swallow of alcohol would cause a migraine….I never have more than one if I do have one. I went many years with no drinks but now have a couple a year (like DH birthday).
There are many other triggers and it took me a long time to figure them out but leading a good healthy life style, good eating, exercise and a routine sleeping pattern helps things stayed balanced. These migraines I’ve been getting the last few months are mostly triggered by the weather – rapid changes in the barometric pressure or fast drops or raises in the temperature. The other big one for me are smells…people with heavy perfume, fertilizer, etc. Oh, and you’ll love this! When I was running, it I ran over 6 miles I would get an exertion migraine! (And no I wasn’t dehydrated!) THAT WAS FRUSTRATING! However, exertion migraines always work with the migraine meds so it wasn't a problem.
I kept a food journal when I was learning my triggers and I log every migraine I get, the weather and if I ate anything different.
I would still be interested in the additional information in your book but we can wait to see if I get to see you and then I can get it from you!
Thanks again Cendrine! I will try some of these new things I haven’t done before. The garlic and ginger really peak my interest the most and maybe if there is enough of them in my system, I can combat the weather!
Also, for the last 5 years, I have been taking a low dose high blood pressure medicine which helps to keep the vessels dilated. This has actually been working until this last year. I had reduced from about 6 migraines a month to 1. But as you all know since I post them, that isn’t the case anymore. I would really rather do natural remedies…but when the pain is what it is, I’ll do anything to get rid of it!