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    TTC Check-in May 20

    Thanks Autumn I really appreciate you taking the time to do this! :7 Mattea
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    TTC Check-in May 20

    Autumn, I read the articles you mentioned and found them very informative. I pretty much don't take vitamins now, except for Folic Acid, Calcium, and Vitamin D. However, what do you do about prenatal vitamins and your doctor or CNM? Will they be likely to agree to this type of thinking? I know...
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    One of the BEST Years???

    Nancy, I think her website says 2-5 pounds so 3 pounds will probably be fine. Although, not having done the workouts...from the sound of things you might be wanting those 2lb'ers at some point }( At least it's only one DVD and not a whole series:7 Mattea
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    plain yogurt

    I suggest you check out Stonyfield Farms website. I know they have a TON of yogurt recipes that are often very inventive and almost always healthy. :) Mattea
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    Happy Friday, what will be your Saturday workout?

    Long run in the country with DH and Core Max #1 :7 Should be very nice weather! Mattea
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    Got my Tshirts!!

    Thanks Susan! I was thinking of going with the light blue/navy baseball tee and now I'll just be pulling out the ole' credit card...}(
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    Got my Tshirts!!

    Just giving this a nudge to the top! I'd love to know this before ordering. Also, how "sheer" is the semi-sheer for the t-shirts? Thanks, Mattea:7
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    Why do people still believe in....

    If it helps at all I did just read that doing interval workouts helps your body to burn more fat, kind of "teaches" your body to burn fat. And then, causes the body to burn more fat in subsequent workouts, even steady state workouts. It was a recent article in the NY Times. Hey, every little...
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    PB2 vs. the real thing

    So how much is the shipping now? Thanks :7 Mattea
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    Cathe--is this possible some time?

    Alison, Not Cathe (when we type that we're all hoping we're filling in for her b/c she's hard at work on the new series}( ), but I just wanted to suggest that Cathe has made several rotations in the past using only ONE series, like just after that series came out. I believe she did this for the...
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    Cathe--is this possible some time?

    Alison, Not Cathe (when we type that we're all hoping we're filling in for her b/c she's hard at work on the new series}( ), but I just wanted to suggest that Cathe has made several rotations in the past using only ONE series, like just after that series came out. I believe she did this for the...
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    Anti-blister advice

    Lorrie, I bet you will have SOME blisters, but I also bet that there is a lot you can do to prevent them that others may not have done. Take extra pairs of the socks with you (the anti-blister kind rec. on this thread) and change them throughout. I have to say, the extra pair of shoe suggestion...
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    PB2 vs. the real thing

    Nancy, I haven't actually tasted PB2, but yes, it does have a totally different nutritional profile than regular PB. The website puts it at 54 cal. and less than 3 grams of fat for 2 Tbsp. Here's a link: It...
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    Gym Style Upper Body Premix rotation

    Stacy, I think that you're rotation looks well put together and so long as you're working at an appropriate intensity level for you I think your plan on rest days is fine. My current rotation is something along these lines: --Interval Run + Short Core --Kickbox --Tempo Run + Short Core...
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    Gym Style Upper Body Premix rotation

    Stacy, Great minds think alike! :7 I just started a rotation doing exactly this, only I was only planning on doing them once a week with a day of functional fitness/circuit work as well as kickboxing. I don't have anything to offer as far as results go because I just started, but I tell you...
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    Question about Netflix

    DH and I have Blockbuster (2 at a time) and that's the perfect amount for us. When we are free we'll sometimes watch two movies in a weekend, but if not they just wait for us. And we love the convenience of being able to go to a Blockbuster store and get what we want without having to wait. I...
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    Anti-blister advice

    Lorrie, I've heard, though never tried, that duct tape is supposed to work wonders for this problem. No kidding, maybe you could google it? I have tried preventative Band-Aids in the places where I know that I usually get blisters, and if you get the correct Band-Aids then this often works...
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    What can I use...

    Valerie, You can make your own HCE workout if you don't mind switching out DVD's. That particular workout is just the w/u and step and interval blasts 5,6,7 from Imax 3, then the first 5 blasts from Kick Max Blast Challenge, then step and interval blasts 8,9,10 from Imax 3, the last 5 blasts...
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    Wild Oats Natural Waffles (frozen)

    Wendy- I think that I might have good news for you. I believe that "white wheat" flour is not regular "white flour", but actually a whole grain flour made from "white wheat." It's actually a different type of wheat. As per my understanding it has the same *nutritional* profile as regular WW...
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    Overhead tricep press

    "*Yawn*" I'm using 30's of kick backs right now AND I'm typing;-) Holy Heavy Batman:o Mattea