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  1. michefit

    Ah, another poll!

    I will definately be preordering - but will have to wait a bit and save for the preorder. SOOOOO excited!
  2. michefit

    About STS Shock Cardio

    Yippee! Jumping up and down - in Canada! Cathe you're the best!
  3. michefit

    OMG tri set legs

    I haven't officially started Meso2 yet but I snuck in disc 14 as my last leg workout before active recovery (because I couldn't wait and I love'hate leg workouts) I didn't find it that hard during the workout - BUTTTTT (pun intended) was walking funny for at least three days after. Haven't...
  4. michefit

    Drill Max for recovery week?

    Thanks M&M I was wondering if anyone else had done it during recovery week. I might just do it now!
  5. michefit


    Joining in for Meso cycle 2! Hi Everyone - I had started Meso cycle 1 before this check-in and repeated week 4 to time my recovery week with March Break - so I am now in sync with this check in. I have enjoyed just doing cardio for the last couple of days - but I am missing my strength...
  6. michefit

    Drill Max for recovery week?

    I apologize in advance if this has been asked already - would Drill Max be too much for the active recovery week?
  7. michefit

    Rant!! (Fair warning!)

    Totally agree! It really annoys me when people have such "heroic" attitudes about coming into work sick. I am not impressed by people who assume that it is a weakness to take a day off work to get better - or frown on others for doing so. There is more to life than work- and getting better...
  8. michefit

    Are you not happy unless you're sore?

    I love this thread almost as much as DOMS - it's funny to read how many people love (good) pain! I hate the mushy, sluggish feeling in my limbs that means I need to workout and get that pumped feeling....ahhh and then the DOMS!
  9. michefit

    Discipling other peoples kids?

    I agree with Maggie!
  10. michefit

    The Bachelor Finale!

    Also shamefully addicted this season - my bets are on Melissa - he just seems all dreamy eyed around her. The promos for this last episode have me thinking there might be a twist sad if he chooses Deanna and that he never really got over her. Can she really love him - after the...
  11. michefit

    To Count or Not?

    I kept a food diary for a summer and got a real feel for how much I am eating as well as the approximate calories per serving for the foods I usually eat. I haven't kept track in a while and have managed to maintain and lose when necessary. Keeping track for that period of time really helped...
  12. michefit

    Suggestions for adding extra leg day?

    I added plyo-legs workout for a cardio-leg day with great results!
  13. michefit

    Those finished with Meso 1...lower body results?

    My legs feel more toned (butt especially) and my thighs are slimmer - this is a biggie for me (no pun intended) since this is a problem area for me. The workouts felt hard - not as much of a burn - but legs are tired and heavy the next day. Different workouts really are key to making changes...
  14. michefit

    what do you eat after working out?

    Not to be repetative but I read somewhere that chocolate milk has the perfect ratio of protein to carbs for a post-workout snack. I have had this and added some additional protein after a heavy weight workout day. It is a delicious reward!
  15. michefit

    What workout do you want Cathe...

    I would love Steady State Step and a HIIT workout series. A little of both for variety and fun! Cathe would make a "wicked" HIIT workout!
  16. michefit

    Who takes a week off?

    Hmmmm...I do have some yoga tapes hanging around. And I love LIS from 4DS which gets the blood going without too much strain. Reading everyone's input I will make the most of the recovery week and savour the energy gained by it. It is always great to read everyone's experiences and advice!
  17. michefit

    Who takes a week off?

    I don't like taking a week off - I am guilty of sometimes missing my weekly rest day. I just feel sluggish if I don't move my body in some shape or form. We are supposed to take a week off for STS and I am dreading it - I don't know if I will be able to hold back for a week. I don't rest...
  18. michefit

    Which Ab circuit routine do you think is the hardest?

    My vote is for weights and plates, then no weights and then those darn stability ball ones! I didn't feel the ball one as much because I couldn't actually coordinate some of the moves to really feel it enough. What does everyone else think?
  19. michefit

    my shoulders are made of.....

    I had posted a thread a few days ago about how much harder disc 7 felt! Then along came disc 10 - I have prided myself in being able to do on my toes push-ups for all of the GS chest and tris workout...I was on my knees by the end of disc 10! The hardest still are the front shoulder presses...
  20. michefit

    Ouch! Disc 4 Chest, shoulders and biceps!

    I confess that I found disc #1 to be a good workout - but not too hard. Well I believe the periodization is kicking in! Disc 4 is definately harder! The biceps (barbell with band) exercise was killer. I had to change my barbell twice (lower) to be able to finish. Anyone else find those...