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  1. murfmom

    Metabolic conditioning comments

    I've been doing the October rotation (using Xtrain, CrossFire/To the Max and newest series) and am really enjoying it. I feel like my fitness level is really improving. Is it just my imagination, or does the metabolic conditioning remind anyone else of classic Firm workouts? It's like the...
  2. murfmom

    Anyone interested in a Nov. Rotation Check in?

    Can I join you next week? I'm finishing up the October rotation this week, and plan to start November Rock Bottoms rotation on the 11th. (Yes, I'm calendar-challenged). Maybe you guys can warn me how tough it will be.
  3. murfmom

    Party Rockin Step 2

    I agree, jengollf - I couldn't get PRS1 either. When I realized I was getting frustrated and tripping over my feet during the warmup, I took it out, put in LowMax, and got some exercise. I don't want to spend my workout time staring at the tv in frustration. Maybe I'll try it again when I'm...
  4. murfmom

    Party Rockin' Step #2 Review

    Apparently I'm a klutz, because I didn't find this very easy to follow, especially combos 2 & 3. I think it will be fun once I learn it, but it was confusing in several places to me. Now I'm scared of PRS 1. I found myself loving the power 7 breaks, because even thought they're physically...
  5. murfmom

    Scenery suggestion

    Hi Cathe! I'm loving your new stuff (as usual). I just have one minor suggestion for your next workouts. Could you please go back to nature views through your "windows" instead of the city? My favorite so far was the woods, but I also loved the palm trees. How about a redwood forest, or the...
  6. murfmom

    Rockout Knockout

    Great workout! I just did this one for the first time (starting Cathe's October rotation today). It was a lot of fun. I wasn't wearing a heart rate monitor, but I did drink 32 ounces of water and I'm still thirsty.:D
  7. murfmom

    Peanut butter?

    Smuckers makes a good one that's reasonably priced at Walmart. Just peanuts and a little salt. I find that if I stir it well the first time I open it, it stays mixed as long as I keep it in the refrigerator.
  8. murfmom

    STS STS 3.5 Mo.-Is Anyone Else Doing This?

    Just finished my 1 rep max testing today, so I'll be starting STS Monday. I'm really looking forward to it. I plugged in the STS/Shock Cardio rotation into my calendar, but I'll probably change the cardio around depending on my moods.
  9. murfmom

    A request for one-screen menus

    On a related note, another menu suggestion. I love all the premixes, but would really appreciate it if you would number them on the screen. During XTrain, I found myself counting premixes to get to #17, for example. I know you listed the title, but some of them are so similar and I wanted to...
  10. murfmom

    Post your XTrain results here!

    Tomorrow will be my final workout of the 12-week program. I'm kind of sad to see it end, but feeling good about accomplishing it. What results have you seen in terms of strength gains, weight loss, mental outlook or anything else? I've definitely gotten stronger, my legs look leaner and...
  11. murfmom

    Benefits of 3.5 month vs 6.5 month rotation?

    Thanks for finding that old thread!
  12. murfmom

    Tell me this mom is joking!!!

    If you think toddler swimwear is bad, try shopping for a 12 year old. Fortunately my daughter is modest, but that doesn't help when they don't even make anything suitable. We went to every store in town and couldn't find anything appropriate. We finally found something that was okay, but...
  13. murfmom

    Question before preordering

    Will you get the blue resistance tubes like you use in XTrain in stock by the end of March? I would like to add this to my preorder if possible (since my current band is shorter than yours, I want to make sure I get the right one). Also, can you tell me if Cross Fire and To the Max will show...
  14. murfmom

    Benefits of 3.5 month vs 6.5 month rotation?

    I'm going to be starting STS April 8 (after I finish XTrain) and I would love some input on the pros and cons of the 3.5 month vs the 6.5 month rotations? Which do you like better and why? Thanks!
  15. murfmom

    STS 1RM question

    I'm in the same situation as you. I'll finish XTrain March 30, then I'm giving myself a week to do 1 rep max testing and other workouts, then I'll start STS on April 8. Not sure if 1 week will be enough, but I'll use 1RM testing as my strength workouts that week. Will probably do a little...
  16. murfmom

    Paleo Diet Again....

  17. murfmom

    What to do after XTrain?

    I'm currently on Xtrain week 7 out of 12, and thinking about what to do next. I'm thinking either STS or P90X. For once in my life, I'm really enjoying following a structured program, and want to continue to do so. I'm trying to lose weight and get stronger. Any suggestions?
  18. murfmom

    Paleo Diet Again....

    I love Paleo! Although I will say I'm not as strict as some. I will eat a little natural peanut butter, small amounts of rice or potatoes and a little cheese. I think the most important thing is to try to totally avoid added sugars of all kinds, wheat and processed foods. Many also give up...
  19. murfmom

    Cathe's Greatest Hits?

    I think there will have to be more than 1 dvd. How about these 4: Total body weights with cardio blasts (muscle max, supercuts, etc.) Split body part weights (pyramids, gym styles, burn sets, etc.) Hiit/tabatas/intervals (with low impact premix) Complex step workout (Rythmic step, etc...
  20. murfmom

    XTrain vs STS vs P90X

    Thanks so much for all your comments! I actually have all 3 of these series and am currently on week 6 of XTrain. I started but never finished P90X and STS. I think I got sick of Tony after a while, but I keep thinking I should give it another chance because so many people have gotten great...