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  1. M

    OH MY!!! I just did Legs and Glutes for the first time....

    Just finished Legs and Glutes this morning. About to die by the end, but my knees actually feel better. I was having some discomfort in them because I tried to add running. I read at about knee problems and one of the articles said that strengthening the quads would help...
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    Just came back from the foot doctor...........

    Hello, If this is when you have extreme pain on bottoms of your feet from your heel to your toes, then I had this happen to me twice last year. I had to take 2 weeks off each time it happened. A real bummer. Each time it happened was when I tried to up my cardio to 6 days a week from 3 days...
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    My Body is Telling Me I am Doing TOO Much--Help!

    Thanks for all the helpful advice. The pain is not sharp or extreme. I just feel something there that I never felt before. It feels better tonight after resting for the day. I have decided that I have to pick what I really like and not try to do it all at once. I really like racketball...
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    My Body is Telling Me I am Doing TOO Much--Help!

    Yesterday, I did The Bonus workout on the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body DVD. During the workout my right knee began to hurt. Then when my husband got home we went for a jog--using the Couch to 5k plan on the site. So we only jogged 60 sec. and walked 90 sec. for a total of 20...
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    Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

    I couldn't agree more, Bobbi. He is so much more fun to be around these days. He has more patience with both me and the kids and I feel so much less stress when he is this way. We have even begun to run together--he used to run 10 miles a day back in his twenties. We are using the Couch to...
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    Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

    Ok, now, we are moving on to our husbands sex drive. Well, my husband told me last night that this Christmas Holiday was the best he had ever had due to my change over the last couple of weeks. (Remember, I am the one who started this crazy thread.) He is going to be 48 in June. He has always...
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    Low Carb Craze

    I had a friend who went on the Atkins diet before his wedding. He lost a great deal of weight and looked terrific. Well, that didn't last long. He now looks like he should be giving birth to a 10 pounder any day now. I also have a girlfriend who just recently over the last 4 months or so...
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    Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

    Thanks for all the responses. Glad to know this is kinda NORMAL for my age. Just wish I would have known things could be like this. My husband started crying because he had never felt so loved before. Hey, Carole, You said this happened to you about 3 years ago. Does that mean you still...
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    Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

    RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than... Thanks for replying Barbara. Since my post has been viewed by over 100 people and I hadn't gotten any replies, I was beginning to think I was a pervert or something. Maybe I am going through pre-menapause or something. But I don't...
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    If you had to pick just one

    Since you said pick one, I pick the 36 pack DVD Bundle for only $521 plus S&H. You won't be sorry. Even if I do one of the older ones, Cathe kicks my butt. In the long run, you will save a bundle. Cause Cathe is like Potato chips--"Nobody can eat just one!" Motherofsix Heather
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    Anyone Else Taking New Years Day Off?

    >Nope! Just finished ME!!!!!!!!!!!! > >Carol >:-) Ok, Carol. After reading your post I caved and did ME. Cathe fried my arms, legs, and abs. But I sweat up a storm and had fun. Go figure--I am addicted. Motherofsix Heather
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    Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

    This is really off the topic of exercise, but here goes anyway. I am 42, married for 20 years, the mother of six children-ages 19,15,12,9,6,and 3. I cannot say that I have really ever been very excited when it came to sex---BUT all of a sudden I think about it all the time. I can't get enough...
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    Anyone Else Taking New Years Day Off?

    Hello Everyone, Just wanted to see if anyone else is taking the first day of 2004 off. I usually workout 6 days a week--taking Saturday off. Doing Cardio on Mon,Wed,Fri and Weights on Sun, Tues, Thur. So taking a Thursday off is a little bit scarey. But lately my feet have been feeling a...
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    New Years resolutions?????

    Hello Aquajock, Check your inbox. I sent you a message. Good luck on your resolutions. Motherofsix
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    Sound Trouble on Step Blast

    The problem is solved thanks to the Cathe's great customer service. I emailed last night with the problem I was having and this morning with their help my DVDs sound perfect. I just needed to change an audio setting on my DVD player back to the default setting. Now I just need help keeping up...
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    Sound Trouble on Step Blast

    Hi Everyone, Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this with the Step Blast DVD. The sound goes from normal to barely being heard and then back to normal throughout the entire Step Blast Routine. It is a bit irritating trying to keep up with Cathe when I can't hear half of what she...
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    2 things,does this happen to anyone else?

    Hello Everyone, Just wanted to share my experience. About a month ago I fell into a deep depression. Not sure why. I just felt miserable and nothing anyone said or did helped. But somewhere in my mind I knew that if I stopped exercising I would never come out of it. So some days I...
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    Anyone Else Having Trouble with the Workout Blender?

    But why would the Workout Blender work on the other DVDs and not on Step, Jump, and Pump? Is there something different about that one? Just curious. Mother of Six
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    New Words for Cathe's Intro

    Every time I hear Cathe's intro--"If this is the first time you are doing this video, it would benefit you greatly to watch it one time through before attempting it." or something like that. This is what I think Cathe is really saying to me: "If this is the first time you are doing this...
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    Anyone Else Having Trouble with the Workout Blender?

    Hello Everyone, I received my pre-order of the Body Blast series last Wednesday, December 10th. When I went to use the Workout Blender on Step, Jum, and Pump it would not work. Each time I pushed "start" the screen would return to my blue screen as if it had no DVD in it and my DVD player...