Sound Trouble on Step Blast


Hi Everyone,
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this with the Step Blast DVD. The sound goes from normal to barely being heard and then back to normal throughout the entire Step Blast Routine. It is a bit irritating trying to keep up with Cathe when I can't hear half of what she is saying. I did notice this DVD has a scratch or something that looks like a scratch on it. I cleaned it but it is still there. Anyone else having this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Mother of Six
The problem is solved thanks to the Cathe's great customer service. I emailed last night with the problem I was having and this morning with their help my DVDs sound perfect. I just needed to change an audio setting on my DVD player back to the default setting. Now I just need help keeping up with Cathe and all the new moves on the DVDs.
Mother of Six

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