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  1. J

    Sharing very sad news

    So sorry... for your loss. I think it's such a blessing that you were able to speak to your father in law and mother in law when you did. Indeed one of those wonderful intuitive situations. My deepest condolences to you and your whole family. Sincerely, Jackie R.
  2. J

    The question

    Wow! This reminds me of something happened to me and my running group 2 summers ago. (Where was this taken?) We were trail running, but happened to be on one of the service roads, and I did not have my glasses on. I was ahead of the group and saw, what I thought, a large stick laying across...
  3. J

    Any roadtrip coordinator...

    I'm on the August road trip and have not received any email other than confirmation from gocathe that I am registered. I've read where other emails about the road trips have been sent, so should I have received anything else? Thanks, Jackie Reynolds
  4. J

    Any RTers from Maryland going in August?

    YES! I am from Frederick MD. Where are you coming from? Jackie
  5. J

    Thought I'd share our good news!

    That's great..You should be soooo proud of your boys. It's a struggle for many parents to even get one son into a good college program. But to have both boys at such a great school....A real blessing! Congratulations!
  6. J

    Cathe, are you going to sell any incremental weight....

    products? Just curious if you will be adding products to your line that would allow people to adjust their weight increments, like platemates or weighted gloves. And, if so, will they be ready for purchase with STS? Thanks, Jackie
  7. J

    Equipment for STS?

    This topic has been moved by the moderator of this forum. It can be found at:
  8. J

    Equipment for STS?

    Will it use the slanted risers? Is it too early to ask what other equipment will be used for this series? This series sounds fabulous. I can't wait!
  9. J

    A blast from your past......

    Wow! Thanks for getting back to me. Brick bodies sounds like a name she was throwing around. I love both of the workouts you mentioned, but I think Step Blast just might be the ticket. But, she is a "higher intensity step" junkie. I'll have her check out both!! Thanks again
  10. J

    A blast from your past......

    I live in Frederick MD and have belonged to a gym for the past 2 years. I have taken the advanced step classes from 2 instructors consistently since I joined. I have also become good friends with both of them. This past Sunday I went out to coffee with the one instructor Patty and I happened...
  11. J

    Has anyone done the Baltimore Half Marathon

    Hi there, I did the Baltimore 1/2 last year. (I was training for the Marine Corps Marathon.) It was hard, but I didn't think the hills were unmanageable. (I live in Frederick MD and when I run most of the time it's very hilly.) It's fun and there is ALOT of support on the road from the...
  12. J

    Philly Marathon vs. DC Marathon

    I ran the Marine Corps this year in DC with a couple of friends. We live in Frederick Maryland and drove down on the day of the marathon at 6:00 a.m. and was able to find parking fairly easy. We ended up parking in a parking garage (for free!) where they bus you to the starting line. It was...
  13. J

    Help! I tried running and now I am limping...

    No! I don't think you're too old at all. I just completed a marathon 2 weeks ago after starting a running program in July and I'm a mom of 5 and 48 years old. Like you, I've been doing Cathe and gym class cardio workouts for over a year. One of the instructors told me I should run with the...
  14. J

    fears taking over....

    Count me in as another fearful flyer. I bought a book on conquering the fear of flying, written by a pilot. He also encouraged people to go to their airport and ask if they have a class for the fearful flyer. They have simulators and pilots conducting the class to answer any questions that...
  15. J

    Multiple miscarriages

    Let me suggest a website that has a forum where women who have difficulty conceiving or keeping a pregnancy share info. It's Good luck! jackie
  16. J

    Cathe--concern about August rotation

    RE: Hey HB! Kathy, great minds think alike! I was thinking the same thing. Welcome back HB.
  17. J

    Road Trippers, where are you from?

    I'm from Frederick MD, which is about an hour from Washington DC.
  18. J

    MOMS> Your teenager is driving....

    Just wanted to add that our DMV USED to give new drivers a magnetized banner that said ROOKIE DRIVER in bold black lettering on a yellow background that you could place on the back or side of your vehicle. They discontinued it for an unknown reason. The clerks that work there said they were...
  19. J

    What I admire about DebbieH...

    As someone who has lurked more than post for the past 6 years, I agree with everyone. You have got to be the most positive, upbeat, kind person on this forum. Even when things haven't been going well for you (injuries), you handle things with such grace. Take care and have a wonderful...
  20. J

    MOMS> Your teenager is driving....

    I am so with you on this. My daughter turned 18 and has had her permit for a year and a half. I've managed to drive about 8 hours total. In MD, they take a drivers ed. class which gives them 8 of the 40 hours of driving they need to get their license. But the parents need to provide the 32...