Has anyone done the Baltimore Half Marathon


I am debating on wheather or not to do the Balto. half Oct 13th. I have heard some horror stories aobut the hills of this paticular half. My goal is to do a full marathon in March and I would hate for those hills to mess my knees up. Has anyone ever ran this particular race and if so can you give me the inside scoop. Thanks

Hi there,

I did the Baltimore 1/2 last year. (I was training for the Marine Corps Marathon.) It was hard, but I didn't think the hills were unmanageable. (I live in Frederick MD and when I run most of the time it's very hilly.) It's fun and there is ALOT of support on the road from the community. I say do it as a training run and not worry about time and then you can really enjoy it. I'm probably going to do it, even though I've trained very little for it, because my running buddies are and it is so much fun.
I dont' live to far outside of Balto. maybe 45 min. However I have never done this race. Thanks for the info on it. I love knowing about the crowd support. I'm running this with two other women so at least if we can't run the hill we can walk it. LOL

I ran the half last year as well. The hills were a challenge, but not totally undoable. The full marathon is supposed to be 1 hill away from being another Boston. The previous poster is right. The community support is awesome. I really really enjoyed this race. I would do it again this year, but I am running the Disneyland Half on Labor Day instead.

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