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  1. M

    burning calories

    There are several calorie calculators online to get an estimate - The most accurate ones should take into consideration your sex, age, height and weight. Try this one:
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    Barbell Newbie - why does it hurt?

    When you get used to it, you will really prefer your barbell over your dumbbells for squats. I hated the way the dumbbells dug into my shoulders and was uncomfortable holding them up. When you find the comfortable position across your upper back for your barbell, you won't even need the pad...
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    Barbell Newbie - why does it hurt?

    I was also going to mention the added weight of the barbell - You need to place the bar across your trapezius muscles, avoiding the spine. You probably feel a discomfort in your elbows, not exactly pain? I had this problem and have heard of other women with the same problem when they...
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    Tell me if I was wrong

    lesliemarie - I am so sorry you are going through this. I was a rebellious teenager and know I caused my parents heartache. I agree about keeping the lines of communication open and let her know EXPLICITLY that you will always be there for her and love her. But, since she is 18 and...
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    If you DO decide on getting supplements, look on the bottle and call the manufacturer - it will usually say "sold and distributed by _______", so call and ask for the manufacturer. Then, ask the manufacturer if the products are created there or if it is outsourced. Buy only from...
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    Help! I'm so hungry!

    > >Thermodynamics, or the calories in/calories out ratio is >understood by me, I promise. I was merely stating that I >don't bother TRACKING my daily calories because I don't need >to. I lift weights, squeeze in cardio 2-3 times per week and >simply eat right, at the right time so I don't...
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    Help! I'm so hungry!

    You know, I go through cycles. I do really well eating "clean" and then a special occasion or the holidays roll around, I start eating sweets/pastries (my weakness) and I'll eat junk for a while, get sick of it, eat clean again until another special occasion/holiday. How do you NOT give in...
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    Maybe someone can help- confused b/w HIIT and interval training

    If you can already run 10-11 minutes at 8 or 9 mph, then you cannot do HIIT on your treadmill, even at level 10. For true HIIT, you should be going as hard as you can, working anaerobically, where you are panting for breath. For most people who are not athletes, you can go anaerobic for...
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    Help! I'm so hungry!

    > >I agree 100% that calorie counting is superfluous to weight >loss. > >You have to be conscious of what you eat and eat the right >things to lose any weight, feel satisfied and build lean >muscle mass (as well as lifting heavy of course). It burns me >when I hear people say “well...
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    Why men are never depressed

    >That is hilarious! > >But here is something for us to think about - Men go bald. > >Anyone want to trade places? > I would LOVE to be bald. I would shave my head in a minute if it was socially acceptable for women to have shaved heads. Yes, I have bad hair days on most days. This...
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    Please help - want a divorce

    As a woman who grew up with a verbally abusive father, let me assure you that verbal abuse is just as bad (if not worse) than physical. Physical scars heal. Emotional scarring - not so much. My two brothers and I are still, as adults in our 40s, reeling and coping with the verbal abuse...
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    Dogs questions

    As someone who just got a puppy 3 months ago (seems like 3 years!) they are TONS of work. Actually, one the reasons I switched careers is because our family really wanted a dog. My new job schedule is a lot more accommodating for a puppy. This puppy has really changed the way we live our...
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    Lady Footl Lcker Sale

    I ALWAYS replace the inserts that come with the shoe with the thicker inserts.
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    Educated dog owners/vets - Hip dysplasia ?

    Carola - I was so happy to read that your story had a happy ending! Tuxedo is one lucky boy!
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    Diet advice for an aggressive exerciser with no weight loose results.

    Kinda tough to say with the info you've given. Are you sedentary all day excluding your 1 or 1.5 hour of exercise? How tall are you? How long have you been on this plateau? Were you ever losing? I also ask if you are indeed eating 2,000 calories? I just started calorie counting a...
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    Dog owners - alternative to pee pee pads

    I see no reason why this couldn't be used outside. It's made of plastic. The company is in the UK, and I emailed a question and the owner actually called me personally to respond. I really hope this takes off in the US. I just hated using those pee pee pads, but the newspaper wasn't...
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    Dog owners - alternative to pee pee pads

    If you have a smaller dog and use pee pee pads or your dog eliminates inside your home/apartment, you should check out this alternative: I think it's a great, environmentally-conscious alternative. I haven't received mine yet, but will post if anyone is interested.
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    >>Hi Allison, >> >>I edited my post above, but I'd read that they don't lose >>their "hybrid vigor" until about the 4th and subsequent >>generation. > >Ah ha! Interesting... > > Might I add that your labradoodle is, quite possibly the >cutest thing I've ever seen in my life...
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    I am offended

    > >"all black people are called African Americans" >Not true, I call my friends by their name, they prefer that. >One friend said he was born in Oklahoman not Africa, so you >can call him a "Oklahoman American". "Okie" is ok too.... LOL!!!!
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    Personal Question

    I will be 42 this July and I had some spotting last year. Now, I get all the anticipated PMS, but no period. I didn't even think to worry - I haven't had a check up in over 2 years. I'll be calling my doc tomorrow, but I think I'm going through some "changes."