Search results

  1. workingToBeFit

    3x a week full body workouts?

    I have done this type of rotation a lot, in fact it's what I usually do and am doing right now! I like it a lot. I tend to use either Cathe's endurance workouts that you mentioned for this, or one of Jari's get ripped series. I also like a weekly 6 day plan with 3 cardio (machine, step...
  2. workingToBeFit

    Really Oily skin

    I have had really good results following advice from the "Skin Type Solution" book by Dr. Leslie Baumann, and by joining the online skin forum for that and getting help from those folks as well, some of whom are really experienced with skin problem solving. Also have used "Paula's Choice"...
  3. workingToBeFit

    What's your favorite healthy cookbook?

    Looks like I am the only one here so far who really loves the South Beach Diet cookbooks. I swear by them. The food actually tastes very good and a lot of it is pretty spicy and generally flavorful. I have the clean eating books and got the clean eating magazine for a year, but the recipes in...
  4. workingToBeFit

    Plantar Fasciitis and Cute Shoes- Is it possible?

    Yes definitely! The best thing is to make sure the heel height is in the neighborhood of 1 to 1 1/2 inches, if you plan to wear something all day. Kitten heels work great for me. I can't remember where I first read that, but it has worked well in my case. The heel being higher than the toe...
  5. workingToBeFit

    4DS or CTX

    I have both and use CTX quite a bit more. The kickbox on CTX is one of my favorites of all time - love the arm drills in particular. I also like the four ab segments, which are all a good (short) length to tack on to another workout. Leaner Legs is on CTX and is one of my favorite lower body...
  6. workingToBeFit

    How often do you get a massage?

    bump! bump! I am curious about this too. I get a massage about once a month. My therapist is able to stretch some things in ways that I can't do on my own. Also he can tell me if muscles are tight, when I haven't even consciously realized it yet. This seems helpful. Plus I just read that...
  7. workingToBeFit

    poll: which are the 2 best stretch DVDs?

    Re the stretching, I have both Total Body Stretching and Stretch Max, and love both of them. I use both often (and have had them a couple of years) but I use TBS more. Since the routines on TBS are 13 minutes, and on SM they are about 20 minutes, I find it easier to fit in TBS on more days. I...
  8. workingToBeFit

    Elliptical Machine recommendations

    We bought an elliptical by Vision Fitness a few years ago. It is no doubt the best fitness investment I have ever made, and I've been working out for 30 years :-) My husband and I both use it regularly. Anyway it was in the $2500 range instead of the $5000-$6000 range of the Precors and...
  9. workingToBeFit

    Barbara Boxer

    P.S. did she show respect? I also would add, how did she show respect for him? In the TV video I saw (and I'm sure they edited it), she never called him Sir, or Brig., General, or by name, or by *anything* at all - she just asked him questions without ever recognizing his personhood or...
  10. workingToBeFit

    Barbara Boxer

    this was not disrespect! I'd like to agree and add to what Baylian wrote, as a family member with several career Air Force relatives, that the Brig. General absolutely was NOT disrespecting her. He was following standard military terms of respect. I was taught that for the Air Force, one...
  11. workingToBeFit

    Article: 56 Year Old Fitness Pro Wendy Ida

    Wow, thank you for posting this. What an inspiration. I am 52 and this will put a smile on my face during tomorrow's workout (and beyond :-))
  12. workingToBeFit

    I'm thinking of Chalean Extreme - opinions?

    OMG, me too, and I already ordered another series yesterday - Power 90 Masters series - and now you have all created a craving for CLX :-) I'd better chop up the VISA card before it's too late.
  13. workingToBeFit

    thoughts on Beachbody's "Total Body Solution"

    This link you sent "Shoulder Shape Up" - looks really good - thanks for sending the info - I will add it to my "to buy" list (how come that list keeps getting longer - never shorter???)
  14. workingToBeFit


    Latest edition is 2006 version - has been updated to reflect new medical information, especially on hormonal replacement research and bioidentical hormones.
  15. workingToBeFit


    I'm 52 - read several books on this topic - and found the one that I got the most out of was Northrup's "The Wisdom of Menopause." It's worth the money, and not only answers your questions, but provides a lot of insights I've never seen anywhere else as well. So I second or third it as a...
  16. workingToBeFit

    thoughts on Beachbody's "Total Body Solution"

    p.s on rehabbing videos "Fitness Fix" Replying to my own post - well I've never done that before! Anyway I wanted to add, for those who are interested in rehabbing type videos, there is another series on the market called "Fitness Fix." I also tried the intermediate DVD for this. I was not...
  17. workingToBeFit

    thoughts on Beachbody's "Total Body Solution"

    I just got this video and did the whole thing, once, today. I am really impressed with it. I plan to stick with it as recommended by Beachbody, for 30 days, every other day. I will write another comment in about 30 days with my long term results. This is a video for "rehabbing" parts of the...
  18. workingToBeFit

    correct rehab exercises for recovering athletes

    I plan to start a thread shortly about total body solutions - I have done all of the workouts on it and want to write some thoughts on it - but I'll do it in the Open Discussion forum - it doesn't really fit in here.
  19. workingToBeFit

    Let's talk Green Tea

    I love coffee and drink about two cups a day - black, strong and caffeineated. I don't add anything to either coffee or tea. I have had some success drinking white decaf tea. But green and actually black as well, typically bother me a lot.